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How To Pierce Vertical Labret | Is It Safe To Pierce Your Own Vertical Labret?

Vertical Labret 101 | Piercing & Healing Process, How To Hide,  Self-Confidence 🌈 - Youtube

Is it safe to pierce your own vertical labret?

Go to a qualified, licensed, and experienced piercer. Never do your own piercing. Don’t remove or twist the jewelry when the piercing is still dry. Always ensure that your mouth is clean.

How quickly does a vertical labret piercing close?

The vertical labret has a relatively quick healing time of 6 – 8 weeks. As always, the healing process varies, and you should talk to your piercer before stopping aftercare practices.

How painful is a vertical labret piercing?

Piercing experts give it a score of 4 on a scale of 1 to 10 on a piercing pain chart. You’ll most likely feel a sharp pinch, but an experienced piercer will do it swiftly and cleanly so you shouldn’t feel too much vertical labret piercing pain. However, we wouldn’t recommend this as your first piercing.

Will a vertical labret leave a hole?

Although the hole in the skin will be gone, a permanent indentation in the skin will remain. Once healing has occurred at the site, cosmetic procedures like using fillers may be needed to minimize the indentation.

Do vertical labret piercings reject?

more and more of the bar starts to show, it might be rejecting. Sometimes the jewelry will even become. visible under the skin. Number 2 the piercing is sore, swollen, dry, and irritated.

Do vertical labret piercings get infected easily?

Lip piercings may be more prone to infection — especially during the initial healing stage — due to regular contact with saliva, food, makeup, and other bacteria.

Can you talk after a vertical labret?

They really do not look gross, clean a fresh piercing 2 times a day with salt water, it might crust a little for first few weeks, just wipe it off with q tip and some clean water. It should not affect your ability to talk other than maybe the first day, you might have a bit of a lisp but really should not be an issue.

How long after vertical labret can I wear lipstick?

With any piercing that doesn’t pass through the vermilion border of the lip you should be fine to rock a bold lip again in just 2-4 weeks. However for vertical labrets, vertical philtrums, and inverse verticals, no lipstick or lip products till it’s fully healed.

Can you repierce the same lip hole?

Because the tissue grows back—albeit scarred—it can easily be pierced again. However, it’s important to make sure the area is fully done healing before going back in with another needle. “If there’s an abundance of scar tissue present, your piercer will evaluate how safe it is to re-pierce,” says Lynn.

Do vertical labrets damage teeth?

Vertical Labrets and Vertical Philtrums: They are an oral piercing but the placement makes it so they have little to no risk to any damage to your teeth and gums! They still need to be kept clean but you can rest assured your dentist will appreciate these beauties!

Can you kiss with a vertical labret piercing?

The short answer: Yes. The long answer: kissing someone who has a lip piercing (or when you have a lip piercing) shouldn’t be much different than a normal kiss. Sure you’ll have to navigate the strange sensation of a piece of jewelry in your way, but all in all, this shouldn’t provide too much of an obstacle.

Can a labret piercing go wrong?

The most common risks associated with labret piercings are tooth wear, tooth drift, and gum damage. All three of these are caused by the jewelry or disk rubbing against the teeth and gums, although your piercer will measure you and place your piercing correctly as to avoid the tooth/gum line.

How much does a lip piercing hurt on a scale of 1 to 10?

Many rated pain levels as 4 to 5 out of 10. Effects: Your lip will swell, causing you to be the object of ridicule for a day. There are no speech problems but you will be very conscious of it for the first couple of months.

What piercing rejects the most?

Surface piercings such as eyebrows, neck, nipple and wrist tend to be rejected more easily than other piercings. That’s because they do not travel directly through the body, but rather along an area of skin because the jewellery is puncturing only a small amount of the skin’s surface.

How fast does a vertical labret close?

Pain level: “This piercing is normally rated around a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10,” says professional piercer, AJ St. Peter. Healing time: While healing times may vary, expect a period of 6 to 8 weeks. Aftercare: Wash the area with a sterile sea salt solution two to three times a day until it’s fully healed.

Can you bite your lip with a vertical labret?

While the jewelry is long in a vertical labret it can make eating and drinking awkward, and you have to be careful how you eat and bite to avoid biting down on the jewelry. But, once things are less swollen you can downsize that bar, usually in the first few weeks.

What’s the worst piercing to get infected?

Whenever the skin’s protective barrier is broken, local skin infections from staph or strep bacteria are a risk. Of all the body sites commonly pierced, the navel is the most likely to become infected because of its shape.

When can I wear chapstick after vertical labret?

Vertical Lip Piercings -Any piercing through the vermillion of the lip will cause chapped lips. However, since the piercing rests on the lip line, you can’t safely wear chapstick or lipstick while this is healing (usually 5-6 months).

What does a rejecting vertical labret look like?

If the skin is looking thinner or tighter around the piercing, or above the jewellery, it’s a possible sign of rejection. As well, the colour of your skin changing around the hole is another potential sign. Transparent/near-transparent skin is a very likely sign of rejection.

What is the most painful piercing?

It’s not uncommon for people to cringe when they think of piercing their genitals. And they have good reason to! Genital piercings are the most painful of the bunch. This is because your genitals are extremely sensitive and contain an incredibly high amount of nerve endings.

How to heal a lip piercing faster?

Crushed ice is always best- large pieces can increase the swelling. Reduce the amount of talking you do. Cut down on your intake of warm beverages, spicy and acidic foods, tobacco and alcohol for the first week or as long as your lip is swollen. Avoid drinking through straws while your piercing is healing.

When can I eat after a labret piercing?

Eating. Take your time with eating until you are used to the piercing and the jewelry is downsized to prevent irritation or prolonged healing. Avoid eating spicy, salty, acidic, or hot temperature foods or beverages for the first two weeks (no specific foods need to be avoided).

Can you still kiss with a labret piercing?

Wait for the piercing to heal before kissing. A lip piercing typically takes anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks to fully heal. Labret and Monroe piercings take 2 to 6 months to heal fully.

When can I kiss with a vertical labret?

Don’t engage in any kissing or oral sex for at least 3 weeks after the piercing.

Can a labret piercing go wrong?

The most common risks associated with labret piercings are tooth wear, tooth drift, and gum damage. All three of these are caused by the jewelry or disk rubbing against the teeth and gums, although your piercer will measure you and place your piercing correctly as to avoid the tooth/gum line.

Do vertical labrets damage teeth?

Vertical Labrets and Vertical Philtrums: They are an oral piercing but the placement makes it so they have little to no risk to any damage to your teeth and gums! They still need to be kept clean but you can rest assured your dentist will appreciate these beauties!

Do angel bites damage teeth?

Blood-borne infections, like HIV and tetanus, are also possible if unclean equipment is used. Tooth or gum damage. The jewelry rubs against the surface of your gums and teeth when you talk or eat. This can damage your tooth enamel, causing erosion and gingivitis.

What do you pierce a vertical labret with?

And while there is some variation, a typical vertical labret piercing process involves marking the skin, holding the lip in place with a pair of slotted sterile forceps, and piercing the lip in a downward motion with a needle in the appropriate gauge.

What are vertical labret piercings?

Vertical labret bars. These go through the piercing vertically and have a bead on each end. You can even put these side by side if you get double vertical labret piercings. A vertical lip piercing is a common and distinct type of piercing.

How painful is a vertical labret piercing?

Since the vertical labret piercing has two puncture points that go directly through the sensitive lip skin, this piercing is slightly more painful than other lip piercing types. Compared to other piercing types, it typically falls on the low-middle end of the pain scale.

What are the different types of labret piercings?

Alternative types of labret piercings include: Vertical lip piercing: A piercing that goes directly through the lip (also known as an “Ashley” piercing). Horizontal labret piercing: A type of surface piercing that extends horizontally across the surface of your lower lip.

Can a vertical labret piercing get infected?

Simply practice good hygiene and keep the piercing clean, and it’s unlikely that your vertical labret piercing will become infected. Signs of an infection include green or yellow excretion, swelling (especially a week or more after piercing), bleeding, and a feverish feeling around the piercing site.
How to Pierce a Vertical Labret

Hey there, body modification enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the world of vertical labret piercings. If you’re considering this stylish lip piercing, you’ve come to the right place. We’re breaking down everything you need to know, from choosing the right jewelry to aftercare. Let’s get started!

Understanding the Vertical Labret Piercing

First things first, let’s define what a vertical labret piercing is. Basically, it’s a piercing that goes vertically through your lower lip, starting just below your lip line and exiting just above it. It’s a super trendy piercing that adds a touch of edgy chic to your look.

Choosing the Right Jewelry

Now, before we get into the piercing process, let’s talk about jewelry. When it comes to vertical labrets, you’ve got options! Here’s what you need to know:

Material: Your initial jewelry should be made of implant-grade titanium or surgical stainless steel as they’re less likely to cause irritation or allergies during the healing process. After your piercing is healed, you can experiment with other materials like gold or silver.

Barbell: You’ll typically start with a straight barbell as it allows for easy cleaning and helps the piercing to heal properly. As you heal, you can switch to a curved barbell or labret stud for a more streamlined look.

Length: The length of your barbell depends on the thickness of your lip. It’s best to get a professional piercer’s opinion on the right length for your specific anatomy.

Finding the Right Piercer

Okay, so you’re ready to get pierced! But choosing the right piercer is crucial. Here’s what you should look for:

Experience: Look for a piercer who has extensive experience with vertical labret piercings. They should be able to answer your questions and offer personalized advice.
License and Certifications: Make sure your piercer has the necessary licenses and certifications to practice body piercing. It shows that they’ve met industry standards and prioritize safety.
Hygiene: The piercing studio should be clean and sterile to prevent infections. A good piercer will use autoclaved needles and wear gloves throughout the piercing process.

The Piercing Process

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Here’s a general breakdown of what you can expect when getting your vertical labret pierced:

1. Consultation: First, your piercer will chat with you about the piercing. They’ll ask about your jewelry preferences, medical history, and any allergies you might have.

2. Marking: Once you’re ready, your piercer will mark the spot where the piercing will go. They’ll ensure it’s symmetrical and placed in a way that’s comfortable for you.

3. Piercing: They’ll use a new, sterile needle to pierce your lip. It might feel like a sharp pinch or a stinging sensation. It should be over quickly!

4. Jewelry Insertion: Once the piercing is made, they’ll insert the initial barbell. Your piercer will show you how to clean and care for your piercing before sending you on your way.

Aftercare 101

After getting your vertical labret pierced, proper aftercare is key to a smooth healing process. Here are the essential steps to follow:

1. Clean Your Piercing: Twice a day, gently clean your piercing with saline solution or non-iodized sea salt solution.

2. Avoid Touching: As tempting as it may be, resist the urge to touch or fiddle with your piercing as this can introduce bacteria and delay healing.

3. Keep It Dry: Avoid getting your piercing wet during showers and baths for the first few weeks.

4. No Kissing or Oral Sex: Sorry to be a buzzkill, but it’s important to avoid kissing or oral sex until the piercing is fully healed. This will reduce the risk of infection.

5. Diet Adjustments: For the first week or so, avoid spicy or acidic foods as they can irritate your piercing.

6. Sleep on Your Back: If possible, sleep on your back to prevent any pressure on your piercing while you’re sleeping.

7. No Jewelry Changes: It’s generally recommended to leave the initial jewelry in for at least 6-8 weeks before changing it.

Signs of Infection

It’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of infection. Here are a few red flags:

Increased redness, swelling, or pain: If your piercing looks significantly redder or more swollen than normal, or if you’re experiencing increased pain, it could be a sign of infection.

Pus or discharge: Any yellow or green discharge around the piercing site can indicate an infection.

Warmth to the touch: If the area around your piercing feels warmer than the surrounding skin, it could also be a sign of infection.

Fever: A high fever can also be a sign of infection.

If you notice any of these signs, contact your piercer or a doctor immediately.

Healing Time

A vertical labret piercing typically takes 6 to 8 weeks to heal but it can vary depending on your individual healing rate and aftercare practices.

The Importance of Patience

Remember, patience is key. You’ll need to be patient and consistent with your aftercare to ensure your piercing heals properly. Don’t worry if your piercing looks a bit swollen or red during the initial healing stages. It’s completely normal.

FAQs About Vertical Labrets

# Is a vertical labret piercing painful?

The pain level of a vertical labret piercing varies from person to person. Some people describe it as a sharp pinch, while others say it feels like a stinging sensation. It’s usually a quick, temporary discomfort.

# How long does it take for a vertical labret to heal?

A vertical labret piercing typically takes 6 to 8 weeks to heal, but it can take longer for some people.

# Can I change the jewelry in a vertical labret piercing?

You should wait at least 6-8 weeks before changing your jewelry to allow the piercing to heal properly.

# What are the risks of getting a vertical labret piercing?

As with any piercing, there are risks associated with getting a vertical labret piercing, including infection, scarring, and allergic reactions to the jewelry.

#Can I sleep on my side after getting a vertical labret piercing?

It’s generally recommended to avoid sleeping on your side for the first few weeks after getting your piercing.

#What if my vertical labret piercing gets infected?

If you think your piercing is infected, it’s important to see a doctor or your piercer immediately.

#Is it okay to put lipstick on after getting a vertical labret piercing?

It’s best to avoid putting lipstick on your piercing for the first few weeks while it’s healing.

#Can I smoke after getting a vertical labret piercing?

Smoking can hinder healing and increase the risk of infection. It’s best to avoid smoking or vaping until your piercing is fully healed.

#Can I get a vertical labret piercing if I have a cold sore?

It’s best to avoid getting a vertical labret piercing if you have a cold sore or any other active skin condition. Wait until the condition has cleared up before getting pierced.

Ready to embrace the edgy elegance of a vertical labret? With the right information and a good piercer by your side, you can rock this bold piercing with confidence! Remember to follow the aftercare instructions diligently and enjoy the stylish results.

See more here: How Quickly Does A Vertical Labret Piercing Close? | How To Pierce Vertical Labret

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