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Isosbestic Point Of Bromocresol Green: Understanding The Spectrophotometric Significance

What is the isosbestic point of BCG?

BCG’s acid and basic forms display an isosbestic point in their UV-Vis spectrum, around 515 nm [68,76].

What is the endpoint of bromocresol green?

The endpoint or second equivalence point occurs at a pH of around 3.7. At this pH, bromcresol green can be used as an indicator because it changes color around the pH of the endpoint. When the endpoint pH is reached, the bromcresol green changes color from yellow to blue.

What is the extinction coefficient of bromocresol green?

In… cm-1. The extinction coefficient for BCG (deprotonated form) at 616 nm is 3.6 x 104 M-1 cm-1.

For which titration is bromocresol green the best choice?

During a titration between a strong base and a weak acid, the equivalence point is reached when all of the weak acid has reacted with the strong base. At this point, the solution becomes basic. Bromocresol green is ideal for this titration because it changes color in the pH range where the equivalence point occurs.

What is the visible wavelength isosbestic point for bromocresol green?

The acid and basic form of this dye have an isosbestic point in their spectra, around 515 nm.

What does isosbestic point indicate?

In spectroscopy, an isosbestic point is a specific wavelength, wavenumber or frequency at which the total absorbance of a sample does not change during a chemical reaction or a physical change of the sample. The word derives from two Greek words: “iso”, meaning “equal”, and “sbestos”, meaning “extinguishable”.

What is the range of bromocresol green?

Bromocresol green (BCG) (3′, 3”, 5′, 5”-tetrabromo-m-cresolsulfonphthalein) (Fig. 1b) is a sulfonphthalein dye, with a transition range of pH 3.8 to 5.4. In the acidic form, it appears yellow, and in the basic form, it is blue. It is used as a pH indicator and as a tracking dye for DNA agarose gel electrophoresis.

How do you titrate with bromocresol green?

Add 4 drops of 0.1% bromocresol green indicator and titrate with the HCl solution until the blue color of the indicator becomes blue green. Warm the solution gently and swirl the flask to expel the CO2. Cool and continue to titrate by the addition of fractional drops until the solution becomes yellow.

What is bromocresol green indicator for?

Bromo Cresol Green Indicator is recommended as a pH indicator in growth medium for microorganisms. Bromo Cresol green (BCG) is a dye of the triphenylmethane family (triarylmethane dyes). It becomes yellow at acidic pH level (pH 3.8) and Blue-green at from pH 5.4.

What does bromocresol green measure?

The most common use of bromocresol green is to measure serum albumin concentration within mammalian blood samples in possible cases of kidney failure and liver disease. In chemistry, bromocresol green is used in Thin-layer chromatography staining solutions to visualize acidic compounds.

What are the advantages of bromocresol green?

Bromocresol green has advantages for protein detection, including speed, simplicity, and adaptability to automated systems of analysis.

What is the maximum absorbance of bromocresol green?

Bromocresol green at pH 10 shows a maximum absorbance at 612 nm. The absorbance of the solution increases with concentration. The dependence of absorbance on concentration is shown for solutions of bromocresol green dissolved in 0.01 M sodium acetate.”)

What is the bromocresol green method used to estimate?

The BCG (Bromocresol Green) albumin assay kit is designed to measure albumin directly without any pretreatment of samples, such as serum, plasma, urine, and biological preparations. The optimized formulation substantially reduces interference by other substances (lipids/other proteins) in the raw samples.

What is the difference between bromocresol green and bromocresol purple?

The bromocresol green (BCG) assay is commonly used for measuring albumin (ALB), but is affected by α1– and α2-globulins, which are elevated in systemic inflammation. The modified bromocresol purple (mBCP) assay is another dye-binding method developed to overcome non-specific reactions.

What is the pH change of bromocresol green?

Bromocresol green is a pH indicator that is yellow below pH 3.8 and blue over pH 5.4. Between pH 3.8 and 5.4 it is green.

What is the isosbestic point of fluorescence?

It is shown that, when there is an overlap between the monomer and excimer spectra, an isosbestic point will be observed in the fluorescence spectra recorded within a certain range of temperature if the rate parameters for the nonradiative relaxation of the monomer and excimer are independent of temperature over that …

What is the isosbestic point of bromocresol purple?

As can be seen from the figure, the absorbance difference is positive from 600 to 650 nm with a maximum at 615 nm and negative from 500 to 600 nm with a minimum around 584 nm. The isosbestic point was found at 600 nm, which suggested the presence of two species (free and bound BCP) in the incubation mixture.

Does the absorbance at the isosbestic point depend on indicator concentration or pH?

independent of pH. This is called an isosbestic point and results from the both forms of the indicator (HIn and In-) having the same molar absorptivity at this wavelength.

What is the isosbestic point of bromophenol blue?

The isosbestic point, at 490 nm present in the absorption spectra confirms the existence of an equilibrium between acid and basic forms in the Bromophenol blue samples (Sedjil et al., 1998).

Which statement is true of an isosbestic point?

Expert-Verified Answer The statement is true of an isosbestic point is it is a point on the absorption spectra where the two species will have the same molar absorptivity.

What is the isosbestic point of HPLC?

Isosbestic point is the specific wavelength at which two compounds have the same molar absorptivities or the point which can correlate with a specific wavelength, where an absorption spectra of the two compounds can cross with each other (Fig.

What does it mean when bromocresol green turns blue?

For example, a solution containing bromocresol green is yellow when the pH is less than 2.9 and blue when the pH is greater than 5.6; between a pH of 2.9 and a pH of 5.6, the solution changes from yellow to blue passing through shades of yellow-green, green, and blue-green.

Is bromocresol green a good indicator?

Bromocresol green is a useful acidity indicator due to its specific properties: Chemical: It changes color based on pH, yellow below 3.8 and blue above 5.4. Physical: It shifts to a yellow form in the presence of acidic compounds due to the lower pH.

How do you make 1% bromocresol green indicator?

1 Bromocresol Green Indicator So&on -0.4 g/l:Warm 0.1 g of bromo- cresol green with 2.9 ml of 0’05 N sodium hydroxide solution and 5 ml of rectified spirit; after solution is effected, add 50 ml of rectified spirit and dilute to 250 ml with water.

What is the transition interval of bromocresol green?

Visual transition interval: pH 3.8 (yellow) – 5.4 (blue). Also used as a tracking dye for DNA agarose gel electrophoresis.

How is indicator bromocresol green being used to determine the equivalence point of the titration?

In the context of a titration, an indicator like bromocresol green is used to signal the equivalence point of the reaction by changing color. The equivalence point occurs when the number of moles of the titrant added from the buret is equal to the number of moles of the substance being titrated in the conical flask.

What are the points of the BCG matrix?

BCG Matrix – Key Terminologies The horizontal axis of this matrix represents relative market share, while the vertical axis represents the market growth rate. The four cells of this matrix are designated stars, cash cows, question marks, and dogs.

What is unique about BCG?

While working in teams is common across consulting firms, BCG is known for an especially collaborative culture. BCG works with clients at all levels, not only with executives, and co-locates with clients and within teams to encourage increased co-creation.

What are the core values of BCG?

BCG values guide all that we do. We encourage our people to act with integrity, respect individuality, and make ethical decisions. We’re proud that, when surveyed in 2022, 97% of our employees felt personally responsible for maintaining our values.

What is the solvent in BCG vaccine?

Each pack of BCG Vaccine AJV contains powder and solvent for injection. The powder vial consists of a white, crystalline powder. The solvent vial has a colourless solution without any visible particles. Mycobacterium bovis (BCG), Danish strain 1331, 2-8 x 105 cfu (colony forming units).

What is bromocresol green?

… Bromocresol green ( BCG) is a dye of the triphenylmethane family ( triarylmethane dye s). It belongs to a class of dyes called sulfonephthaleins. It is used as a pH indicator in applications such as growth mediums for microorganisms and titrations.

Does bromocresol ionize?

In aqueous solution, bromocresol green will ionize to give the monoanionic form (yellow), that further deprotonates at higher pH to give the dianionic form (blue), which is stabilized by resonance : The acid dissociation constant (p Ka) of this reaction is 4.8.

What is the isosbestic point in UV-visible spectrum?

The acid and basic forms of this dye have an isosbestic point in their UV-Visible spectrum, around 515 nm, indicate that the two forms interconvert directly without forming any other substance.

Does adsorption improve the decolorization of bromocresol green?

This study highlights the benefits of optimizing the decolorization of bromocresol green (a colorant/pH indicator widely used in the industry, whose degradation produces toxic byproducts) by adsorption on active carbon.
Isosbestic Point of Bromocresol Green

So, you’re interested in the isosbestic point of bromocresol green, huh? Let’s dive in and explore this fascinating concept!

What is an Isosbestic Point?

Imagine you’re working in a lab, and you’ve got a solution of bromocresol green – a beautiful green dye that’s used in all sorts of experiments. You’re watching it change color as you add acid or base. The color is shifting, but there’s one specific point where the absorbance remains constant – this is the isosbestic point.

An isosbestic point, in simpler terms, is a wavelength where the absorbance of two different species is the same. It’s like a magic spot on the spectrum where the two species have the same “ability” to absorb light.

Why is the Isosbestic Point Important?

The isosbestic point is a pretty big deal for scientists. Think of it like a fingerprint or a unique signature of the chemical reaction happening. Here’s why it’s so crucial:

Verification of a Pure Reaction: It’s a way to check if only two species are involved in the reaction. If you’re seeing a consistent isosbestic point as the reaction progresses, you can be confident that the transformation is happening between those two species.
Quantitative Analysis: You can use the isosbestic point to figure out the concentration of one species knowing the concentration of the other. It’s a bit like using one piece of the puzzle to figure out the whole picture.

The Isosbestic Point of Bromocresol Green

Let’s get back to our friend bromocresol green. It’s a pH indicator – a molecule that changes color depending on the acidity or alkalinity of its environment. In an acidic solution, bromocresol green is yellow, and as we add base, it turns blue.

The isosbestic point for bromocresol green is around 470 nm. At this wavelength, whether the dye is in its yellow acidic form or its blue alkaline form, the absorbance stays the same. It’s like a meeting point where both forms of the dye behave identically in terms of light absorption.

How to Determine the Isosbestic Point Experimentally

Determining the isosbestic point is pretty straightforward. You can do it with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer – a fancy device that measures the amount of light absorbed by a solution at different wavelengths.

Here’s how you can go about it:

1. Prepare solutions: Prepare a series of solutions of bromocresol green at different pH values. This can be done by adding acid or base, or using buffer solutions.
2. Run the spectra: Use the UV-Vis spectrophotometer to get the absorbance spectra of each solution.
3. Analyze the data: Look for a wavelength where the absorbance is the same for all the solutions. That wavelength is your isosbestic point.

What can we learn from the Isosbestic Point?

So, what can we learn from this isosbestic point?

Confirmation of the Reaction: We can be sure that the color change we’re observing is due to the transformation between the two forms of bromocresol green – the yellow acidic form and the blue alkaline form.
Monitoring the Reaction: We can use the isosbestic point to monitor the progress of the reaction. The absorbance at this point will remain constant, even as the concentration of each form changes.


#Q: Can I find the isosbestic point of any molecule?

A: Not necessarily. The existence of an isosbestic point depends on the specific chemical reaction and the involved species. It’s not a universal characteristic of all molecules.

#Q: How accurate is the isosbestic point method?

A: The isosbestic point method is quite reliable, especially when dealing with simple, well-defined reactions. However, you need to make sure that the experimental conditions are well-controlled and that the reaction is proceeding smoothly without any side reactions.

#Q: Is there a way to predict the isosbestic point without running the experiment?

A: While there are some theoretical methods to predict the isosbestic point, they are often complex and require a detailed understanding of the electronic structure of the molecules involved. In practice, it’s usually simpler to determine the isosbestic point experimentally.


The isosbestic point is a fascinating concept that helps scientists understand chemical reactions more deeply. For bromocresol green, this special wavelength is a powerful tool for verifying its transformations, monitoring its reactions, and ensuring the accuracy of our experiments. It’s a reminder that the world of chemistry is full of hidden wonders waiting to be discovered!

See more here: What Is The Endpoint Of Bromocresol Green? | Isosbestic Point Of Bromocresol Green

UV-vis spectrum of BCG, [dye] o = 6 10-5 M ,influence

BCG’s acid and basic forms display an isosbestic point in their UV-Vis spectrum, around 515 nm [68, 76]. Zaggout [76] and Fassi et al. [68] show that at acidic and natural pH, the most intense … ResearchGate

Bromocresol Green | C21H14Br4O5S | ChemSpider

Bromocresol Green. Molecular Formula C 21 H 14 Br 4 O 5 S; Average mass 698.014 Da; Monoisotopic mass 693.729492 Da; ChemSpider ID 6209 ChemSpider


The acid and basic form of this dye have an isosbestic point in their spectra, around 515 nm.

Bromocresol Green | ACS Reagent Chemicals

This monograph for Bromocresol Green provides, in addition to common physical constants, a general description including typical appearance, applications, ACS Publications

Scheme 2: Chemical structure of bromocresol green

The presence of fine isosbestic points at around 315 and 490 nm indicated the presence of acid-base equilibrium, with possible different structures [22], Fig. 3. ResearchGate

Isosbestic point | Detailed Pedia

In spectroscopy, an isosbestic point is a specific wavelength, wavenumber or frequency at which the total absorbance of a sample does not change during a chemical reaction or a Detailed Pedia

(PDF) Degradation of “bromocresol green” by direct

The results are well represented in figure (2) where we observe an isosbestic point. In this point the basic and acid form have the same unit absorbance and wavelength ( 515 nm). ResearchGate

Bromocresol Green

Product Specification. Appearance (Color): Cream or yellow to brown. Form: Powder. UV spectrophotometry: (lambda-max @ pH 5.4) : 530-600. Comment: Suitable for use as an

See more new information:

Bromocresol Green Indicator Preparation | How To Make Bromocresol Green Indicator

Bromocresol Green Indicator Solution 0.04% (W/V) – Preparation

Iso-Bestic Point/ Iso-Absorptive Point

Spectroscopy. The Isosbestic Point

Lab Demo – Demonstration Of The Color/Ph Range Of Bromocresol Green

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