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Plot Of On The Sidewalk Bleeding: A Tragedy Unfolds

On The Sidewalk Bleeding By Scott Locke On Prezi

What is the main idea of On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

The main theme of the story “On The Sidewalk Bleeding” is identity. Andy is frustrated at everyone for not giving him a chance of how people identify him. He wants to die known as just Andy, not a member gang of the ‘Royals’.

What is the major conflict in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

The short story, “On the Sidewalk Bleeding,” contains three major conflicts: man vs. man, man vs. nature, and man vs. himself.

What is the point of view in the story On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

This story is told from a third person omniscient narration, which is where the narrator is omniscient, or God-like, in that they can go in and out of the character’s thoughts and describe everything in a scene.

What’s the climax of On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

On The Sidewalk Bleeding – Plot Map – Coggle Diagram Rising Action: When the drunk guy approaches Andy and they interact, until the moment Freddie and Angela appear. Climax: When Freddie and Angela argue and have an ethical crisis on whether they help or not Andy, mainly due to their allegiances.

What is the plot of On the Sidewalk Bleeding by Evan Hunter?

The plot of “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” is that a boy has been stabbed and he is left bleeding in the rain. As he slowly dies, he thinks about his life and the things he regrets. A few people come and go, but no one helps him. He takes off his jacket because he realises it was the reason he was stabbed.

What is the irony in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

The irony here is that the cop embraces precisely the same disposition to Andy as the opponent gangster who wounded him. The Guardian who killed Andy saw the purple coat decorated with “THE ROYALS” and that was all he had to know. He was unable to have thought often less about the genuine, live person wearing it.

What does Andy’s jacket symbolize?

Quick answer: In “On the Sidewalk Bleeding,” the jacket is important to the story because it shows Andy’s membership of the Royals. It was this jacket that got him killed by a rival gang, the Guardians, and that defines his identity for those who see him dying and the cop who finds him dead.

Why does Andy remove his jacket?

Andy removes his jacket upon realizing that it serves as a symbol of his association with the gang and a potential catalyst for his demise. His intention is to face death as Andy, divorcing himself from the label of being a royal. He desires to be perceived as an individual, rejecting the confines of stereotypes.

What is central conflict in plot?

A central conflict and climax refers to a story’s inciting incident, its central conflict that advances the plot’s points, and how the story’s climax is resolved. Here, the central conflict is defined as when a main character’s strongest desire is met by an equally strong internal or external obstacle.

What is the protagonist of On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

On the Sidewalk Bleeding is a short story by an American author Ed McBain, also known as Evan Hunter. The story was first published in Manhunt magazine in 1956. Its protagonist, a sixteen-year-old boy named Andy, bleeds to death on the sidewalk after being stabbed below the ribs by a member of a rival gang.

What is the suspense in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

The suspense is created when the main character is stabbed, we wonder throughout the story if Andy will survive. What is the introduction of the story? Andy goes to get cigarettes and gets stabbed in an alley by a member of a rival gang.

What is the theme of the story identity in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

In the short story “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter, the protagonist, Andy, demonstrates the theme don’t let labels define you. This theme is demonstrated when Andy is stabbed in the alley, once Andy starts trying to get help, and when Andy takes his jacket off.

Who is Andy’s girlfriend in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

Laura is an important person in Andy’s life, but she only joins the story in person at the very end. She is Andy’s girlfriend. The minor characters are a drunk man, Freddie and Angela, and old woman and the cop.

Why does he leave On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

On the sidewalk bleeding 1 where has Andy been? Andy had just come from a dance. 2 Why does he leave? Andy leaves to buy a pack of cigarettes.

Why is Andy regretful in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

Initially, despite the profusely bleeding wound, Andy does not realize that he is dying. However, once it occurs to him that no help is on the way and that he will likely die in the alley, he begins to regret his decision to join the gang.

What is the climax in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

The climax occurred after Freddie refused to help Andy. Andy was thinking if he was ever going to see Laura again. He realized that he was dying only because he was a Royal. He tried taking off the jacket even if it was the last thing he did because he wanted to be known as an individual.

What is the point of On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

The theme of this story is that you should never judge someone by what they look like, how they dress, or their age. The police officer makes this mistake when he examines Andy. He sees Andy’s jacket and instantly assumes the worst of the boy, even when Laura tries to convince him otherwise.

What is the conflict in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

This story has three types of conflicts; person vs. self, person vs. person and person vs. society.

Why did Andy join the Royals in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

Andy had joined the gang “Royals” because he wanted to feel important, he wanted to feel cool, popular, and he wanted to have meaning in his life. He also mentioned the happiness he had felt when the Royals had taken him. He wanted to feel a sense of pride and he thought that joining a gang would fulfill that.

At what point does Andy realize he is dying?

Andy realizes he is dying when a couple walks into the alley then he denies it because he doesn’t want to die.

What is the pathetic fallacy in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

Pathetic Fallacy- the use of the setting to foreshadow the conclusion of the story. This literary device is shown when it is raining. It foreshadows the bad things to come.

What is the foreshadowing in the story On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

Foreshadowing – When he begins to think of Laura and wonders if he will see her again, then she is the one who tries the most to help him. Personification – “tears jumped into his eyes” and we all know that tears can’t jump.

What is an example of personification in the sidewalk bleeding?

Personification (giving non human things human qualities): The rain ‘was beating’ the rain ‘chilled him’ the rain ‘drilling his jacket. ‘a world that was rushing past at the end of the alley.

Why is it important for Andy to take off his jacket before he dies?

Andy takes off his jacket for two reasons. First, he wants to die as Andy (an individual), rather than as a generic member of a violent gang. Second, Andy believes that the jacket is the reason his life has been forfeit.

Why is the jacket so important to the story On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

Andy was stabbed because he was wearing a purple jacket with the word royals on the back. The royals are a gang, their rivals are called the guardians. The author showed a few symbols in the story, but the main one is Andy’s jacket. The jacket is the main symbol because without it there would be no story. …

What is important about the rain On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

In “On the Sidewalk Bleeding,” rain is important for two reasons. First, because it helps to cool down Andy’s body as he lies dying in the alleyway. And second, because he first joined his gang around the time when he remembers watching people running from the rain through his girlfriend’s window.

What happened to Andy in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

However, there is one main theme, which is the importance of self-identity. In the story, Andy, a member of the Royals gang, is stabbed by a rival gang, the Guardians and left on the sidewalk to die.

What is the main idea of where the sidewalk ends?

‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’ by Shel Silverstein speaks on the important theme of growing up. The poet discusses the differences between the adult world and the mind of a child. Shel Silverstein is best known as an author of children’s poetry.

What is Laura’s point of view in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

Most of the story is told from Andy’s point of view, but with a third person narrator. The end of the story is simply third person, but we share Laura’s point of view at that point. We see Andy’s thoughts as he lies dying, but we know that he is dying before he does. This makes us feel sorry for him.

What is the theme of identity in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

In the short story “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter, the protagonist, Andy, demonstrates the theme don’t let labels define you. This theme is demonstrated when Andy is stabbed in the alley, once Andy starts trying to get help, and when Andy takes his jacket off.

What did Andy learn in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

From this, we learn that it is important to be ourselves and not have labels define you we are. It also teaches us that we have to be careful of labels and not to associate with bad influences such as gangs, because they are what people will see you as. Instead, we must avoid labels and develop our own character.

Who wrote on the sidewalk bleeding?

”On the Sidewalk Bleeding” is a 1956 short story by American author Evan Hunter (born Salvatore Albert Lombino). The story was first published in Manhunt magazine and tells the tale of a sixteen-year-old boy who lies on a sidewalk bleeding to death after being set upon and stabbed by a rival gang.

What is on the sidewalk bleeding about?

On The Sidewalk Bleeding is a short story by Evan Hunter that tells the tragic tale of a young man named Andy who is stabbed and left to die on the sidewalk. The story explores themes of identity, the impact of societal labels, and the consequences of gang violence.

What is on the sidewalk bleeding by Evan Hunter about?

On the Sidewalk Bleeding by Evan Hunter (pen name Ed McBain) is a short story that focuses on a boy of sixteen, Andy, who has been stabbed in the streets on his way to buy a pack of cigarettes.

What is the conflict in ‘on the sidewalk bleeding’?

“On the Sidewalk Bleeding” has two different kinds of conflict. First, there is a man vs. man conflict. In the beginning of the story, Andy is stabbed by a rival gang called the Guardians who, during the stabbing, say “This is for you, Royal!” These two gangs stand for different things and hold different territory.
Okay, so you want to know about the plot of *On the Sidewalk Bleeding*, right? It’s a pretty intense story, and I’ll try to break it down for you.

The story starts off with Andy, our main character, getting stabbed. We know he’s been in a fight, and we know it wasn’t a fair fight. It’s pretty clear that Andy’s a tough guy, though, and he’s determined to get back to his apartment.

Andy’s Perspective

We get inside Andy’s head and see the world through his eyes. He’s a teenager, and he’s dealing with a lot of internal conflict. He’s got a reputation for being tough, but he also feels trapped by his own image. He’s trying to find his place in the world, and he’s struggling to figure out who he really is. He’s got this weird, conflicted relationship with the neighborhood tough guy, “The Angel,” who basically rules the area.

The Angel

The Angel is a fascinating character. He’s got a reputation for being a real tough guy, and he has this whole mystique around him. We see him through Andy’s eyes, and we get the sense that The Angel is kind of a leader in the neighborhood. He’s got this charisma and this kind of “wild” vibe, and he’s trying to get Andy to join his gang.

The Gang

The Angel’s gang is pretty rough. They’re all about power and violence. They’re really just trying to get respect in their neighborhood and control the area.

The Fight

Now, this is where things get really messy. We find out that Andy actually fought The Angel, which is pretty insane considering The Angel’s reputation. We get the feeling Andy was trying to prove something to himself, maybe to The Angel, and maybe to himself. He wanted to be seen as someone who could stand up to The Angel, but the fight ends badly, and Andy gets stabbed.

The Fight’s Aftermath

After the fight, Andy tries to make his way home, but he’s losing a lot of blood. He’s clearly hurt, but he’s still trying to hold it together. He stumbles across this girl named “Laura” who’s kind of the neighborhood outcast.


Laura’s really lonely. She’s been ostracized by the rest of the neighborhood. We see that she’s not really accepted by the others, and she seems to have this kind of desperation in her. She’s kind of out of place and almost like a ghost in the neighborhood.

Laura and Andy

Laura notices that Andy is hurt and tries to help him. But she’s kind of in over her head, and her attempts to help Andy backfire a bit. They get into a fight, and things get even more chaotic. Andy’s whole world is spinning, and he’s starting to lose it.

The End

The story ends with Andy on the sidewalk, bleeding out. It’s a really grim ending. The Angel shows up and tries to take Andy’s “territory,” and he basically forces Laura to leave.


The book really explores themes like “violence,” “friendship,” “loyalty,” and “identity.” It’s about how people react to violence and how they try to find meaning in their lives. It also explores the challenges of being a teenager in a tough neighborhood.


Why does Andy fight The Angel?

Andy wants to prove himself to The Angel and everyone else in the neighborhood. He wants to be seen as tough and powerful.

Why does Laura try to help Andy?

Laura is lonely and wants to connect with someone. She sees Andy as someone who needs help, and she wants to make a difference.

What is the significance of the title, “On the Sidewalk Bleeding?”

The title is a metaphor for Andy’s life. He’s bleeding out on the sidewalk, both literally and figuratively. He’s lost in a world of violence and pain.

What are the major conflicts in the story?

The major conflicts include Andy’s internal struggle with his identity, the conflict between The Angel and his gang, and the conflict between Andy and Laura.

What is the author’s message?

The author seems to be saying that violence is a destructive force, and that it can lead to pain and suffering. He also seems to be saying that it’s important to find meaning in life, even when things are tough.

How does the setting impact the story?

The setting of the story is a poor, violent neighborhood. This setting creates an atmosphere of danger and despair. It also highlights the challenges that Andy and Laura face in their lives.

Let me know if you have any more questions!

See more here: What Is The Major Conflict In On The Sidewalk Bleeding? | Plot Of On The Sidewalk Bleeding

On The Sidewalk Bleeding – Plot Map – Coggle Diagram

Plot Exposition: Andy is presented in the story, right after being stabbed. Rising Action: When the drunk guy approaches Andy and they interact, until the moment Freddie and Angela appear. Coggle

On the Sidewalk Bleeding | Summary & Analysis – Litbug

On the Sidewalk Bleeding by Evan Hunter (pen name Ed McBain) is a short story that focuses on a boy of sixteen, Andy, who has been stabbed in the streets on Litbug

“On the Sidewalk, Bleeding”: Analysis & Theme – SchoolWorkHelper

The theme of the story “On the Sidewalk, Bleeding” is identity. Andy is angry at everyone for not giving him a chance because of how people identify him. All anyone sees him as SchoolWorkHelper


ON THE SIDEWALK BLEEDING by Evan Hunter. The boy lay on the sidewalk bleeding in the rain. He was sixteen years old, and he wore a bright purple jacket and the lettering

On The Sidewalk Bleeding Analysis – GradesFixer

On The Sidewalk Bleeding is a short story by Evan Hunter that tells the tragic tale of a young man named Andy who is stabbed and left to die on the sidewalk. GradesFixer

On the Sidewalk Bleeding by Evan Hunter | Summary & Themes

”On the Sidewalk Bleeding” is a 1956 short story by American author Evan Hunter (born Salvatore Albert Lombino). The story was first published in Manhunt

On the Sidewalk Bleeding – Wikipedia

Its protagonist, a sixteen-year-old boy named Andy, bleeds to death on the sidewalk after being stabbed below the ribs by a member of a rival gang. The story is commonly used Wikipedia

Video: On the Sidewalk Bleeding by Evan Hunter –

”On the Sidewalk Bleeding” focuses on Andy, as he lays on the sidewalk bleeding out after being stabbed by a rival gang member simply for wearing his

On The Sidewalk Bleeding

In this short story, Evan Hunter, author of The Blackboard Jungle, tells of the aloneness, the agony of a sixteen-year-old boy who discovers the true meaning of life in the

On the Sidewalk Bleeding by Evan Hunter

Plot Chart: Rising Action. meets a drunk person, the man is so drunk he doesn’t understand how serious the situation is and he leaves Andy on the street. A young

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Link to this article: plot of on the sidewalk bleeding.

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