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Curtail M Application Rate For Lawns | How Do You Mix Curtail M For Lawns?

8 Liter Curtail M – Cb Lawn Care

How do you mix curtail m for lawns?

For best results, liquid fertilizer should not exceed 50% of the total spray volume. Premix Curtail with water and add to the liquid fertilizer/water mixture while agitating contents of the spray tank. Apply the spray the same day it is prepared while maintaining continuous agitation.

What is the application rate for curtail M?

Application: Low rate of 0.6 L/acre controls small weeds and lighter infestations. High rate of 0.8 L/acre controls larger weeds and heavier infestations.

What is the ratio of curtail to water?

2 to 3% is normally plenty. For the math; 128 ounces in a gallon X 2 or 3% equals the amount of product per gallon of water. For spot spraying, spray to wet the plant.

What is the herbicide application rate?

Depending on the glyphosate product, this means that use rates could range from 20 fluid ounces to 32 fluid ounces per acre. Most RoundupTM brand products are used at 22 fluid ounces per acre, while most generic glyphosate products are used at 32 fluid ounces per acre.

What is the ratio of herbicide to water?

Dilute herbicide in water (1 part herbicide to 1 to 2 parts water) and agitate before adding to the fertilizer solution. If possible, add the water and herbicide to the tank first, and then add the liquid fertilizer.

How to use 4 in 1 lawn treatment?

Apply when the weather is fair, the soil moist, the grass dry and frost free. Your lawn will become a richer colour. You will see the moss blacken as it dies (any blackening of the grass is only temporary). Scarify (rake) vigorously after 2 weeks to remove dead moss; the grass will then re-establish.

What is curtail M used for?

Curtail® M herbicide translocates to the roots of stubborn perennial weeds, providing outstanding control of Canada thistle. In addition, Curtail M also controls many annual broadleaf species, such as wild mustard, wild buckwheat, pigweed, lambsquarters, volunteer sunflower and more.

Can curtail m freeze?

Curtail M Store above 10F or warm and agitate before use. Cyclone (both formulations) Store at temperatures above 32F. Ded-Weed SULV Keep from freezing. Do not store near other herbicides, fertilizers, insecticides, fungi- cides, or near seeds.

What are the grazing restrictions for curtail herbicide?

The Curtail (active ingredients clopyralid and 2,4-D) label found online (which might be different from your specific label) states “Do not graze lactating dairy cattle in treated areas for 14 days after application”.

How to use curtail?

It curtailed his sporting career and he grew fat. By all means take some action to curtail offensive activity. Illness and injury have curtailed his international ambitions. Since then, my career has been curtailed by injury.

What is clopyralid herbicide?

Clopyralid is an auxin-mimic type herbicide. It is more selective (kills a more limited range of plants) than some other auxin-mimic herbicides like picloram, triclopyr, or 2,4-D.

How much herbicide per litre?

Bayer Roundup Herbicide 1 Liter @ 480/- Only (Glyphosate 41% SL) Buy Now!!

How do I calculate my sprayer application rate?

First, find the acres each tank will spray: 300 gallons per tank/15 GPA = 20 acres / tank. Next, calculate the number of pints to be added to the tank: 20 acres/tank X 2 pints/acre = 40 pints/tank.

Can you apply too much herbicide?

Apply the right amount of herbicide: If you apply too little herbicide, the product won’t work, and weeds will soon sprout in that area. Applying too much herbicide can harm the grass and other vegetation surrounding the weeds and can cause issues later on when you go to reseed that area.

How much curtail per gallon of water?

Subject: RE: How Much Curtail in a 1 gallon hand sprayer? Regardless of the herbicide I always put a couple ounces (2%) of whatever in a gallon of water.

How to calculate herbicide rate?

Divide the pounds per acre of active ingredient by its concentration in the product. If 3 pounds of active ingredient are needed per acre, and the product is an 80 percent powder, then divide 3 by 0.80 to get 3.75 pounds, the amount of powder needed per acre.

What is the dilution rate for herbicides?

To mix herbicide, add one-third to one-half of water needed for mix , then add the amount of herbicide denoted in chart and add the remaining amount of water needed to reach desired mix amount. Read the label for information on necessity and rates for additives, such as surfactants and penetrants.

How to apply liquid herbicide to lawn?

When spraying, keep the nozzle close to the ground. If only a few areas in the lawn have broadleaf weed problems, spot treat these areas rather than spraying the entire lawn. Apply just enough material to wet the leaf surfaces.

How to use 3 in 1 lawn treatment?

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: When to use: Use Doff® 3 in I Lawn Feed, Weed & Mosskiller 3 days after and 4 days before mowing on a still day. Apply when lawns are actively growing and soil is moist. Do not use in drought, freezing conditions or when rain is imminent.

How to mix simple lawn solutions?

With Simple Lawn Solutions Fertilizers, three ounces of product combines well with one gallon of water, so if you set your dial to three ounces, you will have to cover a lot of ground in 30 seconds! If you are using our Liquid Soil Loosener then set your dial to 1 ounce.

How do you mix curtail M?

Add half the required amount of water to the spray tank, then add with agitation the required amount of Curtail M Herbicide and the tank-mix partner if applicable. Add the balance of the water and continue to agitate while spraying.

Can you spray curtail on grass?

It can be applied on permanent grass pastures, fallow croplands and broadleaf weeds found in wheat and barley that do not have legume seeded underneath. Do not spray into bodies of water that contain wildlife, as it is hazardous to fish. It is not recommended for use on turfs or lawns.

What is the application rate for curtail herbicide?

Directions for Use Curtail* herbicide is normally recommended at application rates of from 2 to 2 2/3 pints per acre for control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, including Canada thistle.

What kills thistles permanently?

Glyphosate (marketed as Round-up and many other brands) can be applied to Canada thistle plants at or beyond the bud stage. An herbicide containing a 40% or higher concentration of glyphosate should be used, and it should be mixed to a 2% product spray solution.

How to stop thistles from growing?

Apply herbicides to kill thistle, especially in spring and fall, before thistles can flower and seed. Use glyphosate for your garden, and use a broad-leaf herbicide containing 2,4-D or MCPP for your lawn. Since glyphosate kills all plants, you must keep application-specific.

What is the life cycle of thistle?

Growth and reproduction Bull thistle has a two year life cycle, flowering and setting seed in the second year. Seeds are short-lived on the soil surface but can persist for many years when they are buried, such as form cultivation activities.

How to mix simple lawn solutions?

With Simple Lawn Solutions Fertilizers, three ounces of product combines well with one gallon of water, so if you set your dial to three ounces, you will have to cover a lot of ground in 30 seconds! If you are using our Liquid Soil Loosener then set your dial to 1 ounce.

Can you mix remedy herbicide with water?

*To container or spray tank half filled with diesel or vegetable oil, add Remedy® herbicide, then bring to desired volume with diesel or vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly before using. * To spray tank half filled with water add all ingredients, then bring to desired volume with water. Mix thoroughly before using.

How to apply liquid herbicide to lawn?

When spraying, keep the nozzle close to the ground. If only a few areas in the lawn have broadleaf weed problems, spot treat these areas rather than spraying the entire lawn. Apply just enough material to wet the leaf surfaces.

What is the mixing ratio for metric herbicide?

Metric Herbicide is designed to be applied by boom spray application, hence the per hectare rate. There is a ‘rough’ conversion you can use to convert it to a knapsack. Add 1/100th of rate on weed table to 10L of water. Each 10L of mix will cover 100m2 (1/100th ha).

When should I apply curtail m herbicide?

Best results are obtained when Curtail M Herbicide is applied to actively growing weeds in the 1 to 4 leaf (seedling) stage and when Canada thistle is between 10 cm and up to but not including the early bud stage. Poor weed control may result under cool or dry conditions. Apply to the crop from 3 leaf to just before flag leaf.

What is curtail m herbicide?

For resistance management, Curtail M Herbicide is a Group 4 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Curtail M Herbicide and other Group 4 herbicides. The resistant individuals may dominate the insect population if this group of insecticides are used repeatedly in the same fields.

How do you spray curtail m herbicide?

Early spraying will reduce the risk of crop injury. Apply Curtail M Herbicide in 100 to 150 L/ha total spray volume by ground equipment at spray pressures of 200 to 275 kPa. For optimum spray coverage, use flat fan nozzles tilted 45 forward to ensure better coverage. Maximum 1 application per year.

Do you need a professional to use curtail herbicide?

Curtail herbicide is best applied by a professional, but if you choose to use this chemical herbicide, you will need to follow all of the safety precautions. Put on protective eyewear, chemical-resistant gloves and a chemical-resistant apron. These will further protect you from injury from the Curtail herbicide.
Curtailing Your M Application Rate for Lawns

So, you’re trying to keep your lawn looking lush and green without going overboard on the fertilizer. That’s great! We all want a healthy lawn, but we also want to be mindful of the environment. That’s where curtailing your m application rate comes in.

What is M Application Rate?

When we talk about m application rate, we’re talking about how much nitrogen fertilizer you’re putting down on your lawn. Nitrogen is one of the main nutrients your grass needs to grow, and it’s usually measured in pounds per thousand square feet (lbs/1000 sq ft) or as a percentage. The m in m application rate stands for nitrogen, which is often represented by the letter N on fertilizer bags.

Why Curtail Your M Application Rate?

Here’s the deal. Over-fertilizing your lawn can lead to some serious problems, including:

Burning your grass. Too much nitrogen can damage your grass, leading to brown patches and even death.
Water pollution. Excess nitrogen can runoff into waterways, harming aquatic life.
Encouraging weeds. Some weeds thrive in high-nitrogen environments, making your weed control efforts even harder.
Wasting money. You’ll be throwing away money on fertilizer that isn’t helping your lawn and might even be hurting it.

How to Curtail Your M Application Rate:

Now that you understand why it’s a good idea to curtail your m application rate, let’s talk about how to do it. Here are a few steps you can take:

Get a soil test. This is the most important thing you can do. A soil test will tell you exactly what nutrients your lawn needs. This helps you avoid over-fertilizing, as you’ll be applying only what your lawn actually requires.
Choose the right fertilizer. There are many different types of fertilizers on the market. Look for fertilizers that are slow-release and have a lower percentage of nitrogen. These fertilizers will release nutrients gradually, minimizing the risk of burning your grass.
Apply fertilizer in smaller amounts. Rather than applying the entire recommended amount all at once, split it into smaller applications throughout the growing season. This will give your lawn a steady supply of nutrients without overloading it.
Choose the right time to fertilize. Avoid fertilizing your lawn in the hottest months of the summer, when the grass is already stressed from the heat. The best time to fertilize is in the spring and fall.
Water your lawn properly. Water deeply but infrequently, and don’t overwater. Watering promotes healthy root growth, which helps your lawn absorb nutrients more effectively.

M Application Rate Examples:

Let’s say your soil test recommends an m application rate of 1 lb/1000 sq ft. You can curtail this by applying only 0.75 lbs/1000 sq ft, or even less. You can also try applying this smaller amount in two or three separate applications throughout the year.

Tips for Success:

Be patient. It takes time to see the results of a lower m application rate. Don’t give up too quickly.
Keep track of your fertilizer applications. This will help you monitor your m application rate and make adjustments as needed.
Pay attention to your lawn. Watch for signs of stress, such as brown patches or thin grass. If you notice any problems, adjust your fertilizer application accordingly.


What is a good M application rate for my lawn?

The best m application rate for your lawn depends on several factors, including your soil type, grass type, and climate. You can get a personalized recommendation by getting a soil test.

What happens if I overfertilize my lawn?

Overfertilizing can lead to a number of problems, including:

Burning your grass
Water pollution
Encouraging weeds
Wasting money

Can I use organic fertilizers instead of synthetic fertilizers?

Yes! Organic fertilizers are a great way to improve your soil health and reduce your reliance on synthetic fertilizers. They often contain slower-releasing nitrogen, which can help reduce the risk of burning your grass.

What are some good organic fertilizer options?

Some good organic fertilizer options include:

Compost: A natural and readily available source of nutrients.
Manure: Provides a slow-release source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
Fish emulsion: A liquid fertilizer that is high in nitrogen.
Blood meal: A slow-release source of nitrogen.

What about using slow-release fertilizers?

Slow-release fertilizers release nutrients gradually over time, minimizing the risk of burning your grass. They can be a great way to reduce your m application rate while still providing your lawn with the nutrients it needs.

What if I have a specific type of grass?

Different types of grasses have different nutrient requirements. If you have a specific type of grass, it’s a good idea to do some research to find out what the recommended m application rate is.

Remember, keeping your m application rate in check is good for your lawn, your wallet, and the environment. Be patient, pay attention to your lawn, and you’ll be enjoying a healthy and lush lawn in no time!

See more here: What Is The Application Rate For Curtail M? | Curtail M Application Rate For Lawns

Can I Use Curtail M On My Lawn? – Caniry

Applications of Curtail are rainfast within 6 hours after application. Generally, application rates at the lower end of the recommended rate range will be satisfactory for young, succulent growth of susceptible weed species. Caniry

Garden Guides | Directions for Use of Curtail Herbicide

Curtail is an herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley. Curtail herbicide is best applied by a professional, but if you choose to use this chemical Garden Guides

Curtail® Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience™

Protection against perennial weeds. Curtail® herbicide translocates to the roots of stubborn perennial weeds, providing outstanding control of Canada thistle. In addition, Curtail Corteva Agriscience™

8 Liter Curtail M – CB Lawn Care

Active ingredient: Group 4 (clopyralid + MCPA ester) Rainfast: 4 hours. Treatment rate: One case treats 20-27 acres. Application: Low rate of 0.6 L/ac. controls small weeds and CB Lawn Care

Curtail M – Dow AgroSciences Herbicides

Apply Curtail M Herbicide in 100 to 150 L/ha total spray volume by ground equipment at spray pressures of 200 to 275 kPa. For optimum spray coverage, use flat fan nozzles Agrobase


Benefits. EFFECTIVE systemic activity of two active ingredients that moves down to the roots of the weeds. COMPATIBLE with most graminicides to provide excellent weed

Curtail M – Nufarm


Specimen Label – Greenbook

Curtail® M herbicide is a selective herbicide used for control of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, intermediate wheatgrass, oats and flax not underseeded with a

Curtail® M Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience™

Curtail® M herbicide translocates to the roots of stubborn perennial weeds, providing outstanding control of Canada thistle. In addition, Curtail M also controls many annual Corteva Agriscience™

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