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How Many Fry Do Swordtails Have: A Guide For Beginners

How many babies do swordfish have?

A swordfish does not care for its babies. A female will drop eggs up to 29 million eggs that float to the surface. The eggs are 1.8 mm long. As soon as the eggs hatch, the new swordfish may be killed by nearby predators, but most manage to escape and begin growth.

Do swordtail fish breed easily?

It’s relatively easy for pet owners to breed swordtail fish at home. Both genders reach sexual maturity around 10 to 12 weeks and can interbreed with other species in the poeciliid family. The species is live-bearing, so the female fertilizes and incubates eggs internally.

Can I have 2 male swordtails?

Male-Only Aquarium The larger the numbers the better the chance you have of diffusing any potential aggression within the group, with no one fish bearing the brunt of another’s bullying. Smaller numbers of swordtails may be able to coexist, depending upon the personalities and aggression level of each fish.

How many fry do swordtails give birth to?

If fed properly and maintained well, a female swordtail can periodically give birth every month provided there’s a male in the tank. Cheers! If you have a good ratio, one male to every three females, expect babies at least twice every month. Each female give birth to 20–30 fry.

Do swordtails interbreed?

The swordtail hybridizes easily with its close relatives, the “normal” platy or moonfish (X. maculatus), as well as the sunset, variegated or variatus platy (X. variatus). This has been done so often and in so many combinations that many of today’s swordtails are not pure X.

How big do green swordtails get?

The male green swordtail grows to a maximum overall length of 14 centimetres (5.5 in) and the female to 16 centimetres (6.3 in). The name ‘swordtail’ is derived from the elongated lower lobe of the male’s caudal fin (tailfin).

Do swordtails need to be in pairs?

This is an active species that needs to be kept in groups, and don’t underestimate their adult size! They’ll make maximum use of this space. Some cover in the form of tall and/or floating plants will be appreciated by your swordtails.

What color are swordtail fry?

#1 and by far the most common: predominately orange fish with black spots, little to no white. If white is present it’s on the abdomen. #2 also common: fish which are pretty much orange in the front half of the body, black in the back half.

How fast do baby fry fish grow?

Guppy fry are easy to keep, but their growth to maturity takes about three months and that can sound like a lot! They’re not hard to keep, but you need to make sure you provide good nutrition and conditions so they grow well. There are some tips you can use to help them thrive.

How long are baby swordfish?

They measure about 4 mm long and are pelagic, or open-water, larvae. The short snout begins to develop into the longer bill when the larvae reach 12 mm in length. This teeny swordfish and its tiny bill are cute to us humans, but make no mistake – swordfish bills are deadly.

Do swordtails need salt?

There are some fish species that absolutely require aquarium salt in order to thrive. Some examples are livebearers (guppies, platys, mollies, swordtails) and goldfish.

Where do swordtails lay eggs?

The females also have a dark spot near the anus called the gravid spot – this is the area in which the fry develop before being born. Livebearers have the common trait that they give birth to free swimming young (ovoviparious), instead of egg laying like most other fishes.

Do swordtails breed easily?

I always found swordtails to be absurdly easy to breed, with one caveat. The high-fin varieties tend to have issues where the males’ gonopodium is no longer effective due to the length. Standard, short-fin swordtails should breed readily for you.

How to tell the difference between a male and female swordtail?

Swordtails have specific characteristics to easily differentiate male and female fish. Males have the characteristic “sword” on the ventral aspect of their tails. Females have a rounded tail edge and tend to have thicker bodies. This comes from carrying all their live baby fry.

Can swordtails live with shrimp?

Platies, Swordtails, Mollies, Guppies and Endler Guppies are also only recommended together with Neocaridina (Red Fire, Yellow Fire and all the other colorful jewels of the genus), Sulawesi Inland Shrimp, large Amano Shrimp or Fan Shrimp due to their size and water hardness requirements.

Is it OK to cross breed guppies?

Sure guppies of different colors can breed together. They are all the same species (or closely related like Endlers) and guppies do not discriminate. Crossing different strains will often result in healthier guppies. Those pure color strains are basically inbred.

What does a pregnant swordtail look like?

As her time nears, the bottom of her swollen belly will begin to appear slightly square and she’ll look light she might burst. A large dark spot will develop on each side of her body near the anus. That “gravid spot” is where you can see the uterus pressing against her abdominal wall.

Can I keep just male swordtails?

You can house multiple males together. Male swordtails don’t actually fight. They displace and might chase. But only when a female is around to impress.

How often do swordfish reproduce?

They are able to reproduce when they reach 5 to 6 years old. Swordfish spawn numerous times throughout the year near the surface of warm tropical and sub-tropical waters. In cooler waters, they spawn several times during the spring and summer.

How many eggs does a swordfish have?

Swordfish live about 9 years. Females are able to reproduce between 4 and 5 years of age. Depending on their size, females can produce anywhere from 1 million to 29 million eggs.

How many babies do fish carry?

As examples, the female swordtail and guppy will both give birth to anywhere from 20 to 100 live young after a gestation period of four to six weeks, and mollies will produce a brood of 20 to 60 live young after a gestation of six to 10 weeks.

How big does a swordtail Fry get?

The average size of a swordtail fry will be below a ¼ inch (5-7mm). The size is very close to that of guppy fish fry. However, they will grow to around 1.5 inches or 38 mm within three months. By that time, they will be mature enough for breeding. The swordtail fry are tiny but you will easily spot them in water after they are born.

How many fry can a swordtail give birth to?

Swordtails can give birth to around 10-100 fry at once. After that, they will leave the work of caring for the young ones to the owner because the mother fish do not have maternal instincts for their young ones. To care for the fry, you will require a separate aquarium tank to isolate them.

Do swordtail fish eat fry?

Swordtails can keep sperm cells inside their pouch and fertilize on their own over and over again. It is natural for this fish to eat their fry. The solution to that is to make sure that they are well-fed as they get closer to giving birth. Feed them two times a day. As soon as you see the fry swimming, rescue and transfer them in another tank.

How many gallons does a swordtail fish need?

Some aquarists have seen success keeping swordtail fish in freshwater tanks that hold as little as 10 gallons. However, most recommend starting with a minimum of 15 gallons. These fish are fairly active, and the extra space will do them good. Now, keep in mind that a 15-gallon tank is best for a single swordtail fish.
So, you want to know how many fry a swordtail can have, right? It’s a great question, and it’s one that a lot of fish keepers ask.

Swordtails are livebearers, which means that they give birth to live young instead of laying eggs. This makes them a bit different from other popular aquarium fish like guppies and platys. And the number of fry a swordtail can have varies depending on a few factors.

Let’s break it down, shall we?

Factors that Influence the Number of Fry

Age: Just like humans, younger swordtails typically have smaller litters. As they mature, they’ll have larger litters with each pregnancy.

Size: Larger swordtails tend to have more fry, which makes sense! They have more space for developing babies.

Genetics: Just like with humans, some swordtails are just naturally better at having more babies. It’s in their genes!

Health: A healthy swordtail will produce more fry than one that’s sick or stressed. It’s important to make sure your swordtails have a healthy environment.

Diet: A good diet is essential for a swordtail to have a successful pregnancy. They need plenty of protein to support the development of the fry.

Water Conditions: Clean, well-maintained water is key. Dirty water can stress out a swordtail and make it less likely to produce a large litter.

How Many Fry Can You Expect?

Now, for the big question: How many fry will your swordtail have?

Well, there’s no single, simple answer. It depends on all of the factors I mentioned. But, on average, a swordtail can have anywhere from 10 to 100 fry per pregnancy. Some even have 200 fry or more. That’s a lot of babies!

What to Do with All Those Fry?

Now, you have to think about what you’re going to do with all those fry. Here are a few options:

Sell them: If you don’t want to keep all the fry, you can sell them to other fish keepers.
Give them away: Share the joy! Give the fry to friends or family members who keep fish.
Raise them: Keep the fry yourself and raise them to adulthood. This is a lot of work, but it’s also very rewarding.

How to Raise Swordtail Fry

Raising swordtail fry is a fun experience but it does require some extra work.

1. Separate the Fry: The first step is to separate the fry from the adults. The adults might eat the fry if they’re not given their own space. You can do this by putting the fry into a separate tank or by using a breeding box.

2. Feed the Fry: You’ll need to feed the fry a specialized diet. They need a food that’s small enough for them to eat. There are many different types of fry food available, including:
Infusoria: A type of single-celled algae that’s often found in ponds.
Brine shrimp: Tiny crustaceans that are a good source of protein.
Fine-ground flake food: A readily available option.

3. Keep the Water Clean: Like all fish, fry need clean water to thrive. Perform frequent water changes, and make sure the water is at the right temperature.

4. Monitor Growth: Keep an eye on the fry and make sure they’re growing. They should be gaining weight and getting bigger each week.

Tips for Successful Breeding

There are a few things you can do to increase the chances of successful breeding.

Provide a Breeding Box: A breeding box is a great way to separate the pregnant swordtail from the other fish. It’ll provide a safe space for her to give birth and allow you to easily remove the fry after they’re born.
Keep Water Conditions Stable: Sudden changes in water parameters can stress a pregnant swordtail, so it’s important to maintain a stable environment.
Offer a Good Diet: Make sure the pregnant swordtail is getting a nutritious diet. This will help her produce healthy and strong fry.


Q: When will my swordtail give birth?

A: Swordtails can have a gestation period of 28 to 30 days. You can tell your swordtail is getting ready to give birth when she develops a dark spot on her belly called a gravid spot.

Q: How do I know if my swordtail is pregnant?

A: The most obvious sign is a gravid spot— a dark patch on her belly. Also, her belly will get bigger and rounder as the fry grow.

Q: Why did my swordtail eat her fry?

A:Swordtails are sometimes known to eat their own fry. This can happen if the swordtail is stressed, hungry, or if the fry are too small to escape. It’s important to separate the mother from the fry to prevent this from happening.

Q: Can I breed different colored swordtails together?

A: Yes, you can breed different colored swordtails together. This is a great way to create a variety of colors in your tank.

Q: How do I know if my swordtail is a male or female?

A: Male swordtails have a long, pointed extension on their tail that resembles a sword, hence their name. Females do not have this extension.

Well, there you have it! We’ve covered the basics of swordtail breeding and raising fry. Remember, the key to success is providing a healthy environment, a nutritious diet, and a little patience. Happy breeding!

See more here: Do Swordtail Fish Breed Easily? | How Many Fry Do Swordtails Have

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