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Trang chủ » French Foreign Legion Physical Fitness Test | What Are The Fitness Requirements For The French Foreign Legion?

French Foreign Legion Physical Fitness Test | What Are The Fitness Requirements For The French Foreign Legion?

Physical Fitness Tests In The French Foreign Legion | Legionstories

Is there a weight requirement for the French Foreign Legion?

Believe it or not, the Foreign Legion has NO height or weight requirements nor official limits. The only aspect the Legion takes into account is your Body Mass Index (BMI), which can simply be calculated using your height and weight. The BMI easily determines whether you aren’t obese or skinny.

What is the beep test in French Foreign Legion?

The Beep Test is a test where the candidate needs to run 20 meters back and forth. A Beep determines the speed the candidate has to run by.

What can disqualify you from joining the French Foreign Legion?

A definitive physical decrease, a chronic disease currently active and / or under treatment. Examples: Tuberculosis, Hepatitis (s), Cancer, HIV, Diabetes, Psychiatric pathology during treatment., Vision too weak, Hearing too weak. Surgical: Any intervention with serious consequences for the functioning of the body.

Can I join the French Foreign Legion with bad eyesight?

The general eyesight standards required for joining the French Army (and the Legion as well) ranges from 1 (the best result) to 5 (the minimum). The number 6 signifies that you failed the eye examination and cannot join the Legion. In addition, the letter C is reserved for Colorblindness.

How tough is French Foreign Legion training?

Training will be tough enough, so it’s better to join the Legion during the warmer months. and avoid the hellish winter. The Legion uses a basic training course. similar to other basic training plans, that covers all kinds of terrain, climate, and combat, but with a significantly more brutal tempo and demands.

What is the fail rate for the French Foreign Legion?

Q: What are my chances of getting selected? A: You will only be selected if you are good enough for the Legion, and it is the Legion itself who decides who is good enough to be selected. For about 100 candidates applying to serve in the Legion, only 10-15 are accepted.

How elite are French Foreign Legion?

The French Foreign Legion (French: Légion étrangère) is an elite corps of the French Army that consists of several specialties: infantry, cavalry, engineers, and airborne troops. It was created in 1831 to allow foreign nationals into the French Army.

Can you join the French Foreign Legion without knowing how to swim?

WARNING: IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO BE ABLE TO SWIM 25 M MINIMUM WITHOUT material ASSISTANCE. Not all are considered world champions and the tests are not selective, but a minimum of preparation gives the candidate’s level of motivation.

Is 7 a good beep test score?

Overall, the average beep test score is 7-9 for men and 6-8 for women. Any score above 13 (men) and 12 (women) is considered excellent. This is what everyone is aiming for.

What is the 7.5 beep test?

The test to level 7.5 involves 56 shuttles (a total distance of 1120 metres), and takes approximately 6 minutes and 30 seconds to complete.

What happens if you fail French Foreign Legion?

In the event of a definitive failure in the selection, this means that the command of the Foreign Legion considered that despite the qualities of the candidate, he does not have the necessary skills to become a legionnaire. This decision is irrevocable, and the candidate then leaves the selection process.

Does the French Foreign Legion see combat?

Throughout its long history since its inception on March 9, 1831, elements of the French Foreign Legion have engaged in combat on the behalf of France and its interests with distinction. The Foreign Legion has seen battle on five continents against numerous foes.

Can I join the French Foreign Legion without military experience?

I never served in the army, can I enlist? Yes. The Legion will train you to become a soldier and a citizen.

Can I join the French Foreign Legion if I don t speak French?

However, the one thing they don’t test you on is French. It doesn’t matter that you don’t speak the language when joining the Legion. What matters is that you learn to speak it FAST during the next four months. Get ready to live, work and breathe in French.

Who is not allowed to join the French Foreign Legion?

Those who have had minor scrapes with the law are acceptable—even preferred—as they are assumed to be more willing to turn their backs on their former lives and fully integrate into life in the legion; serious criminals, however, are unwelcome.

Does the French Foreign Legion check medical records?

Yes, you are asked to disclose as a condition of service. The French Foreign Legion (FFL) will ask for any medical (physical/mental health) issues you have suffered and will want medical documentation of the recovery/mitigation – if they are unsatisfied, you won’t be accepted.

Are tattoos allowed in the French Foreign Legion?

So, there is no problem with you having a tattoo if you want to become a legionnaire.

How much is French Legion salary?

In 2024, only a man between 17.5 and 39.5 years may join the Legion, 24/7/365. Each candidate is enlisted officially under a false identity, as an unmarried foreigner, and signs an initial five-year contract. The basic pay of a legionnaire is currently about 1,560 euro net ($1,700 USD).

How elite is the French Foreign Legion?

The Foreign Legion is an elite corps, ready on very short notice to intervene in an external theater of operations or in a war zone.

Is there a height requirement for the French Foreign Legion?

There is no minimum height or maximum weight, but his Body Mass Index (BMI) must be between 20 and 30. He must have a valid passport or EU identity; He must have a legally recognized birth certificate, preferably translated into English and French; He cannot be wanted by INTERPOL.

How many died in the French Foreign Legion?

The expendability can be measured. Since 1831, when the Legion was formed by King Louis-Philippe, more than 35,000 legionnaires have died in battle, often anonymously, and more often in vain.

What is the youngest French Foreign Legion?

2nd Foreign Engineer Regiment The youngest regiment of the French Foreign Legion, the “mountain regiment.” It has been stationed in the Quartier Maréchal Koenig at Saint Christol, France, since 1999…

Has the French Foreign Legion ever won a battle?

Example: multiple operations in Algeria, Mexico, Syria, Southeast Asia, the horn of Africa, central Africa, and Europe from the 1850s to the 2020s. The Legion won in the Crimea, in France in 1914–18, in Norway, in various parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

Is French Foreign Legion well trained?

That said, legionnaires are relatively high-speed, well-trained soldiers. The regular French military isn’t really what I’d call “high-speed.” The French special forces are a different story, of course. However, apples to apples, the FFL are going to be more broadly trained than regular French military.

How selective is French Foreign Legion?

In the early days, the legion took just about anyone who looked healthy and was willing to fight for France. Now the legion is more selective. Minor criminal records are overlooked, but not serious offenses, such as murder. Deserters from other armies are also unwelcome.

Why does the French Foreign Legion change your name?

Since there is only the French Foreign Legion, the answer is “Yes”. A recruit can and does enlist under an assumed name (“anonymat”) which allows the Legion to truthfully state to any authorities looking for you that “No, there is no one by that name here.”.

What is the height requirement for the French Foreign Legion?

There is no minimum height or maximum weight, but his Body Mass Index (BMI) must be between 20 and 30. He must have a valid passport or EU identity; He must have a legally recognized birth certificate, preferably translated into English and French; He cannot be wanted by INTERPOL.

Can you join the French Foreign Legion without knowing how to swim?

WARNING: IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO BE ABLE TO SWIM 25 M MINIMUM WITHOUT material ASSISTANCE. Not all are considered world champions and the tests are not selective, but a minimum of preparation gives the candidate’s level of motivation.

Is French Foreign Legion well trained?

That said, legionnaires are relatively high-speed, well-trained soldiers. The regular French military isn’t really what I’d call “high-speed.” The French special forces are a different story, of course. However, apples to apples, the FFL are going to be more broadly trained than regular French military.

Are you physically fit to serve in the Foreign Legion?

Serve in the Foreign Legion requires good physical condition. On the day of your arrival at the Foreign Legion information post, you must be medically fit to perform the physical fitness tests. Be physically fit to serve anywhere in any weather and without restriction. EXAMPLE: Body Mass Index of a man measuring 1.75 m and weighing 72 kg

How does the French Foreign Legion work?

The French Foreign Legion accepts recruits from all over the world. The recruitment officially runs 24/7/365 (yes, you can join every day, all year long). As a candidate/volunteer, you will be enlisted as a single person, even if you are married. The first contract you sign is mandatory for 5 years.

How much weight do you need to join the Foreign Legion?

BMI = 72kg / (1.75m * 1.75m) = 23.5 kg / m² WARNING: IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO BE ABLE TO SWIM 25 M MINIMUM WITHOUT material ASSISTANCE. Not all are considered world champions and the tests are not selective, but a minimum of preparation gives the candidate’s level of motivation. Serve in the Foreign Legion requires good physical condition.

Can a French Foreign Legion meet you at your regiment?

They can also meet you at your regiment directly during holidays, like Camerone Day (April 30), which is open for public. The French Foreign Legion offers you a chance to start a new life… Good luck! You can support this website at any time through our store. Thank you. EU-based readers can visit our EU-based shop, to avoid import charges.
The French Foreign Legion Physical Fitness Test: A Grueling Challenge

If you’re thinking about joining the French Foreign Legion, then you’re probably wondering about the physical fitness test. It’s a grueling challenge that separates the wheat from the chaff. This test is no walk in the park. It’s designed to push you to your absolute limits and see if you have what it takes to become a Legionnaire.

So, what exactly does this test entail? Let’s break it down:

The French Foreign Legion Physical Fitness Test:

The French Foreign Legion physical fitness test is a series of demanding exercises that test your endurance, strength, and agility. It’s designed to weed out those who aren’t physically prepared for the rigors of Legionnaire life.

Here’s a breakdown of the test:

Pull-ups: You’ll need to do at least six pull-ups in a row to pass. This test measures your upper body strength and grip.

Sit-ups: You’ll have to do at least 40 sit-ups in a minute. This test measures your core strength and endurance.

Push-ups: You’ll need to do at least 40 push-ups in a minute. This test measures your upper body strength and endurance.

100-meter sprint: You’ll need to complete the 100-meter sprint in under 16 seconds. This test measures your speed and agility.

3,000-meter run: You’ll need to complete the 3,000-meter run in under 13 minutes and 30 seconds. This test measures your endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

Tips for Success:

Start training early: Don’t wait until the last minute to start training. The sooner you start, the better prepared you’ll be.

Focus on your weaknesses: Identify the exercises that you struggle with and work on them the most.

Get plenty of rest: It’s essential to get enough sleep, so your body can recover from your workouts.

Eat a healthy diet: A balanced diet provides your body with the energy it needs to train and recover.

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially during training.

Don’t give up: The French Foreign Legion physical fitness test is tough, but it’s not impossible. Stay focused and keep pushing yourself.

Beyond the Physical Test

The physical fitness test is just one part of the recruitment process for the French Foreign Legion. You’ll also need to pass a medical examination and a psychological evaluation.

The medical examination will assess your overall health and fitness, while the psychological evaluation will assess your personality and mental stability.

The Legion is looking for physically and mentally tough individuals who are ready to face any challenge. So, if you’re serious about joining the Legion, start preparing now.


What if I fail the physical fitness test?

If you fail the physical fitness test, you won’t be accepted into the French Foreign Legion. However, you can always try again after you’ve improved your fitness.

Can I train for the physical fitness test at home?

Yes, you can train for the physical fitness test at home. You can use bodyweight exercises, like push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups, to build strength and endurance.

What are the minimum age and height requirements?

The minimum age requirement to join the French Foreign Legion is 17 years old (with parental consent) or 18 years old without consent. The minimum height requirement is 1.65 meters (5’5″).

What are the benefits of joining the French Foreign Legion?

There are many benefits to joining the French Foreign Legion, including:

French citizenship after 5 years of service
Competitive salary
Free medical care
Excellent travel opportunities
Access to a wide range of career paths

What should I do if I’m not sure if I’m ready for the French Foreign Legion physical fitness test?

If you’re not sure if you’re ready for the physical fitness test, start training now. You can also speak to a Legion recruitment officer for more information and advice.


The French Foreign Legion physical fitness test is a demanding challenge that requires dedication and hard work. But if you’re willing to put in the effort, you can pass the test and become a Legionnaire. The Legion is looking for brave and dedicated individuals who are ready to serve their country. If that’s you, then start preparing for the physical fitness test now.

See more here: Is There A Weight Requirement For The French Foreign Legion? | French Foreign Legion Physical Fitness Test

Physical conditions | Légion étrangère

Serve in the Foreign Legion requires good physical condition. PHYSICAL CONDITIONS: On the day of your arrival at the Foreign Legion information post, you must be medically fit to perform the physical fitness tests. Légion étrangère

MSIG Warrior – Physical Fitness Test FFL France

Military Physical Fitness Test Requirements and Standards for and from the French Foreign Legion M.S.I.G. Warrior

Joining | French Foreign Legion Information

Beep test (Luc léger in French), also Multi-stage fitness test; a rhythmic running between two points that are 20 meters apart from side to side; running speed is French Foreign Legion Information

Physical Fitness State of Legionnaires. : r/FrenchForeignLegion

Physical Fitness Tests of the French Foreign Legion. This link has been shared here many times. Each of the three events is 20 points for a total of 60 points max. The score Reddit

French Foreign Legion Fitness Test(ENTRY REQUIREMENT)

You need to pass the Physical Fitness Test (entry requirement) in order to be accepted on the basic training, remember this test is an entry requirement, the … YouTube

French Army Fitness Testing – Topend Sports

French Army Fitness Testing. The French Foreign Legion (FFL) is a military service wing of the French Army. The FFL requires new recruits to undergo fitness assessments as Topend Sports

Fitness Tests of the French Foreign Legion – Force Fitness

Basic Training – Foreign Legion: Basic training focuses on instilling foundational soldiering skills, emphasizing French language acquisition and adherence Force Fitness

MSIG Warrior – Physical Fitness Test French GCM

Physical Fitness Test, Selection, Basic Training, Requirements and Standards from the French Groupement Commando Montagne. M.S.I.G. Warrior

Foreign Legion: Interval training running with Major Gérald

It helps you to be well prepared for an updated running test of the French Army (since January 2020) that replaced the old “Cooper test” (12 minutes of running to French Foreign Legion Information

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