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Dread Shrinkage: Before And After – What To Expect

Shrinkage And Fullness On The Loc Journey

How long does it take for dreadlocks to shrink?

By week 6 – 8 you should notice them really start to tighten and mature. You may notice them shrink a little more and perhaps get a little lumpy and bumpy as some mature faster than others. Your dreads are basically going through puberty but hang in there, they’re are well on there way to adult hood!

Is shrinkage in locs good?

Your starter locs shrinkage will make it look like your locs are not growing. If you look at pictures of loc shrinkage before and after someone started their locs, you’ll see that the hair is about the same length. Don’t let that deter you, promise you it’s very normal and you can’t avoid the process fr.

Do locs get smaller over time?

If you’re waiting too long between twisting your dreads, you’ll notice your locs becoming a lot thinner. Since new hair follicles need to be twisted into the deadlock, these follicles can eventually fall out if left alone. This results in thinning dreadlocks.

How much shrinkage do you get with locs?

The amount of shrinkage varies from about 10-30%. It occurs over time as your hair is growing, so very often it will seem that your dreads are not growing longer at all. The truth is they are growing longer but shrinking at the same time so it looks like they are just getting wider instead of longer.

Do locs shrink as they mature?

I bet you didn’t think you would have shrinkage with locs! But it is true— loc shrinkage, or dread shrinkage, is normal and to be expected during the beginning stages of the hair locking process. Your starter locs shrinkage will make it look like your locs are not growing.

Do dreads tighten over time?

Thick dreads will change little after the first year but thinner dreads will continue to tighten a bit for up to two years!

What hair type has the worst shrinkage?

Those with 4A, 4B, and 4C hair experience shrinkage the most because the curls are coiled tighter than the other curl patterns.

Does shrinkage mean healthy hair?

Shrinkage is a sign of healthy hair. By its nature, natural hair is curly, compact and coily. Shrinkage just means your hair is able to bounce back to its naturally curly state. This indicates that your hair hasn’t lost its elasticity (strength) and hasn’t been damaged by heat or any form of chemical.

Does conditioner stop shrinkage?

Since shrinkage occurs when water leaves the strands, using products that help your locks retain moisture can prevent your curl pattern from shrinking, especially if your hair is particularly prone to dryness. After all, hydrated curls are naturally more plump and elongated.

Do locs recede your hairline?

Some men will first notice that their braids or dreadlocks will appear less anchored or even begin to fall out. Others will start to see a receding hairline or excessive hair loss after brushing or showering. Over time, hair follicles can become so damaged and scarred that they can no longer create new hair.

What month do locs get thicker?

Stage 1: The Growing Pains Stage (6-9 months) This is the stage where your locs will start to thicken and mature.

Do hair grow faster in locs?

It’s worth noting that hair in dreadlocks grows just as fast as undreaded hair, it’s only the speed that the dreadlocks gain length that changes compared to the speed that undreaded natural hair gains length. In other words, when your hair is in dreadlocks, it grows at the same speed, it just has further to go!

Do locs shrink before they grow?

The hair itself doesn’t grow any faster than undreaded hair and at first even appears to shrink (this is just the process of hair knotting and forming the locs), but once that’s over with and they do start to grow they will get longer faster than normal hair simply because the hair is protected and most likely not …

What causes dreads to shrink?

Dreadlocks are always shorter than the straight hair you started out with, this is because the hair in dreadlocks doesn’t grow straight down, it weaves around inside the dread. As your dreadlocks mature they will get tighter and more compressed causing the dreadlocks to shrink more.

How much does shrinkage shrink hair?

Shrinkage is natural for women with textured hair, and the tighter the curl, the more shrinkage you will experience. Some only have 20% to 30% shrinkage while others can have as much as 75%! Our hair expands when wet and shrinks while drying.

Do locs get skinnier over time?

Will My Dreads Get Thinner or Thicker With Time? Dreadlocks undergo constant transformation — as your hair starts to tangle and knot, each dread adjusts to those changes by becoming loose and thin in some spots and tight and thick in others.

How long does it take locs to fully mature?

You know you’ve reached the mature stage (about 15 to 18 months) when your locs are finally long enough to lie flat or hang down. Faulk asserts that “maturing occurs when your locs are firm and there’s no more reforming,” so you won’t have to re-twist your new growth as often during this period.

Do locs expand over time?

The Growing or Teenage Stage is the next phase. Your locs have expanded to twice the size of the starter lock, and they have started to retain weight and thickness. However, you may find it difficult to get your locks to cooperate at times. They will still experience a lot of shrinkage and frizz in this stage.

How much do dreadlocks shrink your hair?

Be prepared for your hair to shrink at least 4+ inches. It takes time for dreadlocks to matte and lock before they get to a stage of growth. This process and timeframe looks different for everyone, but you can surely expect shorter hair than you began with when you created the dreads!

How do I know if my locs are unhealthy?

1: Scalp irritation The first sign of problematic dreads is the unhealthy scalp. The dreads cause dryness in most hair types, shrinking the dreadlocks. Moreover, extreme dryness indicates a potential sign of harmful growth of locs—the dryness of the scalp results in product residues that cause cleaning problems.

How to fix a loose dread?

If there are any loose hairs floating around these dreads, use a crochet hook to pull the loose hair into the joined dreads. You might also find a dread cuff helpful in binding the two dreads together. Another option is to add undreaded human hair to the dreadlock.

What is the rarest hair type?

Type 1A hair is very straight and fine, with no waves or curls whatsoever. This hair type tends to get very oily and requires frequent shampooing. It is the rarest hair type and is common among women of Asian descent.

Why is 4C hair so thick?

The microscopically tight kinks and coils of 4c hair patterns cause significant shrinkage to occur, which gives this hair type so much volume.

Does shrinkage go away?

“Shrinkage is a sign of healthy hair and means your hair is naturally doing what it’s supposed to do,” she says. “When your curls get wet, they go from a stretched-out form to your natural curl, which is often a tighter curl. If you lack moisture or have some form of damage, your shrinkage will decrease.”

Does 3a hair shrinkage?

Both hair types experience shrinkage. However, type 3 shrinks less than type 4 hair. For instance, people with type 3 hair experience 25-50% shrinkage of their natural hair length. On the other hand, type 4 hair shrinks to about 80% of its original length.

How long does it take for dreads to drop?

You know you’ve reached the mature stage (about 15 to 18 months) when your locs are finally long enough to lie flat or hang down.

How long does it take to loosen dreads?

Detangling dreadlocks takes a lot of time and patience. Be prepared to spend upwards of 15 hours over one or two days completely dedicated to unlocking your hair. Most people see substantial hair loss when detangling their dreadlocks.

How long does it take for dreadlocks to settle?

Typically, it can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years for dreadlocks to fully mature and lock up. However, some hair types and methods may take longer or shorter periods. It’s important to be patient and consistent with hair care routines during the maturation process.

Do locs shrink when you wash them?

The bad news, which really isn’t bad news, is that, yes, your hair is gonna shrink. That is normal in the beginning stages. Your hair is still learning how to lock up.

What happens in the early stages of growing dreads?

One thing that happens in the earlier stages of growing dreads is that you have to be very mindful of your new growth so that it gets added to the proper dreadlock. In the mature stage, your new growth kind of starts to grow into the right dread.

Do dreads shrink after being tangled?

You won’t notice this but your dreads do shrink after being first tangled! When the shrinking process is finished, your locs will start getting thicker and stronger. Once your dreads are not being hydrated and moisture enough, they will be dry and frizz, which causes thinning locs and breakage. Using too much hair care products is also not good.

How long does it take dreads to mature?

1. Your locs are not mature yet Your dreads can take years to mature. For those with coarse and curly hair types, it might take a year or more, whereas for those with thin, straight hair types it could take about three years!

Why are my dreads thinning?

Once your dreads are not being hydrated and moisture enough, they will be dry and frizz, which causes thinning locs and breakage. Using too much hair care products is also not good. If you use these products over time without removing buildup, they will gather the locs together and inside out, which is also a reason for thinning locs.
Dreadlocks, those beautiful, twisted ropes of hair, are a commitment. But just like anything else in life, they change. One thing you might notice is dread shrinkage, which can be a bit of a shock. But don’t worry, it’s completely normal! Today, we’re diving into the world of dread shrinkage, exploring the “before” and “after”, and what you can expect along the way.

Before You Get Started

Think of it this way – when your hair is straight, it’s stretched out. Once you start locking it, those strands start to coil and clump, and that’s where the shrinkage happens. It’s like taking a piece of string and twisting it up – it gets shorter, right? The same thing happens with your hair.

So, how much shrinkage can you expect? It depends on a few things:

Your hair type: If you have curly hair, you’ll experience more shrinkage than someone with straight hair.
The locking method: Some locking methods can lead to more shrinkage than others.
How tight you lock your hair: If you lock your hair too tightly, it can cause breakage and shrink even more.

Dread Shrinkage: The Before

Okay, so you’ve decided to embrace the dreadlock journey. You’re excited, maybe a little nervous, and you’re ready to see your hair transform. The initial locking process might feel a little weird – your hair feels tighter, and it might even be a bit uncomfortable at first. But that’s part of the process!

Now, here’s where the real fun (or maybe “interesting” is a better word) begins. The first few weeks or months after you start locking, your dreads will start to shrink. Don’t panic! This is completely normal. It can be dramatic at first, with your dreads looking quite a bit shorter than you expected.

Here’s a visual breakdown: Imagine you start with hair that’s 10 inches long. After the initial locking process, your hair might shrink to 6 inches. That’s a difference of 4 inches!

Dread Shrinkage: The After

As time goes on, your dreads will continue to shrink. However, the shrinkage will slow down. Once your dreads are mature (usually after a few months or a year), they’ll stop shrinking significantly.

What does mature mean? Mature dreads are dense and tightly locked. They’re not fluffy and loose anymore, and they’ve settled into their final shape. This is when you can finally start to see the full length of your dreads.

Don’t be discouraged if your dreads shrink. It’s a natural part of the locking process. And hey, once your dreads stop shrinking, you’ll have a whole new appreciation for those gorgeous, tight locks!

The Long Game

Now, I know that shrinkage can be a little disheartening, especially if you’re aiming for a certain length. But remember, it’s all part of the journey. The most important thing is to be patient and consistent with your dreadlock care.

As your dreads mature, they will grow in length. Think of it like this: You’re essentially training your hair to form these tight coils. It takes time and patience. And remember, healthy dreads are happy dreads. So take good care of your hair, and you’ll be rewarded with beautiful, strong dreads.

Tips for Minimizing Shrinkage

Don’t wash your dreads too often: Washing your dreads too frequently can strip them of their natural oils, which can make them more prone to shrinkage.
Use a dreadlock-specific shampoo and conditioner: These products are formulated to cleanse and condition your dreads without causing them to unravel.
Avoid using heat styling tools: Heat can damage your hair and make it shrink more.
Get your dreads professionally locked: If you’re not sure how to lock your dreads properly, consider getting them professionally locked. This will help to ensure that your dreads are locked correctly and that you’re minimizing shrinkage.
Be patient: It takes time for dreads to mature and stop shrinking. Don’t get discouraged if you see a lot of shrinkage at first. It’s all part of the process.

A Journey, Not a Destination

Think of dread shrinkage as a journey, not a destination. It’s a natural part of the dreadlocking process, and it helps to create those beautiful, tight dreads that you love. So embrace the shrinkage, be patient, and enjoy the ride. You’ll be rocking your beautiful, mature dreads in no time.

Dread Shrinkage: FAQs

1. Will my dreads ever stop shrinking?

Yes, they will. Once your dreads are mature, they will stop shrinking significantly. This usually takes a few months to a year.

2. How can I make my dreads grow faster?

The best way to make your dreads grow faster is to take good care of your hair. Eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and use quality hair products.

3. Should I re-lock my dreads if they shrink too much?

You can re-lock your dreads if you feel they are too loose. However, it’s best to talk to a professional dreadlock stylist. They can help you determine if re-locking is necessary and how to do it safely.

4. Is dread shrinkage a bad thing?

Dread shrinkage is a normal part of the dreadlocking process. It helps to create those tight, beautiful dreads that you love.

5. How long will it take for my dreads to mature?

The time it takes for dreads to mature varies depending on your hair type and other factors. However, it typically takes a few months to a year.

6. Can I prevent dread shrinkage?

You can’t completely prevent dread shrinkage. However, you can minimize it by following the tips mentioned earlier.

7. Will my dreads ever grow back to their original length?

Once your dreads have shrunk, they won’t grow back to their original length. However, they will continue to grow in length as your hair grows.

8. Is there anything else I should know about dread shrinkage?

Dread shrinkage is a natural process and nothing to worry about. Just embrace it as part of your dreadlock journey. With a little time and patience, you’ll have beautiful, mature dreads that you can be proud of.

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