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From Distutils Core Import Setup: A Python Package Building Primer

Modulenotfounderror: No Module Named 'Distutils.Core' - Youtube

What is distutils core?

The distutils package provides support for building and installing additional modules into a Python installation. The new modules may be either 100%-pure Python, or may be extension modules written in C, or may be collections of Python packages which include modules coded in both Python and C.

Does Python 3.12 have distutils?

distutils is no longer part of python from 3.12 (or was it 3.11?). Ask the PyMC3 maintainer to update there package to support 3.12. Or you will need to use an older version of python that PyMC3 does support.

How to import setuptools?

Installing Setuptools on Windows Step 1: Install the latest or current version of Python3 in Windows. Step 2: Now check if pip and python are correctly installed in your system using the following commands. Step 3: Upgrade pip to the latest version to avoid errors during installation.

What is the difference between distutils and setuptools?

Overall, distutils is the original package management system for Python, and it is included in the standard library. setuptools is a third-party package that builds on top of distutils and provides additional features and functionality.

What is Python3 distutils?

distutils is the primary way of building and distributing Python packages.

What replaced distutils?

Prefer Setuptools As Distutils is deprecated, any usage of functions or objects from distutils is similarly discouraged, and Setuptools aims to replace or deprecate all such uses. This section describes the recommended replacements. Migration advice is also provided by PEP 632.

Where is Distutils CFG?

Under Python 1.6 and later, Python’s default “installation prefix” is C:\Python, so the system configuration file is normally C:\Python\Lib\distutils\distutils. cfg.

How to Python3 setup py install?

Installing Python Packages with To install a package that includes a file, open a command or terminal window and: cd into the root directory where is located. Enter: python install.

What is Python3 setuptools?

setuptools is a package development process library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects by enhancing the Python standard library distutils (distribution utilities). It includes: Python package and module definitions. Distribution package metadata. Test hooks.

What is the use of setuptools setup?

setuptools allows you to install a package without copying any files to your interpreter directory (e.g. the site-packages directory). This allows you to modify your source code and have the changes take effect without you having to rebuild and reinstall.

What is Python file?

The file may be the most significant file that should be placed at the root of the Python project directory. It primarily serves two purposes: It includes choices and metadata about the program, such as the package name, version, author, license, minimal dependencies, entry points, data files, and so on.

What version of Python is setuptools compatible with?

Setuptools requires Python 2.6 or later. To install setuptools on Python 2.4 or Python 2.5, use the bootstrap script for Setuptools 1.

How to install pip with Python?

Pip is usually included automatically when installing Python on Windows. To ensure it’s installed, download Python from and select the ” Add Python to PATH ” option during installation. Then, open Command Prompt (cmd) and type python -m ensurepip –upgrade to install or upgrade pip.

Is Python and python3 same?

In a typical installation, “python” is a command alias for “python3” so they do exactly the same thing. The numbered versions are primarily for when someone has other versions installed. Version 3 is the current one and the only version used by the courses you will find here.

What is the use of Distutils?

Distutils is the primary way of building and distributing Python packages. For more information about distils, see distutils — Building and installing Python modules in the official Python documentation.

What is distutils command module not found?

An easy and more straightforward solution to this problem is to reinstall Python. When developers reinstall Python, it usually comes with the ‘distutils’ module by default. To do this, one can navigate to the Python website and download the latest version of Python for their operating system.

What is LooseVersion in Python?

LooseVersion is comparable to a distutils. version. LooseVersion , which means tools should not need to worry whether all dependencies that use LooseVersion have migrated. If you are simply comparing versions of Python packages, consider moving to packaging.

Is distutils deprecated?

distutils has been deprecated in NumPy 1.23. 0 . It will be removed for Python 3.12; for Python <= 3.11 it will not be removed until 2 years after the Python 3.12 release (Oct 2025). numpy.

What is the setup script?

A setup script is a collection of event handlers, functions called by those event handlers, and data used by the event handlers and functions. These elements are expressed in the InstallScript Language, a simple but powerful programming language. InstallScript is similar to the C language.

What does setup do in Python?

The setup script is the centre of all activity in building, distributing, and installing modules using the Distutils. The main purpose of the setup script is to describe your module distribution to the Distutils, so that the various commands that operate on your modules do the right thing.

Is distutils deprecated?

distutils has been deprecated in NumPy 1.23. 0 . It will be removed for Python 3.12; for Python <= 3.11 it will not be removed until 2 years after the Python 3.12 release (Oct 2025). numpy.

What is LooseVersion?

LooseVersion is comparable to a distutils. version. LooseVersion , which means tools should not need to worry whether all dependencies that use LooseVersion have migrated. If you are simply comparing versions of Python packages, consider moving to packaging.

How do I setup a distutils module?

If all you want to do is distribute a module called foo, contained in a file, then your setup script can be as simple as this: from distutils.core import setup setup(name=’foo’, version=’1.0′, py_modules=[‘foo’], ) most information that you supply to the Distutils is supplied as keyword arguments to the setup () function

What is a distutils package?

The distutils package provides support for building and installing additional modules into a Python installation. The new modules may be either 100%-pure Python, or may be extension modules written in C, or may be collections of Python packages which include modules coded in both Python and C.

Does Setuptools work with distutils?

However, looking into various project’s files reveals that this does not seem to be an actual standard. Many packages still use distutils and those that support setuptools often mix setuptools with distutils e.g. by doing a fallback import: try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup

What is a distutils module?

The distutils.core module is the only module that needs to be installed to use the Distutils. It provides the setup() (which is called from the setup script). Indirectly provides the distutils.dist.Distribution and distutils.cmd.Command class. The basic do-everything function that does most everything you could ever ask for from a Distutils method.
from distutils.core import setup – The Heart of Python Packaging

Alright, let’s dive into the world of Python packaging and understand the power of the line `from distutils.core import setup`. This little line is the cornerstone of creating and distributing Python packages.

Think of it like this: You’ve built a fantastic Python module, one with cool functions and classes that could be beneficial to others. How do you share it? How do others install and use it easily? This is where `setup` comes in.

What is distutils?

`distutils` is Python’s built-in module for packaging and distributing Python projects. It’s been around for a long time and provides a foundation for creating “” files, which are the blueprints for packaging your Python project.

What is

Think of `` as the control center for packaging your project. It’s a Python script containing information about your package – its name, version, dependencies, what files to include, and how to install it.

The Setup Function

The `setup()` function is the heart of ``. It takes a dictionary of arguments to define everything about your package.

Essential Setup Arguments

Let’s break down some key arguments you’ll commonly use within the `setup()` function:

`name`: This defines the name of your package. It should be concise, descriptive, and follow Python package naming conventions.
`version`: This defines the version of your package. It’s often formatted using Semantic Versioning (e.g., 1.0.0, 2.3.1).
`description`: A short, concise description of your package.
`long_description`: A more detailed description of your package, often including a README file.
`author`: The name of the author or the main contributor.
`author_email`: The email address of the author.
`url`: The URL of your project (GitHub repository, website).
`packages`: A list of the Python packages within your project.
`install_requires`: A list of external packages that your project depends on.
`classifiers`: Metadata that helps categorize your package on platforms like PyPI.

A Simple Example

from distutils.core import setup

description=’A package with amazing functions’,
author=’Your Name’,
author_email=’[email protected]’,

This example creates a `` file for a package called “my_awesome_package”. It specifies the package name, version, description, author information, URL, and that it requires the “requests” package to work.

Building and Distributing Your Package

Once you have your `` file set up, you can build and distribute your package:

1. Building the Package:
`python sdist`: This command creates a source distribution (`.tar.gz` file) of your package.

2. Uploading to PyPI:
`python sdist upload`: This command uploads your source distribution to the Python Package Index (PyPI), making it available for others to install.

Installing Packages with `pip`

The `pip` tool is your best friend for installing Python packages from PyPI. After you upload your package to PyPI, users can install it with a simple command:

pip install my_awesome_package

Beyond distutils: setuptools and packaging

While `distutils` is a great starting point, you’ll likely encounter more complex needs as your projects grow. Enter `setuptools`, a powerful extension of `distutils`.

`setuptools` offers many advantages, such as:

More flexible configuration options: It supports additional arguments for advanced packaging scenarios.
Automatic package discovery: You can specify an entry point for your package, making it easier for users to discover and use its functionality.
Namespace packages: You can create modular packages that can be installed and used in parts.

You can install `setuptools` using `pip`:

pip install setuptools

Once installed, you can use `setuptools` in place of `distutils.core`. The `setup()` function in `setuptools` has similar arguments but offers extended features.

The Future of Packaging: `packaging`

In the world of Python packaging, things are constantly evolving. Python’s core developers have introduced a new module called `packaging` to replace `distutils` and `setuptools` in the future. It aims to provide a more unified and standardized approach to packaging.


1. Why should I care about packaging my code?

Sharing your code: Packaging allows you to distribute your code easily, so others can benefit from your work.
Reusability: By packaging, you can reuse your code across different projects.
Version control: Packaging helps manage different versions of your code.
Dependency management: Packaging helps define and manage the dependencies your project requires.

2. What if I don’t want to upload my package to PyPI?

* You can still use `` to build and distribute your package. For example, you can create a source distribution (.tar.gz file) and share it directly with others.

3. Can I use multiple `` files in a project?

* It’s generally not recommended to have multiple `` files in the same project. If you need to separate your code into multiple packages, consider organizing them into separate directories and creating a single `` to handle the overall packaging.

4. What happens if my package has dependencies that aren’t on PyPI?

* You can include the dependencies within your package’s source distribution. However, it’s generally better to try and find or create packages for these dependencies and make them available on PyPI.

5. Can I change the package name later?

* Yes, you can change the package name later by updating the `name` attribute in your ``. However, if you’ve already uploaded your package to PyPI, you’ll need to make sure that the new name is available and update any references to the old package name.

6. What are some good practices for creating a Python package?

* Follow the PEP 517 (Build System) and PEP 518 (Core Metadata) specifications for package metadata and building.
* Use a version control system (e.g., Git) to manage your code and releases.
* Write clear documentation (README file) for your package.
* Test your package thoroughly before releasing it.

7. What are the main differences between distutils, setuptools, and packaging?

* `distutils`: Python’s built-in module for basic packaging.
* `setuptools`: An extension of `distutils` with more features for advanced packaging.
* `packaging`: Python’s new, standardized packaging module that aims to replace `distutils` and `setuptools` in the future.

This guide should provide you with a strong foundation in Python packaging using `distutils.core` and ``. As you explore more advanced packaging techniques, you’ll likely find yourself working with `setuptools` and eventually `packaging`. Happy packaging!

See more here: Does Python 3.12 Have Distutils? | From Distutils Core Import Setup

1. An Introduction to Distutils — Python 3.11.8 documentation

from distutils.core import setup setup (name = ‘foo’, version = ‘1.0’, py_modules = [‘foo’],) Some observations: most information that you supply to the Python

distutils — Building and installing Python modules — Python

The distutils package provides support for building and installing additional modules into a Python installation. The new modules may be either 100%-pure Python, Python

setuptools vs. distutils: why is distutils still a thing?

from distutils.core import setup. Followed by an attempt to find a way to write a setup that can be installed by both setuptools and distutils. This often includes Stack Overflow

7. Examples — Python 3.6.3 documentation – Read the Docs

This chapter provides a number of basic examples to help get started with distutils. Additional information about using distutils can be found in the Distutils Cookbook. See Python

Distutils/Tutorial – Python Wiki

Finally we get to the file: from distutils.core import setup #This is a list of files to install, and where #(relative to the ‘root’ dir, where is) Python Software Foundation Wiki

9. API Reference — Python 3.11.8 documentation

distutils.core — Core Distutils functionality¶ The distutils.core module is the only module that needs to be installed to use the Distutils. It provides the setup() (which Python

1. An Introduction to Distutils – setuptools 70.1.1.post20240627 …

Using the Distutils is quite simple, both for module developers and for users/administrators installing third-party modules. As a developer, your responsibilities (apart from writing setuptools

3. Building C and C++ Extensions with distutils — Python 2.7.2 …

from distutils.core import setup, Extension. module1 = Extension(‘demo’, sources = [‘demo.c’]) setup (name = ‘PackageName’, version = ‘1.0’, description = ‘This is a demo

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