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Move Comp-3 To Alphanumeric In Cobol: A Comprehensive Guide

Cobol: How To Move Comp-3 To Numeric – Srinimf

Can comp-3 be converted to numeric?

Comp-3 is numeric only. The contents are stored in floating point form. You can not store alphabets in a comp-3 field. If you want to convert it to other display forms, it can be done by moving the contents to a display type field.

Can we move packed decimal to alphanumeric in COBOL?

The rules of (Standard) COBOL only allow an INTEGER numeric field to be moved to an alphanumeric receiving item.

What is comp-3 with values in COBOL?

Explanation: For a comp-3 packed field specifies the number of digits after unpacking. The actual number of bytes occupied in the file is about half of that bytes. To calculate the number of bytes, we have to add 1 (for sign) to the total number of digits, then need to divide it by 2, and round up.

Can we move alphanumeric to numeric in COBOL?

It is universally legal in COBOL to move PIC X data to PIC 9 fields provided the PIC X field contains only digits. Most COBOL compilers only look at the lower 4 bits of a PIC 9 field when determining its numeric value. An exception is the least significant digit where the sign, or lack of one, is stored.

What is comp COMP1 COMP2 COMP3 in COBOL?

COMP1: will store data in 4 bytes, floating point form and result the rounded value. COMP2 : will store the data in 8 bytes, in Hexadecimal form and results more precise value. COMP3 : It is a packed decimal usage and which occupies one digit/ half byte of the storage space.

How do you convert character to numeric data type?

Using as. numeric() function in R is your go-to for converting character data into numeric form. This transformation is crucial for subsequent data analysis tasks that require numerical input.

Is alphanumeric in COBOL syntax?

COBOL supports variables which are either alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric.

Can we move low values to numeric field in COBOL?

You can’t MOVE LOW-VALUES TO a-binary-field. If you change it to MOVE ZERO it will compile and your field will get zero in it. Reason is, LOW-VALUES is a COBOL Figurative Constant relating to the collating sequence used in your program.

Which is better comp or comp3?

COMP gives speedier execution for number-crunching operations due to coordinate double control. COMP-3 may have slower execution for number juggling operations due to decimal changes.

What is the comp-3 in DB2?

Let’s take the value 40,404 as an example. In DB2 the COMP-3 field will be x’40404F’ which is alpha ‘ |’ (2 spaces and a logical nor). After conversion of the alpha characters to ASCII, the COMP-3 value will be x’20207C’, or 20,207. Another example: -40,406 becomes 20,205.

What is the maximum size of COBOL Comp-3?

S9(9)V99 comp-3 can hold values in the range of +999,999,999.99 to -999,999,999.99. Each 2 digits takes up 1 byte of a packed decimal, with the sign taking up the high-order nybble.

Can we move packed decimal to numeric in COBOL?

This document describes how packed decimal values (Computational-3) can be converted to numeric values via File Master using COBOL copybooks. The only method to get this done is to use a File Master Reformat data set, aka. REFFILE. (“11 REFORMAT Convert file from one record layout to another”).

Can digits be alphanumeric?

Alphanumeric characters refers to the 26-letter Latin alphabet, the numerical digits from 0-9, and sometimes special characters including @, #, and *. These characters are often used in passwords to information systems or in filenames.

How do you convert alphabet to number in COBOL?

functions convert character strings (alphanumeric or national literals, or class alphanumeric or class national data items) to numbers. Use these functions to convert free-format character-representation numbers to numeric form so that you can process them numerically.

What is comp-3?

A COBOL COMP-3 is a packed decimal field. The last byte is the sign field. The value x’C’ represents a positive value, the value x’D’ represents a negative value, and the value x’F’ represents an unsigned value. A COMP-3 field has a specific number of digits and an implied decimal point.

What is comp 4 in COBOL?

comp-4 is fixed-point binary data with 15-bit precision, word-aligned, and stored in two bytes. The scaling factor is zero. Values are stored in two’s complement form. For integer data, such as counters and switches that do not require values outside the range -32,768 to +32,767, use comp-4 data.

What is the difference between Comp and Comp-2 in COBOL?

In COMP-1 data will get stored in one word in the floating point form whereas in COMP-2 data will get stored or represented in two words of storage.

How do you convert a char to a numeric value?

The easiest way to convert a single character to the integer it represents is to subtract the value of ‘0’ . If we take ‘3’ (ASCII code 51) and subtract ‘0’ (ASCII code 48), we’ll be left with the integer 3 , which is what we want.

How do you convert categorical data to numeric?

You can either create a distinct category for missing values, assign them unique numerical values, or use imputation techniques. Imputation involves replacing missing values with the mode for nominal data or the median for ordinal data. For more advanced approaches, consider using machine learning algorithms.

Can we redefine alphanumeric to numeric in COBOL?

As said above, UNSTRINGing and combining didnt work, but REDEFINES works! Get alphanumeric string redefined into two numeric fields to hold and process decimal part and integer part individually. Atlast divide the decimal-total by 1000 and add it to integer-part. Thats it!

Is alphanumeric a datatype?

Describes various entry characteristics of each column. Each time you set this property, you describe the data type for the next column in the grid, starting with the first. Setting this property to spaces clears the previously specified data types.

Is character alphanumeric?

Alphanumeric, also referred to as alphameric, is a term that encompasses all of the letters and numerals in a given language set. In layouts designed for English language users, alphanumeric characters are those comprised of the combined set of the 26 alphabetic characters, A to Z, and the 10 Arabic numerals, 0 to 9.

How do you move high-values in COBOL?

High-values is the highest value in the “collating sequence” in your COBOL program. No value is higher. The default value for HIGH-VALUES is X’FF’. HIGH-VALUES is a figurative-constant, When you MOVE HIGH-VALUES TO somwhere, all receiving positions of somewhere will be filled with X’FF’.

How do you initialize a numeric field in COBOL?

The INITIALIZE statement sets data items or categories of data items to prescribed values. General Format: INITIALIZE { data-1 } … [ WITH FILLER ] [REPLACING {initialize_category} DATA BY identifier-1 }… ]

Is numeric left justified COBOL?

In COBOL DATA TYPE justification applies to Numeric data type, Alpha-numeric data type, and Alphabetic data type. Among which Numeric Data Type will come under right justified whereas Alphabetic/Alpha-Numeric data type will come under left justified.

How do you convert input value to numbers?

In JavaScript, you can turn an input value into a number using `Number()`, `parseInt()`, or `parseFloat()`. For instance, if your input is in a variable called `inputValue`, you can use `Number(inputValue)` for any number, `parseInt(inputValue)` for whole numbers, and `parseFloat(inputValue)` for decimals.

How do you convert to a number in Python 3?

Strings can be converted to numbers by using the int() and float() methods. If your string does not have decimal places, you’ll most likely want to convert it to an integer by using the int() method.

How to convert character number to numeric number in SAS?

To convert a character value to a number, you use the INPUT function with a specified informat, which indicates how you want SAS to read the number. The INPUT function looks like this: new_var = input(original_var, informat.); where informat is the name of the SAS informat used to interpret the value.

What is comp3?

A COBOL COMP-3 is a packed decimal field. The last byte is the sign field. The value x’C’ represents a positive value, the value x’D’ represents a negative value, and the value x’F’ represents an unsigned value. A COMP-3 field has a specific number of digits and an implied decimal point.

How do I move a comp-3 variable to alphanumeric?

You cannot move a COMP-3 variable to alphanumeric directly. It will not give a SOC7 error but will you give you a return code 12 stating that comp-3 and alphanumeric variables did not follow the move compatibility rule. 01 A1 PIC S9 (4) COMP-3 VALUE 1234. 01 A1-NUM PIC S9 (4) VALUE ZEROES. 01 B1 PIC X (4). MOVE A1 TO A1-NUM. MOVE A1-NUM TO B1.

How to define a comp-3 variable in COBOL program?

To define a COMP-3 variable in the COBOL program, we use the USAGE IS COMP-3 clause in the DATA DIVISION. For example – 01 WS-PDN PIC 9(5) USAGE IS COMP-3. In this example, WS-PDN is a variable that holds a five-digit decimal number in COMP-3 packed format. We can assign values to a COMP-3 variable like any other numeric variable in COBOL.

Is it possible to move comp-3 to alphanumeric field?

Lingareddy wrote: It is possible to move comp-3 to alphanumeric field.the conversion will be done by compiler automatically.But vice versa is not possible in that case beautiful SOC7 error will come. by mkk157 » Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:03 am

How to move the decimal portion of a number in comp-3?

So the comp-3 field of size 4 bytes can store an numeric digits of +999,9999 to -999,9999 digits. In case of the above question to move the decimal portion of the number need to define an variable which can store only the decimal portion and move the value to that field which would hold just the decimal portion.
Let’s dive into the fascinating world of MOVE COMP-3 to alphanumeric in COBOL. You might be wondering why we need to do this at all. Well, it comes down to how COBOL stores data.

Understanding COMP-3 and Alphanumeric Data

COMP-3, also known as packed decimal, is a super efficient way to store numeric data. Imagine a tiny safe that holds a lot of money. That’s COMP-3. It packs each digit into a single byte, saving valuable space in your computer’s memory.

On the other hand, alphanumeric data (often represented as PIC X in COBOL) is like a spacious warehouse – it can hold letters, numbers, and special characters. But it takes up more room than COMP-3 because each character gets its own individual space.

Why Convert COMP-3 to Alphanumeric?

So, why the need to move from COMP-3 to alphanumeric? Sometimes we need to display our numbers in a user-friendly format. For example, let’s say we have a program that calculates a customer’s balance. The balance is stored in COMP-3 for efficiency, but we want to show it on the screen as a friendly-looking decimal number with commas and a dollar sign. This is where the conversion comes in handy.

The MOVE Statement: Your Conversion Tool

The MOVE statement is our trusty sidekick in this conversion process. It acts like a data transporter, moving information from one location to another. Here’s how we use it:


We’re taking the value from `WS-COMP-3-AMOUNT` and moving it into `WS-ALPHANUMERIC-AMOUNT`.

The Catch: Implicit Conversion

COBOL is clever, it tries to help us by performing implicit conversion. This means that if we try to move a COMP-3 value to an alphanumeric variable, it will automatically try to convert it. But there’s a catch – it might not always be the conversion we want.

Imagine trying to fit a large shoe into a small box. It might squeeze in, but it won’t look pretty.

Explicit Conversion: Taking Control

To ensure a perfect fit and avoid any unpleasant surprises, we need to use explicit conversion with the INSPECT statement.

Here’s a typical example:


Let’s break it down. We first move the COMP-3 value to our alphanumeric variable, just like before. Then, using the `INSPECT` statement, we convert any spaces (`’ ‘`) to zeros (`’0’`) in our alphanumeric variable. This is important because spaces often get introduced during implicit conversion, making our data look messy.

Dealing with Decimal Points and Sign Bits

But what about decimal points and sign bits? COMP-3 stores those in a clever way, and we need to handle them properly. Here’s where the INSPECT statement comes in again. We can use it to add decimal points and sign characters as needed.


In this example, we replace ‘C’ (for negative) and ‘D’ (for positive) with the more familiar minus (-) and plus (+) signs. We can also strategically place decimal points using the `REPLACING` clause of the `INSPECT` statement.

Let’s Look at an Example

Let’s say we have a COMP-3 variable called `AMOUNT` with a value of `12345`. After the conversion, we want `AMOUNT` to display as `123.45` in our alphanumeric variable. Here’s the code:




In this code, the INSPECT statement replaces the fourth character of `WS-ALPHANUMERIC-AMOUNT` with a decimal point, achieving the desired output of `123.45`.

Debugging Tips

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. The conversion might result in unexpected results or errors. Here are some helpful tips:

Use DISPLAY statements: Place `DISPLAY` statements at strategic points in your code to check the values of your variables during conversion.
Check data lengths: Make sure your alphanumeric variable is big enough to hold the converted COMP-3 value, including any extra characters you might be adding.
Understand the sign bit: The sign bit can be tricky. Make sure you’re handling it correctly and not accidentally converting it to something unintended.


1. What are the best practices for converting COMP-3 to alphanumeric?
Always use explicit conversion with the `INSPECT` statement to ensure accurate results. Pay attention to data lengths and carefully handle sign bits and decimal points.

2. Why should I convert COMP-3 to alphanumeric?
The main reason is to display numeric data in a user-friendly format, making it easier for users to read and understand.

3. Can I use the `MOVE` statement directly without the `INSPECT` statement?
While COBOL allows implicit conversion, it’s not recommended. Using the `INSPECT` statement gives you better control and avoids potential errors.

4. How do I handle negative numbers?
In COMP-3, negative numbers are represented using a sign bit. You can use the `INSPECT` statement with the `REPLACING` clause to convert the sign bit to the appropriate sign character (like ‘-‘ for negative).

5. Can I convert alphanumeric to COMP-3?
Yes, you can convert from alphanumeric to COMP-3 using the `MOVE` statement, but be careful about data length and potential errors.

I hope this guide has shed light on moving COMP-3 to alphanumeric in COBOL. With a little practice and attention to detail, you’ll be a pro at handling these conversions in no time!

See more here: Can We Move Packed Decimal To Alphanumeric In Cobol? | Move Comp 3 To Alphanumeric In Cobol

file – In COBOL, how to convert sign comp-3 value to a readable

For sign, you may prefer using + symbol in the PIC clause of the edited field. + is printed if the value is positive and – is printed if the value is negative. In the example Stack Overflow

Move COMP-3 variable into Alphanumeric – IBM Mainframe

If I move COMP 3 Field to S9 Field and then S9 field to alphanumeric field what if i want to retain sign in my alphanumeric field for display purpose. For eg: If my IBM Mainframe Community


You cannot move a COMP-3 variable to alphanumeric directly. It will not give a SOC7 error but will you give you a return code 12 stating that comp-3 and Mainframes FORUMS

Moving S9(10)V99 COMP-3 to ALPHANUMERIC – IBM

My Objective is to move the amount which comes by default in S9(10)V99 COMP-3 to the Alphanumeric X(40) record length. If I move the variable directly, the IBM Mainframe Community

COMP-3 to Edited, Alpha Numeric Move – IBM Cobol – IBM

1. I want to move S9(15)V99 comp-3 to S9(15).99 , how can i do this in a better and efficient way. 2. I want to move S9(15)V99 comp-3 to S9(15)V99, on the IBM Mainframe Forum

COBOL COMP-3 | Packed-decimal

COMP-3 is applicable to the Numeric Data type. COMP-3 (or Packed Decimal or Packed Numeric) is a convenient way to represent decimal numbers in a compact binary-coded Mainframestechhelp

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Comp-3 fields are aligned on byte boundaries and a field is always an integer number of bytes. The nibble character is always the low LSD nibble (least GeeksForGeeks

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To ensure that there isn’t high-order truncation on the COMP field (which is what is happening), you need to compile your program using the TRUNC (BIN) compile

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MOVE statement is used to transfer data from the source data item to the target data item. It ensures that the transferred data is appropriately formatted based on the data types and

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