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Garrett Hardin’S Lifeboat Ethics: A Critical Analysis

Lesson: Hardin - Lifeboat Ethics - Youtube

What is Hardin’s thesis in Lifeboat Ethics?

Lifeboat ethics is a metaphor for resource distribution proposed by the ecologist Garrett Hardin in two articles published in 1974, building on his earlier 1968 article detailing “The tragedy of the commons”. Hardin’s 1974 metaphor describes a lifeboat bearing fifty people with room for ten more.

What was the original purpose of Lifeboat Ethics?

Thinking of nations as lifeboats, Hardin believed, would better illuminate pressing ethical issues, not least among them those of population control, aid to poverty-stricken or disaster-stricken nations, and ecological responsibility.

What is the thesis statement of lifeboats ethics?

Garrett Hardin argues for a very harsh thesis: we simply should not provide aid to people in poor countries. His argument is consequentialist: he claims that the net result of doing so would be negative — would in fact be courting large-scale disaster.

What is Hardin’s lifeboats analogy?

The conservative view is epitomized by Hardin, who argues for ‘lifeboat ethics.” Metaphorically, each rich nation is a lifeboat full of rich people. In the ocean outside each lifeboat float the poor of the world, who would like to climb aboard.

What is Hardin’s theory of lifeboats ethics?

Garrett Hardin’s argument for lifeboat ethics implies that we should conserve the environment even if it requires sacrificing the lives of current people (see section 2).

What is the message of Lifeboat Ethics?

Garrett Hardin Lifeboat Ethics Summary In the metaphor, rich countries have seats on the boat (resources) and poor countries are in the water (without resources). Hardin suggests that when rich countries help the poor they worsen situation by unsustainably stretching out finite resources to the point of collapse.

What is Hardin’s lifeboat ethics How is it related to his view of famine relief?

Basically, Hardin says, if we help the poor, soon we will ALL be poor. The problem of starvation and overpopulation would just get worse until the poor have eventually depleted everything. This is the nature of any animal. Hardin likens the Earth to a lifeboat—we simply cannot let everyone on, or it will sink.

What is the theme of lifeboat?

A story of a handful of people inhabiting a lifeboat after a German submarine sinks the merchant ship they were on during the Second World War, Lifeboat is clearly an allegorical portrayal of the Allied forces and a cinematic expression of their need to unite, forget their differences and stop jumping on each other’s …

What is the summary of living on a lifeboat by Garrett Hardin?

Garrett Hardin in his Article “Living on a Lifeboat” explains that rich nations should not do anything for the poor nations, and that the rich live on a lifeboat while the poor dies drowning in the water. He asks, what should we do if the boat is almost full and we can’t bring everyone on board?

What is the lifeboat ethics summary?

In Garrett Hardin’s “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor”, Hardin argues about “a world that must solve real and pressing problems of overpopulation, hunger and moral duty.” Hardin sets the stage by first giving his analysis on the structure of the world today by describing the earth as a lifeboat rather …

What is the argument in the lifeboats ethics the case against helping the poor?

Answer & Explanation. In “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor,” Garrett Hardin argues that wealthy nations should not help poor nations if their population cannot be controlled.

What is Hardin’s approach to the moral issues of hunger and poverty is essentially?

Garrett Hardin argues that the affluent should not aid the poor and starving people of the world because doing so will only lead to disaster for everyone, rich and poor. Hardin maintains that, ultimately, we must aid the people of desperately poor, overpopulated countries.

What was Hardin’s main message?

Hardin argued that if individuals relied on themselves alone, and not on the relationship between society and man, then people will treat other people as resources, which would lead to the world population growing and for the process to continue.

What is the metaphor of lifeboat ethics?

Metaphorically each rich nation can be seen as a lifeboat full of comparatively rich people. In the ocean outside each lifeboat swim the poor of the world, who would like to get in, or at least to share some of the wealth.

What is Hardin’s lesson?

Lesson Summary In 1968, biologist Garrett Hardin proposed the theory called The Tragedy of the Commons, in which he argued that finite resources, like forests, fisheries, clean air, and clean water used in common will inevitably decline into ruin so long as their use is unregulated.

What does Hardin mean that morality is system sensitive?

Hardin’s view of morality in The Tragedy of the Commons is that it is “system sensitive,” meaning that what is considered moral or immoral depends on the specific circumstances.

What did Garrett Hardin believe was the main problem in solving environmental problems?

In his essay, Hardin argued that the main difficulty in solving environmental problems is the conflict between the short-term interests of individuals and the long-term welfare of society.

What is the ethical dilemma of the overcrowded lifeboats?

The ethical issue here is whether some people should be killed trying to save others. Possible Solutions to the Case • The primary solution to the case is that the captain should allow everyone to remain on board so that no one dies at the expense of another’s life.

What is lifeboat explanation?

A lifeboat or liferaft is a small, rigid or inflatable boat carried for emergency evacuation in the event of a disaster aboard a ship. Lifeboat drills are required by law on larger commercial ships. Rafts (liferafts) are also used. In the military, a lifeboat may double as a whaleboat, dinghy, or gig.

What is the lifeboat ethics in business?

In business, when things seem to be sinking, people will go into a similar Lifeboat Ethics mode, what is known as “every man for himself.” This mentality is driven by thoughts of individual survival, where any sense of teamwork goes out the window.

What is the theme of the ethics?

The basic themes that make up the discipline of ethics are morality and virtue. These themes help us differentiate our views on what is right and wrong as well as what is good or bad.

What is lifeboat ethics by Garrett Hardin about?

The author argues that wealthier states should not provide financial and food aid to poor countries, neither should they let in huge numbers of immigrants from the developing world, as it will result in planet overpopulation and exhaustion of the main resources.

What is the main point the author makes in lifeboat ethics?

In “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor” the author states that poor countries represent a burden to the planet in terms of use of resources and to other countries due to the economic and active help they send to poorer countries, the author explains that if richer countries stopped helping poorer ones, …

What is Garrett Hardin’s central idea in the tragedy of the commons?

First posited in 1968 by American ecologist Garret Hardin, the Tragedy of the Commons describes a situation where shared environmental resources are overused and exploited, and eventually depleted, posing risks to everyone involved.

What does The Lifeboat symbolize?

Lesson Summary The lifeboat symbolizes a safe haven and hope for Pi as he tries to survive. It also symbolizes the journey Pi takes as a person, growing in strength and intelligence. The ocean that surrounds the lifeboat symbolizes life and the challenges we all face on our journey.

What does The Lifeboat metaphor mean?

In the spaceship metaphor, the earth is described as being enclosed and all of the people share resources equally with each other. On the other hand, in the lifeboat metaphor a lifeboat represents different countries, the wealthy people survive on the lifeboat, whilst the poor are in the ocean struggling to survive.

What was the purpose of The Lifeboat game?

The purpose of the Lifeboat Activity was to show that the survivors chosen, were chosen because of their labels. Likewise, many of the people not chosen to survive, were not chosen because of their labels.

What is the main point the author makes in Lifeboat Ethics?

In “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor” the author states that poor countries represent a burden to the planet in terms of use of resources and to other countries due to the economic and active help they send to poorer countries, the author explains that if richer countries stopped helping poorer ones, …

What is Hardin’s Lifeboat Ethics How is it related to his view of famine relief?

Basically, Hardin says, if we help the poor, soon we will ALL be poor. The problem of starvation and overpopulation would just get worse until the poor have eventually depleted everything. This is the nature of any animal. Hardin likens the Earth to a lifeboat—we simply cannot let everyone on, or it will sink.

What is the lifeboat exercise ethics?

There’s an interesting exercise in ethics I’ve taught commonly called Lifeboat Ethics, based on true stories where people on a sinking ship have to decide who should get a spot on a lifeboat and who should go down with the ship and face—at best—extreme uncertainty of whether or not they’ll survive; most likely, they …

What is a thesis statement in ethics?

A thesis statement is a sentence, within an introduction, that asserts your position on a given topic. It is the central claim that you will be arguing for in your paper.

What is Lifeboat ethics?

Lifeboat ethics is a metaphor for resource distribution proposed by the ecologist Garrett Hardin in two articles published in 1974, building on his earlier 1968 article detailing “The tragedy of the commons “. Hardin’s 1974 metaphor describes a lifeboat bearing fifty people with room for ten more.

Are Lifeboat ethics a defense of murder?

A British court, in the ruling of R v Dudley and Stephens, ruled that necessity is not a defense of murder. Hardin uses lifeboat ethics to question policies such as foreign aid, immigration, and food banks.

Does a guilt-ridden person change the ethics of a lifeboat?

This may solve the problem of the guilt-ridden person’s conscience, but it does not change the ethics of the lifeboat. The needy person to whom the guilt-ridden person yields his place will not himself feel guilty about his good luck. If he did, he would not climb aboard.

How does Hardin compare the lifeboat metaphor to the Spaceship Earth model?

Hardin compared the lifeboat metaphor to the Spaceship Earth model of resource distribution, which he criticizes by asserting that a spaceship would be directed by a single leader which the Earth lacks. Hardin asserts that the spaceship model leads to the tragedy of the commons.
Garrett Hardin’s Lifeboat Ethics: A Controversial Analysis of Resource Scarcity

We’ve all heard the phrase “survival of the fittest” – it’s a common way to describe the harsh realities of nature. But what happens when we apply this concept to humans, particularly in the context of limited resources? That’s where Garrett Hardin’s lifeboat ethics comes in.

Hardin’s essay, published in 1974, is a stark, even shocking, analysis of the challenges facing a world with finite resources and a rapidly growing population. Imagine a lifeboat, with a limited carrying capacity, representing the Earth’s resources. Now, imagine the boat is already full of people, and there are more people outside desperately wanting to get in. Do you let them in, risking the boat’s stability and potentially everyone’s lives? Or do you keep the boat as it is, even if it means leaving others to perish?

This thought experiment, as grim as it may sound, is the core of Hardin’s argument. He believed that allowing unlimited access to resources would ultimately lead to the collapse of the entire system, a concept he referred to as the “tragedy of the commons”.

Hardin’s Lifeboat Ethics: Key Principles

Hardin’s essay outlines several key principles that underpin his lifeboat ethics:

Finite Resources: The Earth’s resources are finite, and we cannot endlessly expand our population without exceeding the carrying capacity.
Survival of the Fittest: Hardin argued that in a resource-scarce world, the most “fit” societies, those best able to manage their resources and maintain their populations, will survive.
Tragedy of the Commons: This is the idea that when a resource is open to everyone, individuals are motivated to exploit it for their own gain, leading to depletion and ultimately collapse.
The Need for Strict Control: To prevent the tragedy of the commons, Hardin advocated for strict control of resources and population growth.

The Controversy:

Hardin’s lifeboat ethics generated a lot of controversy. His arguments were perceived as advocating for a form of “eco-fascism”, prioritizing the survival of some at the expense of others. Critics argued that his approach was both ethically and practically flawed, suggesting that it ignored the potential for global cooperation and equitable resource distribution.

The Importance of Critical Analysis:

While Hardin’s lifeboat ethics is a controversial topic, it’s important to critically analyze his arguments. While his perspective may seem harsh, his ideas have sparked important debates about resource scarcity, population growth, and the challenges of a sustainable future.


Q: What is the “tragedy of the commons”?

A: The tragedy of the commons is a situation where individuals acting in their own self-interest deplete a shared resource, even if it’s ultimately detrimental to the long-term health of the resource and the community. Imagine a pasture shared by multiple farmers. Each farmer wants to maximize their own profit by grazing as many animals as possible. However, this leads to overgrazing, degrading the pasture, and eventually harming everyone’s interests.

Q: What are the main criticisms of Hardin’s lifeboat ethics?

A: Hardin’s arguments were widely criticized for their perceived “ethnocentrism” and “xenophobia”. Critics argued that Hardin’s analysis unfairly prioritized the needs of wealthy nations and ignored the historical context of global inequality and exploitation.

Q: Is Hardin’s lifeboat ethics still relevant today?

A: While Hardin’s lifeboat ethics may seem outdated, it’s still relevant in the context of climate change and resource scarcity. As the world faces unprecedented challenges, the need for a sustainable and equitable approach to resource management is more important than ever.

Q: What are some alternative perspectives on resource scarcity and population growth?

A: Many scholars have offered alternative perspectives on resource scarcity and population growth. Some argue that technological advancements and innovation can help overcome resource constraints. Others focus on the importance of equitable resource distribution and social justice.

The Importance of Ongoing Dialogue:

Hardin’s lifeboat ethics, while controversial, has sparked vital discussions about our relationship with the environment and our responsibilities to each other. It’s important to engage in ongoing dialogue, explore different perspectives, and work towards solutions that prioritize sustainability and justice for all.

Key Terms

Lifeboat Ethics
Garrett Hardin
Tragedy of the Commons

Entity-Attribute-Value (EVA)

Entity: Garrett Hardin
Attribute: Theory
Value: Lifeboat Ethics

Entity: Lifeboat Ethics
Attribute: Concept
Value: Resource scarcity, population growth, survival of the fittest

Entity-Relation-Entity (ERE)

Entity: Garrett Hardin
Relation: Developed
Entity: Lifeboat Ethics

Entity: Lifeboat Ethics
Relation: Criticized for
Entity: Eco-fascism

Semantic Triples (Subject, Predicate, Object)

Subject: Garrett Hardin
Predicate: Proposed
Object: Lifeboat Ethics

Subject: Lifeboat Ethics
Predicate: Addresses
Object: Resource scarcity

Subject: Lifeboat Ethics
Predicate: Is
Object: A controversial concept


While Hardin’s lifeboat ethics presents a stark and often uncomfortable perspective, it serves as a crucial reminder of the challenges we face in a world with limited resources. Engaging with his arguments, even if we disagree, can help us develop more informed and sustainable solutions for the future.

See more here: What Was The Original Purpose Of Lifeboat Ethics? | Garrett Hardin Lifeboat Ethics Analysis

Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor

Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor. by Garrett Hardin, Psychology Today, September 1974. Environmentalists use the metaphor of the earth as a

An Ethical Analysis of Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against

In his article for Psychology Today titled “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor”, Garrett Hardin argues against feeding the hungry (who Medium

Lifeboat Ethics | SpringerLink

Although the idea dates back at least as far as the eighteenth century, the term “lifeboat ethics” denotes a position first proposed by influential Texan ecologist Garrett Hardin Springer

Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor Garrett Hardin

Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor. Garrett Hardin. Environmentalists use the metaphor of the earth as a “spaceship” in trying to. persuade countries, American University

Fall 2001 T S C Living on a Lifeboat – Garrett Hardin Society

Garrett Hardin, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Human Ecology in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His latest book is The The Garrett Hardin Society

LIFEBOAT ETHICS – Brandeis University

Garrett Hardin is a leading neoconservative intellectual who in his widely published and debated writings attacks the traditional humanitarian views of the “guilt-ridden,” Brandeis Users’ Home Pages

Doing Well by Doing Good: Garrett Hardin’s “Lifeboat Ethic”

speech. But it is Garrett Hardin who has most fully developed the case for a deliberate abandonment of poor countries. In “Living on a Lifeboat,” an article which appeared in


Hardin’s lifeboat metaphor is ideal for illustrating the consequences of individuals leaving (emigrate from) a sinking or badly overcrowded lifeboat to board (immigrate to) a lifeboat

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Garrett Hardin, Ph.D., was Professor of Biology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, when this essay was published by Soundings, 59:120-137, Spring 1976, at The Garrett Hardin Society

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