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How To Propagate Silver Dollar Vine: Easy Steps For Success

How To Propagate Silver Dollar Vine Or Xerosicyos Danguyi | Buhaymother -  Youtube

How to propagate silver dollar jade?

To propagate “Silver Dollar Jade” from leaves, twist a leaf from the mother plant. Be sure that none of the leaf remains on the stem, or you will have a smaller chance of success. Allow the leaf to dry out for several days so that the end callouses over, and then place on well-draining soil.

How to grow silver dollar vines?

Needs at least a few hours of direct sun to thrive. Not recommended as an indoor plant. Repot using a good quality Cacti & Succulent mix. Plants will benefit from a small amount of quality slow-release fertilizer such as Troforte added to the soil.

Is Silver Dollar Vine fast growing?

Given proper light and care, the Silver Dollar Vine is a low-maintenance and slow-growing vine.

How do silver dollars reproduce?

Eventually a pair will spawn, and the female will lay up to 2000 eggs. The eggs will fall to the bottom of the tank, where they will hatch in three days.

Is it better to propagate a jade plant in water or soil?

It is possible to propagate a jade plant in water, but this method should only be chosen as a last resort. “Water propagation increases the chance of the cutting rooting and also makes the transition for the rooted cutting more difficult when it’s taken out of the water and planted in well-draining soil.” says Hancock.

Can you propagate jade from a single leaf?

If you have ample time, try propagating your jade plant using a leaf cutting. The key to this method is making sure you have a full leaf: you can root your cutting in either soil or water, but if you’re going to use the leaves, soil is the easiest option. If you’re using the stem, you can also root it in water.

Can you put a jade plant in water to root?

Another way to root Jade plant cuttings is to place them in water instead of soil. However, this method will work specifically for stem cuttings but not leaves. Take a healthy cutting and leave it for a few days to develop a callus.

Is silver dollar vine a hoya?

The floral clusters might remind you of a hoya’s when it blooms, although there’s not really a relation between the two houseplants.

How often should you water a silver dollar plant?

How often to water your Silver Dollar Plant. Silver Dollar Plant needs 0.8 cups of water every 12 days when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5.0″ pot.

How fast does silver dollar grow?

It can grow rapidly (6-8 feet in one season).

Is silver dollar vine toxic?

Diving straight in, the Silver Dollar Vine carries a non-toxic badge of honor. It’s a green light for grown-ups; no need to worry about this succulent being a silent threat in your home.

Why is my silver dollar plant dying?

Powdery mildew and other fungal infections can turn your Silver Dollar Tree into a sad, spotty mess. If you’ve tried all the good gardening practices and still have issues, it might be time for sulfur and copper treatments. Suit up though—these aren’t exactly spa treatments for your skin or lungs.

Can dollar plant grow in water?

Money plants can be grown in outdoor as well as indoor conditions. You can grow them in soil and also in water only.

Can you propagate silver dollar from a leaf?

The only way to propagate the string of coins is stem cutting. Let’s do it with us. Choose a mature stem with plum and darker green leaves, cut it with a sterilized pruner. and let it colours for at least 24 hours in bright indirect light.

Is the Silver Dollar plant a succulent?

Silver Dollar Plant is a succulent plant native to South Africa in the jade family. It is often grown as a houseplant and has attractive rounded blue-gray leaves with maroon edges and small maroon speckles on the upper surface.

Do silver dollars breed in captivity?

Breeding spotted silver dollars is possibly in captivity however it is not incredibly common in the home aquarium. These fish need a large spawning tank and there isn’t much of a re-sale incentive considering the price these fish are in a retail setting.

How many silver dollars should be kept together?

Silver dollars are a schooling fish by nature and do best when kept in schools of six or more. A very peaceful shoaling species, they do not do well on their own, but even a large group will be skittish and timid when left without shelter.

Is coffee water good for jade plant?

Last but not least, the Jade plant. is another house plant that enjoys coffee. It’s a fan of nitrogen, which keeps its color vibrant. and encourages thick stem growth. So if you love your morning coffee, share the love with your African violet, azalea and Jade plant.

Where to cut jade plant for propagation?

Step 1: Take healthy, 3- to 5-inch stem cuttings from an established jade plant using a sharp, clean knife. Cut directly below a leaf node and ensure each cutting has at least three or four healthy leaves at the top of its stem.

Is it faster to propagate in water or soil?

And yes, there are also other ways to propagate, but water propagation is the simplest way to start if you’re new to propagating plants, or simply want to speed up the process, as cuttings root faster in water vs soil, plus you can easily see what’s going on each step of the way.

Why is my jade plant so leggy?

The tree-like succulent is easy to care for and will grow bigger and taller without you needing to do much, but when left untrimmed, jade plants can become leggy and unruly, increasing their risk of bending and breaking. To keep your jade plant from becoming top-heavy, it’s best to prune it to encourage bushier growth.

Do you need rooting hormone for jade cuttings?

The bottom of the stem needs time to dry and callus over. Think about it as a fresh “wound” that needs to scab over. This can take anywhere from 3 days to a couple of weeks. One way to speed up this process and increase the chance of a healthy and successful newly rooted jade is to use a rooting hormone.

How to make jade plant bushy?

Trim the jade plant when branches start to droop. Because the jade plant is top-heavy and stores water in its leaves, branches that aren’t thick enough won’t be able to support the weight of the leaves. Pruning those branches develops thicker, stronger stems, which lets your plant grow taller and wider.

Can you propagate silver inch plant in water?

The easiest way to propagate Tradescantia zebrina is from cuttings. In spring, simply cut a few shoots from the mother plant: These should already have some leaves. Then place the cuttings in a glass of water in a bright place. After a few days, roots should have formed, and you can plant the cuttings in a pot.

How do you propagate silver pothos in water?

Water Propagation Method Submerge the stem cutting in a glass of water, ensuring at least one node is underwater. Nodes are the little bumps on the stem where leaves and roots grow. Change the water every few days to prevent bacterial growth, or consider using activated charcoal to keep the water clean.

How do you propagate silver Peperomia?

Propagating the Silver Ripple Peperomia is a fun and easy process. Leaf cuttings are my go-to method. Simply cut a healthy leaf, let it dry for a day, and then press it into moist soil. With patience and consistent care, you’ll soon see new growth, allowing you to expand your collection or share with friends.

How to care for silver dollar vine?

Silver Dollar Vine care is relatively straightforward. It is adaptable to most indoor conditions and has few problems with pests or diseases if the proper care is given. The following is the essential information regarding Xerosicyos danguyi care. The Xerosicyos danguyi succulent plant does best in bright indirect light.

How do you propagate a silver dollar vine?

Propagate through stem cuttings directly in soil. The silver dollar succulent vine is part of the Cucurbitaceae family and hails from Madagascar. This plant is actually from the same family as cucumber and squash! It is fast growing, especially outdoors in an ideal environment.

What is a silver dollar vine succulent?

It’s called Xerosicyos danguyi, also known as Silver Dollar Vine. This succulent plant makes an excellent houseplant because it has few requirements for proper care and is also easy to propagate. This article will provide you with all the information you need to take care of your Silver Dollar Vine succulent plant.

Can silver dollar vine grow?

We’ve got everything you need to know to plant, grow, and propagate silver dollar vine here in this article. Silver dollar vine is a succulent. You may find it also referred to as dollar vine, penny plant, and silver dollar plant. It produces vines of silvery green leaves that grow to be a maximum of 20 inches tall.
Growing More Silver Dollar Vines

Let’s be real, silver dollar vine is pretty darn cool. Those round, coin-shaped leaves are a real eye-catcher. But let’s say you want more of these beauties. You’ve got two main options: seeds or cuttings. And honestly, cuttings are way easier. They’re super quick and you’ll have new vines in no time.

Using Cuttings

Alright, so you’re ready to give cutting propagation a try. Here’s the breakdown:

1. Snip a stem. Find a healthy, non-flowering stem and slice it just below a leaf node. You’re looking for a piece that’s about 4 to 6 inches long.
2. Remove the bottom leaves. Grab the bottom pair of leaves and give ’em the snip. This helps the cutting focus its energy on root growth instead of leaf production.
3. Dip in rooting hormone. This step isn’t totally necessary, but it gives your cutting a boost. It encourages those roots to pop out faster. If you’re going the hormone route, dip the cut end of the stem in the powder or liquid.
4. Get your medium ready. You can use potting soil, seed-starting mix, or even water. For potting soil or seed-starting mix, fill a small pot or tray with your chosen medium.
5. Plant your cuttings. Make a hole in the soil using a pencil or your finger. Gently insert the cut end of your stem into the hole. You want to make sure that the bottom leaf nodes are buried, but don’t go overboard.
6. Keep ’em moist. Water your new little vines, but don’t drown them. They’ll appreciate a consistently damp, but not soggy, environment.
7. Provide some warmth. Silver dollar vines love a warm spot. A sunny windowsill is perfect. If you’re in a colder climate, consider using a heat mat to give those roots some extra TLC.
8. Patience is key. It can take a few weeks to a couple of months for those roots to develop. Don’t give up! You’ll know they’re happy when you start to see new growth.


Let’s be honest, propagating from seeds is a bit more of a gamble. It’s not as foolproof as cuttings. But if you’re up for the challenge, here’s what you need to do:

1. Get your seeds. If you’ve got a silver dollar vine already, you can try collecting your own seeds. They’re inside those little pods that form after the flowers fade. Let the pods dry out on the vine, and then carefully extract the seeds. Otherwise, you can pick some up online or at a garden center.
2. Start them indoors. Sow those seeds in a seed-starting tray or small pots. Use a well-draining seed-starting mix, and lightly cover the seeds with soil.
3. Keep ’em warm and moist. Silver dollar vine seeds need a warm environment to germinate. Use a heat mat to maintain a temperature of about 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged.
4. Watch for sprouts. It can take a couple of weeks for those tiny seedlings to emerge. Once they’re up and running, give them plenty of bright, indirect light.
5. Time for a transplant. When the seedlings have a few true leaves, they’re ready for their forever home. Pot them up into individual pots or plant them directly outdoors if the weather’s warm enough.

Tips for Success

Here are a few tips to make sure your silver dollar vine propagation is a success:

Timing is key. The best time to propagate cuttings is in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing.
Avoid too much sun. While silver dollar vines love sunlight, new cuttings and seedlings are sensitive to intense direct sunlight. Give them some shade during the hottest part of the day.
Don’t be afraid to trim. Once your cuttings have rooted and your seedlings are established, you can trim them back to encourage bushier growth. This helps your plants stay full and attractive.


Q: When can I expect to see new growth?

A: This depends on the method you’re using. Cuttings typically start to show signs of new growth in a few weeks. Seeds might take a little longer, up to a couple of months.

Q: How often should I water?

A: Check the soil moisture regularly. Water when the top inch or so of soil feels dry.

Q: Can I propagate silver dollar vine in water?

A: Absolutely! It’s a popular method. Just place the cuttings in a glass of water, ensuring the leaf nodes are submerged. Change the water every few days to keep it fresh. Once roots start to form, you can transplant them to soil.

Q: What about pests and diseases?

A: Silver dollar vines are generally pretty tough and disease-resistant. However, they can be susceptible to mealybugs and aphids. If you notice any pests, you can try using a gentle insecticidal soap or neem oil solution.

Q: Can I propagate silver dollar vine outdoors?

A: You can, but it’s better to do it indoors, especially if you live in a cooler climate. The consistent warmth helps the cuttings and seeds develop roots more quickly.

Q: What’s the difference between silver dollar vine and wax plant?

A: They are different plants in the same family. Silver dollar vine is often called wax plant because its leaves have a waxy, almost metallic sheen. Wax plants, on the other hand, typically have leaves with more pronounced veins and can have different colorations, from green to red to pink. Both are excellent candidates for propagation!

Enjoy Your New Vines!

Now that you’ve got the know-how, it’s time to get your green fingers working. Propagating silver dollar vines is a rewarding experience. You’ll have more of these stunning plants to brighten up your home or garden.

See more here: How To Propagate Silver Dollar Jade? | How To Propagate Silver Dollar Vine

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How To Propagate Silver Dollar Vine Or Xerosicyos Danguyi | Buhaymother -  Youtube
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