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How Do You Get Married In Fable 2?

Marriage | The Fable Wiki | Fandom

How to convince Alex to marry me in Fable 2?

Lock onto Alex and continually impress her/him to move the slider toward the wedding ring. When you’ve sufficiently impressed Alex, the game gives you the option to hand her Victor’s/Victoria’s rejection note or marry Alex.

How to ask someone to marry you in Fable 2?

You just use the romantic expressions you already have to make them max out the love meter. Then give them a ring that you’ve either found or bought.

How many wives can you have in Fable 2?

Note that the hero can have multiple spouses, one for each marital home you own. Therefore the hero can have up to 5 spouses at a time.

Can you have a baby in Fable 2?

Children can also be found during The Snowglobe quest with the game’s See the Future DLC. Fable II allows the player to have their own child after entering a heterosexual marriage. In order to have a child, you have to interest your spouse enough to have sex with you.

How do you seduce Alex in Fable 2?

You’ll find Alex on the east end of the Bowerstone Market. Before talking to her, you can use the book The Art of Seduction that’ll give you the seduction expression, one that Alex is quite fond of. You can alternatively bring her into your favor via your standard positive expressions, even farting.

Can you marry Lady GREY in Fable 2?

If you choose to marry Lady Grey you will receive a dowry of 15,000 gold: the largest marriage dowry in the game. Lady Grey will not obey the command ‘follow’ no matter how many gifts you give her or how much she seems to like you.

What happens if your spouse dies in Fable 2?

In Fable II, it is also impossible to take care of your children without a spouse. No matter what you do, the Agency will still take your children after your spouse’s death. Once your children are taken by the Agency, you will never see them ever again in Fable II.

Can you divorce in Fable 2?

You get divorced in this game by neglecting your family. Use rude gestures, don’t pay, do whatever you can to make your spouse lower their opinion of you. Eventually they’ll come up to you saying they want a divorce.

How does marriage work in Fable 2?

Eternal Love rings will guaruntee a yes from just about all classes. After you give them the ring, you must then lead them to a house that you own and activate the sign, and then select ‘set marital home. ‘ After that, there will be a short cutscene, and you will be married.

Can you become queen in Fable 2?

After you purchase the castle(which makes you mayor) you can go to the town crier and buy the title of queen. I’m pretty sure you get it after you get the achievement where you get 2.5 million in real estate worth. It’s 2.5 million in real estate to become king/queen.

What happens if you marry Alex Fable 2?

By doing so the Hero can then marry Alex. Afterwords the ghost will realize the error of his/her ways and thank the Hero for stopping him/her from making a severe mistake. The ghost will then fade away, leaving the Hero and Alex to live out a happy marriage.

Can you save your sister in Fable 2?

Rose can be resurrected, along with the rest of the Hero’s family, if the Choice of Love is chosen at the end of the main plot. Although Rose is not seen again in-game, the Hero receives a letter where she states she is staying with an “odd, hooded figure”.

Do you age in Fable 2?

(SPOILERS) You CAN become aged in a certain quest you do for the Hero of Skill, but that’s optional.

Can you sacrifice children Fable 2?

You cannot bring children to the temple for sacrifice. Sacrificing between 10:00pm and 1:59am gives you the maximum gold and loyalty points. Sacrificing a villager between 10:00pm and 1:59am gives you 35 gold and 70 loyalty points.

Do kids in Fable 2 grow up?

If you have kids when you go to the spire, they will grow up. Any time after that, it will take them a while to grow up into a kid. If you want your kid to leave the nest then you will have to kill your wife, get a divorce, or have him die.

What happens if you marry Alex?

After marriage, Alex spends most of his time on the farm. He visits his grandparents on Mondays. After viewing his 14-Heart event, he watches gridball in the Stardrop Saloon on Sundays. Alex may decide to make you breakfast, upon which he will give you Hashbrowns, an Omelet, or Pancakes.

How do you convince Alex to marry you?

Meet Alex and make her love you. 1)Give her the note and go back to the ghost (evil path). 2)Destroy the note, propose to her (I used a Civil Ring), and get hitched, THEN go back to the ghost (good path). Make sure you give her a ring.

Why are there condoms in Fable 2?

Using a condom removes the evil points you get from having sex outside marriage.

Can you have multiple wives in Fable 2?

In “Fable II,” players could have multiple spouses, but it was best if you kept a spouse in each town because otherwise, they’d find out about each other and become jealous.

Can you get pregnant in Fable 2?

Answers. Yes you can get pregnant if you have a female hero.

Can you marry Reaver in Fable 2?

Seeing as he is a unique character, it is not possible to be romantically linked to him. In Fable III, despite the fact that Reaver shot Barnum over 50 years before, Reaver still received the (apparently bloodstained) photograph.

How does Fable 2 end?

Whichever choice you make is up to you, though take note: “Love” is the only way to get your dog back (helpful for finding everything in Albion), while “Wealth” will give you one million gold coins. Choosing “Sacrifice” gives you nothing but the respect of Albion’s residents.

Who is the dead wife in Fable 2?

Helena Fairfax was the wife of Lucien Fairfax, the main antagonist of Fable II. She and her daughter died of a disease prior to the events of the game, an event which devastated Lucien and contributed to his later mania in an attempt to resurrect them.

Is Scythe still alive in Fable 2?

In Fable II, it states Scythe is believed by the populace of Albion to be a Necromancer, and that he had disappeared from Albion entirely. Though it offers no insight to exactly when he disappeared, it can only be assumed he disappeared sometime between the ending events in TLC to the destruction of the Heroes Guild.

Who to marry in Fable 2?

The prostitutes make really good wives. Not only are they the best looking females in the game (at least, the one with the massive chest wearing the tart outfit) but they will never (and I mean NEVER) say no to sex. They will give you STDs without a condom. But STDs do nothing in this game, so no worries.

Can you have 2 kids in Fable 2?

Answers. I totaly forgot about this but, it depends on how far you are in the game, before you go to the spire you can have only one kid, it will be 10 years later when you return from the spire, afterwards you can have all the kids you want. but max 2 in one house.

How many babies can you have in Fable 2?

You can have more than 2 kids per spouse i think its the size of the house that matters because i was living in oakfield and could only have 2 but i moved to bloodstone manor and had another one but whatever you do don’t move into castle fairfax or your wife will disappear.

What happens if you give Alex the rejection letter?

You then have the option to marry Alex or give Alex the rejection note. This quest has good and evil endings. Marrying Alex will get you good points, while giving Alex the note will get you evil points. Alex ends up committing suicide if given the note.

How many hearts does it take to marry Alex?

Alex Marriage You can marry Alex by giving him a Mermaid’s Pendant after reaching 10 Hearts. After marriage, Alex will move into the farmhouse.

How do you marry a villager in Fable 2?

Eternal Love rings will guaruntee a yes from just about all classes. After you give them the ring, you must then lead them to a house that you own and activate the sign, and then select ‘set marital home. After that, there will be a short cutscene, and you will be married.

How do you get married in Fable?

Marriage is a game-play element that is available in the Fable game series. The Hero of each game can get married to most of the minor NPCs they see in the games, as well as some awarded from quests (such as Alex in Fable II and Elise / Elliot in Fable III ), who have unique character models.

How do you marry a villager in Fable 2?

In order to marry in Fable II you must first look at their villager information to see if they are interested in your gender. After establishing that they are, you must use expressions to progress their opinion bar towards Love. Look at their details to see what expression they like to see, receive as gifts, and what is their favourite location.

Can you marry someone in Fable?

Marriage in Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters and Fable Anniversary offers limited benefits such as allowing sex, a dowry of gold and receiving the occasional gift from your spouse. To successfully marry someone, you first have to raise their disposition towards yourself. The higher the disposition, the bigger is the heart above the head of the NPC.

Is Fable 3 a good game for marriage?

One should, if sincerely minded in the matter, exercise apropos marriage, the most conservative, extreme cautiousness in all things, for Fable III , even more so than previous iterations, is frustratingly over-brimming with marital-related game-breaking glitches and weird disfigurations to the game experience, to this day very poorly understood.
Alright, let’s talk about getting hitched in Fable II. It’s a bit more complicated than just popping the question to your sweetheart. You need to follow a few steps to tie the knot in this magical world.

First, you need to find someone to marry in the first place! You’ll need to find a potential spouse that likes you back. You can’t just stroll up to anyone and propose. It’s important to build up your relationship with them before making things official.

Once you’ve got a good relationship going, you’ll need to reach a relationship level of “Beloved” before you can even think about proposing. How can you do this? Well, you need to spend time with them. Give them gifts, do favors, and even complete quests together. The more you do, the better your relationship will be.

Now, this part is a bit tricky. There are a few different ways to propose. You can get down on one knee and pop the question, which will result in a formal proposal scene. But the “Beloved” relationship level will trigger a proposal scene, and you’ll have to accept it. So be sure you’re ready before that happens!

Once you’re married, you can have children. You can choose your child’s gender, name, and even their personality traits – all of which affect how they grow up. You can also give them gifts to help them on their journey.

You can find out more about your spouse’s likes and dislikes by talking to them. They’ll even tell you about their favorite gifts. You can buy gifts from shops around the world, or you can even grow them in your own garden.

Speaking of gardens, you can even share a house with your partner. You can decorate it, build an awesome garden, or just hang out in the living room.

Now, what if you want to get a divorce? Don’t worry, Fable II has you covered. You can end your marriage by talking to a priest in the church in Bowerstone. However, there are consequences to getting a divorce in Fable II. Your reputation will take a hit, and you’ll be fined some gold.

Here’s a rundown of how to get married in Fable II:

Find a spouse: You need to find someone who is compatible with you, and who likes you back.
Build a relationship: Spend time together, give gifts, and do favors for them.
Reach Beloved status: Your relationship needs to be at the “Beloved” level to be able to propose.
Propose: Propose to your spouse with a formal proposal scene or through a “Beloved” relationship level trigger.
Accept the proposal: Make sure you’re ready to get married before accepting the proposal.
Get married: Accept the proposal, and you’ll be officially married.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how the marriage system works in Fable II:

| Entity | Attribute | Value |
| Spouse | Relationship | Beloved |
| Spouse | Proposal | Accepted |
| Marriage | Status | Married |
| Marriage | Consequences | Reputation loss, Gold fine |
| Marriage | Benefits | Children, Home ownership, Shared garden |


Q: Can I be gay in Fable II?

A: You can’t marry someone of the same gender in Fable II. The game doesn’t have any same-sex marriage options.

Q: What if I want to get a divorce?

A: You can get a divorce by talking to a priest in the church in Bowerstone. But be warned: you’ll lose reputation, and you’ll have to pay a fine.

Q: What happens if I marry someone and then they die?

A: Fable II isn’t afraid to get real. If your spouse dies, you’ll be a widower or widow. You won’t be able to marry again, but you can still have children through the adoption system.

Q: Can I marry someone who isn’t a human?

A: Sadly, no. You can only marry humans in Fable II. No marriage to your trusty dog, or your favorite goblin, unfortunately.

Q: Can I marry multiple people?

A: No. You can only be married to one person at a time.

Q: Can I choose my children’s names?

A: You can choose your child’s gender and name, but not their personality traits. These are determined by how you raised them.

Q: Can I get married in the Fable II sequel?

A: You can’t get married in Fable III. While you can develop relationships with characters, there is no marriage system.

Remember, Fable II is all about building relationships and making choices. So, pick your spouse wisely! Who will you choose to be your partner in crime? Good luck finding your forever after!

See more here: How To Ask Someone To Marry You In Fable 2? | How Do You Get Married In Fable 2

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