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Definition Of Retardation In Physics: Deceleration Explained

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What is the simple definition of retardation?

Retardation is defined as the rate of decrease of velocity with time. suppose if a car is slowing down,its velocity is decreasing,so its acceleration is negetive. But retardation is positive. Retardation is negetive of acceleration.

What is retardation and deceleration in physics?

Negative acceleration is called retardation or deceleration ( the opposite of accelaration ). If the velocity of a body is decreasing with respect to time, the acceleration is said to be negative. Retardation is the rate of decrease in velocity .

What is retardation vs acceleration?

Hint: The increase in velocity per second is acceleration, whereas the decrease in velocity per second is retardation. Retardation, therefore, is negative acceleration. Acceleration is generally taken positively, while retardation is taken negatively.

What is retardation in terms of acceleration?

Retardation means negative acceleration. If the velocity of a body decreases,the acceleration is negative.

What is retardation in physics example?

Retardation can also be named as negative acceleration or deceleration. Example: When we apply brakes to the vehicle, the velocity of the vehicle decreases (Final velocity becomes less than initial velocity). This means that retardation has taken place.

What is the term for retardation?

In the United States, a federal statute (Public Law 111-256, Rosa’s law) replaces the term ‘mental retardation’ with ‘intellectual disability‘ and requires that person first language be used when referring to those affected in all federal laws. Rosa’s law is indicative of the sentiment for change.

What is the definition of deceleration in physics?

Deceleration occurs when acceleration has an opposite direction as the object’s velocity. In physics, deceleration definition always refers to the slowing down of an object, which means that the magnitude of the velocity decreases.

Is retardation always negative?

It can be positive, Negative or Zero. Rate of Negative change of velocity with respect to time is called Retardation. Unit of distance is Meter (m).

Is decreasing acceleration the same as retardation?

No, decreasing acceleration and retardation are very different. Decreasing acceleration means that the acceleration itself is decreasing from time to time. For example, at t = 0s, a = 5 m/s2 | t = 1s, a = 4 m/s2 | t = 2s, a = 3 m/s2 and so on.

Is retardation directly opposite to velocity?

When there is retardation, velocity decreases. So retardation is equal to the time rate of decrease of velocity. This retardation will be oppositely directed velocity.

Can positive acceleration be retardation?

Complete step by step answer: If the velocity of the object increases then the object is said to have positive acceleration with the positive sign and the meaning of retardation is decreased. Therefore, retardation does not mean positive acceleration.

Is retarding force and retardation same?

Retardation: The force acting in the opposite direction to the motion of a body is called the retarding force. This force produces negative acceleration for the body which is called retardation or deacceleration.

Does retardation mean deceleration?

This deceleration is also known as retardation since it decreases the velocity of the body. So the deceleration is the same as retardation and its unit is the same.

How do you convert acceleration to retardation?

Hence, the expression for retardation is a = v − u t , when . What is meant by retardation?

Is retardation acceleration in opposite direction?

In retardation the direction of acceleration is opposite in direction to the displacement of the body because in retardation acceleration is negative means it is opposite to velocity but velocity direction same as displacement so acceleration is also opposite to displacement.

What is the difference between acceleration and retardation?

The increase in velocity of an object per unit of time is referred to as acceleration. Retardation is the inverse of acceleration and is defined as a decrease in velocity per unit of time. Acceleration can be positive (+), zero (0), or negative (-). Retardation is the inverse of acceleration.

How does retardation affect speed?

Retardation is the acceleration which acts opposite to the direction of the motion of the body which causes decrease in the velocity of the moving body. Thus it slows down the moving body.

What is retardation and what is its direction?

2 Answers. Deceleration also known as retardation or negative acceleration, is the acceleration acts in the opposite direction of motion and is responsible for reducing the velocity of a body. When force opposes the motion , it causes negative acceleration , known as retardation.

What is the other meaning of retardation?

synonyms: backwardness, mental retardation, slowness, subnormality. types: show 5 types… hide 5 types… abnormality, mental defectiveness.

Does retardation mean slow?

Psychomotor retardation is the slowing down or hampering of your mental or physical activities. You typically see this in the form of slow thinking or slow body movements. There is a lot of existing research on psychomotor retardation.

Can retardation be negative?

Retardation is expressed as acceleration with a negative sign. For example, if it is given that the acceleration of a body is – 45 metres per second square, then it represents the retardation of the body. The negative sign simply means that the velocity is decreasing.

What is the term retardation?

: an abnormal slowness of thought or action. psychomotor retardation. (2) now usually offensive : intellectual disability.

What is another word for deceleration in physics?

synonyms: retardation, slowing. antonyms: acceleration.

What is deceleration in Newton’s law?

If the net force is acting in the opposite direction to the velocity of an object it will cause the object to decelerate (slow down). If you label the velocity as being in the positive direction, this can also be described as negative acceleration.

What is retardation according to physics?

Retardation is merely a negative acceleration. The body’s velocity can either increase or decrease. The change in velocity is referred to as acceleration. Positive acceleration occurs when the body’s velocity increases. Similarly, as velocity decreases, the acceleration becomes negative which is called retardation.

Are deceleration and retardation the same?

Yep they are synonyms for the same thing – ‘negative acceleration’. Deceleration and retardation used more-or-less interchangably to mean negative acceleration.

What is retardation also known as?

Retardation or negative acceleration is the acceleration of a moving body when the final velocity of the body is less than the initial velocity.

What is mental retardation in simple words?

It is defined as subaverage intellectual functioning that exists concurrently with deficits in two or more of the following adaptive skill areas: communication, self-care, home living, social skills, community use, self-direction, health and safety, functional academics, leisure, and work.

What is the retardation of a body?

When the final velocity of the body is less than the initial velocity, then the body is said to be under retardation. Retardation can also be named negative acceleration or deceleration. If the velocity of the body increases, acceleration is said to have been positive.

What is retardation in the brain?

The modern definition accepted by the American Association on Mental Deficiency describes mental retardation as significant “subaverage general intellectual functioning which originates during the developmental period and is associated with impairment in adaptive behavior“.

What is the definition of developmental retardation?

abnormally slow maturation in any or all areas—intellectual, motor, perceptual, linguistic, or social. See also developmental delay; developmental immaturity.

What does retardation mean in physics?

In simpler terms, retardation means negative acceleration. The term “acceleration” means a change in velocity. Generally, acceleration refers to an increase in velocity, but when it denotes a decrease in velocity, it is called retardation. For example, a car was running at a speed of 60 km per hour. See also What is an example of reference point?

What is the difference between retardation and acceleration?

When the velocity of a body increase, the acceleration is said to be positive and when the velocity of a body decrease, the acceleration is said to be negative (Retardation). If the velocity of a body is decreasing with respect to time, the acceleration is said to be negative. Retardation is the rate of decrease in velocity.

What is the formula for retardation?

The formula for retardation is similar to that of acceleration: Retardation (r) = -Change in Velocity (Δv) / Time Taken (Δt) It is important to note that while acceleration can be positive or negative, depending on the direction of the change in velocity, retardation is always negative.

What is the formula for acceleration vs retardation?

The formula for acceleration is given by: Acceleration (a) = Change in Velocity (Δv) / Time Taken (Δt) On the other hand, retardation, as mentioned earlier, is simply the negative acceleration. It represents the rate at which an object slows down. The formula for retardation is similar to that of acceleration:
Delving into the Definition of Retardation in Physics

Okay, so you’re curious about retardation in physics, huh? It’s a term that often pops up in discussions about motion, and it can be a bit confusing if you haven’t encountered it before. Don’t worry, we’re going to break it down in a way that’s easy to understand.

Retardation: The Opposite of Acceleration

Let’s get one thing straight: retardation is just another word for deceleration. You’ve probably heard of acceleration, right? That’s when something speeds up. Retardation is the opposite – it’s when something slows down.

Think about it like this: imagine you’re riding a bike and you start pedaling faster and faster. You’re accelerating. But then, you hit the brakes. That’s retardation in action.

A Closer Look at the Concept

Now, let’s get a little more technical. In physics, retardation is defined as the rate of change of velocity over time. And, since velocity is a vector quantity (meaning it has both magnitude and direction), retardation is also a vector quantity.

To make things clearer, let’s look at some key terms:

Velocity: How fast an object is moving and in what direction.
Acceleration: The rate of change of velocity over time. (Remember, acceleration can be positive or negative – positive if the object is speeding up, negative if it’s slowing down.)
Retardation (deceleration): The negative rate of change of velocity over time.

Why the Term “Retardation”?

You might be wondering why physicists use the term “retardation” at all, since it sounds a bit harsh. Well, historically, “retardation” was used to describe any change in velocity, whether it was an increase or decrease. It was just a more general term for any change in motion. Over time, the term became specifically associated with slowing down, and it’s still used in this way in some contexts.

Real-World Examples of Retardation

Retardation is all around us. Here are some examples:

Braking a car: When you press the brakes in your car, you’re applying retardation to the car’s motion, causing it to slow down.
A ball thrown upwards: As a ball travels upwards, gravity acts on it, causing a retardation in its upward velocity.
A parachute: A parachute creates retardation by increasing air resistance, slowing a skydiver’s descent.

Retardation in Equations

Now, let’s see how retardation is represented in equations.

The formula for retardation is:

a = (v – u) / t


a is the retardation (deceleration)
v is the final velocity
u is the initial velocity
t is the time taken

Calculating Retardation

Let’s say a car is traveling at 20 m/s and then slows down to 10 m/s over a period of 5 seconds. We can calculate the retardation:

a = (v – u) / t
a = (10 m/s – 20 m/s) / 5 s
a = -2 m/s²

The retardation is -2 m/s². The negative sign indicates that the car is slowing down.

Key Points to Remember

Here are some important things to keep in mind about retardation:

* It’s the negative rate of change of velocity.
* It’s a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.
* It’s essentially the opposite of acceleration.
* It’s a common phenomenon that occurs in many real-world situations.

FAQs About Retardation

Q: What is the difference between retardation and negative acceleration?

A: They are essentially the same thing. Retardation is just a specific term for negative acceleration, which describes the slowing down of an object.

Q: Can retardation be zero?

A: Yes, retardation can be zero. This means the object is moving at a constant velocity.

Q: What is the relationship between retardation and force?

A:Retardation is caused by a force that acts opposite to the direction of motion. For example, friction is a force that causes retardation.

Q: How does retardation affect the distance an object travels?

A:Retardation causes an object to slow down, which means it will travel a shorter distance than if it were accelerating or moving at a constant velocity.

Q: What is the SI unit for retardation?

A: The SI unit for retardation is meters per second squared (m/s²).

Q: Is retardation always constant?

A: No, retardation can be constant or variable. For example, when you apply the brakes in a car, the retardation is usually variable.

Q: Is there any connection between retardation and inertia?

A: Yes, retardation is related to inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. A force is required to overcome inertia and cause retardation.

Q: What are some examples of retardation in everyday life?

A: Here are some more examples:

A ball rolling down a hill: Gravity causes retardation as the ball slows down.
A swinging pendulum: As the pendulum swings back and forth, it experiences retardation due to air resistance.
A plane landing: The plane’s engines are reversed, creating retardation to slow the plane down for landing.
A boat in the water: The water creates resistance, causing retardation as the boat slows down.


So, there you have it! Retardation, or deceleration, is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the slowing down of an object. By understanding this concept, you can gain a deeper appreciation of how motion works in the world around us.

Feel free to ask more questions about retardation and we’ll be happy to help you explore the topic further.

See more here: What Is Retardation And Deceleration In Physics? | Definition Of Retardation In Physics

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