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Should I Get My House Revalued Before Remortgaging?

Will My House Be Revalued If I Remortgage? - Uk Mortgage Centre

Do you revalue your house when you remortgage?

Lenders need to undertake a house valuation for remortgage for two reasons: To check the value of your house is adequate security for the mortgage. To work out the loan-to-value ratio (what percentage of the home’s value is borrowed). You may get a better deal if you have a lower loan-to-value ratio.

At what point should you remortgage?

We’re often asked when the right time to remortgage is, and in fact, how soon can you remortgage? The response to that is simple. Don’t assume you need to wait until your current deal ends before you get the ball rolling. Start the remortgage process early – around six months before your existing deal ends.

At what stage is a mortgage valuation done?

Your lender will require a mortgage valuation when you apply for a mortgage and you may need one if you remortgage too.

Should I remortgage early or wait?

Paying your mortgage off early, particularly if you’re not in the last few years of your loan term, reduces the overall loan cost. This is because you’ll save a significant amount on the interest that makes up part of your payment agreement.

What do they check when you remortgage?

Once you’ve submitted your remortgage application, the lender will need to assess your income, financial commitments and outgoings to make sure the mortgage will be affordable. They will carry out their remortgage affordability checks, and will also look at your credit rating and carry out a valuation of your property.

Will I get money back if I remortgage?

Sometimes your existing lender will still take the mortgage payment and then they will refund the majority of this back to you once your mortgage has been cleared on their system. Your new payments will usually come out the following month.

Will interest rates go down in 2024?

Last week, 30-year mortgage rates averaged around 6.58%, according to Zillow data. This is down nearly 30 basis points from where rates were a month ago. Recent economic developments suggest mortgage rates may fall further throughout the remainder of 2024.

Do payments go down when you remortgage?

A remortgage will allow you to reduce the loan size and potentially get a cheaper rate as a result. But watch out for any early repayment charges or exit fees you face, and compare this to how much you’d save with the new, lower mortgage.

Why is it so hard to remortgage?

You have a bad credit rating If you have a low credit score, then you may be rejected for a remortgage or have limited options. It’s always a good idea to check your credit score before applying for a new mortgage, as it gives you the opportunity to correct any errors or clear any existing debt to boost your score.

Can a mortgage be declined after valuation?

A down valuation, for example, will mean a higher LTV ratio, which may make your application no longer acceptable. The property valuation is a critical step in a lender’s decision-making process and can lead to mortgage refusal for a variety of reasons.

What are the 5 stages of mortgage?

The mortgage process is complicated but can be broken into a number of steps: pre-approval, house shopping, mortgage application, loan processing, underwriting, and closing. It’s a good idea to get pre-approval for a mortgage before you start looking for a property, so you know what you can afford.

What happens if the valuation is higher than the offer?

While less common, a higher-than-expected property valuation can work in your favour. It means you’re getting a property with a higher market value than the purchase price, potentially building instant equity.

Is it easier to remortgage or get a new mortgage?

Remortgaging with your current lender can be easier and quicker than changing mortgage providers, but a different lender may offer better remortgage deals.

Is it better to remortgage for 2 or 5 years?

Short-term mortgages, like a two-year fixed mortgage, tend to have lower interest rates, while long-term ones, like a five-year fixed mortgage, generally have higher interest rates. This is because of the increased certainty and stability five-year fixed-rate mortgages provide.

Is it worth remortgaging early?

Remortgaging could allow you to secure a lower interest rate, potentially reducing your monthly payments and overall mortgage costs. If your property has increased in value, remortgaging can provide an opportunity to release equity for home improvements, investments, or other financial needs.

How long does a remortgage take after valuation?

Get ready to remortgage The remortgaging process typically takes from 4 to 8 weeks after you apply. For most applications, you’ll need to speak to one of the lender’s mortgage advisers, who are qualified to advise you about the best deal for your needs.

Do you get charged for remortgage?

You may be charged an early repayment charge for leaving your existing lender within the terms of your mortgage deal. This is usually between 1% and 5% of your remaining mortgage cost.

What is the easiest way to remortgage?

One of the quickest and most straightforward ways to remortgage is by doing a product transfer with your current lender, as there’s no conveyancing (legal work) involved. This can also save you money on solicitor fees.

What are the pitfalls of remortgage?

There are some drawbacks to a remortgage as well, which include: Stretching your debts to a longer time frame increases the overall cost. When your home is used as collateral, it can be repossessed if you cannot keep up with the payments.

Will my mortgage go down when I remortgage?

Reducing your loan-to-value to get a better rate This is shown as a percentage and is called the ‘loan-to-value’. When you remortgage, the lower the loan-to-value you need, the more deals might be available to you – which should get you cheaper mortgage deals.

Do you get a lump sum when you remortgage?

Release Equity You can remortgage to release equity built up in your home for various purposes, such as retirement, home improvements, debt consolidation, or buying a new car. This involves taking out a new mortgage deal to borrow more than your current mortgage amount, giving you a cash lump sum.

How high could interest rates go in 2025?

What will mortgage rates look like in five years? There are no sources for officially projected interest rates in five years, but the Mortgage Bankers Association does predict rates on 30-year mortgages will drop to 6% by the end of 2025. Fannie Mae predicts a 6.3% rate.

How many times can you refinance your home?

Key takeaways. There is no limit on how many times you can refinance your mortgage, although lenders may enforce a waiting period, typically around six months, known as a ‘seasoning’ requirement.

What will interest be in 2026?

The median estimate for the fed-funds rate target range at the end of 2025 moved to 3.75% to 4%, from 3.5% to 3.75% in December. For the end of 2026, the median dot now shows a target range of 3% to 3.25%, versus 2.75% to 3% three months ago.

Is it better to remortgage with an existing lender?

Typically, remortgaging with the same lender is less expensive than starting fresh with a new one. While there may be an arrangement fee, you’re likely to avoid valuation or legal fees. It’s also worth discussing with your lender whether exit fees can be waived, and don’t forget to inquire about early repayment fees.

Is it better to get a 2 year or 5 year fixed mortgage?

5 year fixes allow you to take advantage of rates for a longer period, and avoid the hassle and cost of remortgaging every 2 years. You could also benefit from any house price appreciation, which can increase your equity and improve your loan-to-value ratio, making you eligible for lower rates when you remortgage.

What happens if you do not remortgage?

Homeowners not eligible for a remortgage will effectively become mortgage prisoners. This means they have no option but to stay on their current deal. A situation that could result in them paying higher monthly repayments as their loan transitions to a standard variable rate mortgage.

What happens when I remortgage my house?

A remortgage is when you move your mortgage to a new deal with another lender, or move to a different deal with your current lender. Switching to a new mortgage with your current lender is sometimes known as a product transfer.

Do payments go down when you remortgage?

A remortgage will allow you to reduce the loan size and potentially get a cheaper rate as a result. But watch out for any early repayment charges or exit fees you face, and compare this to how much you’d save with the new, lower mortgage.

What does it mean to revalue property?

A revaluation is a program undertaken by a municipality to appraise all real property within the taxing district according to its full and fair value.

Do you revalue fixed assets?

In case of land and buildings, revaluation is desirable as their value generally increases over time, and is carried out every 3 to 5 years. In case of plant and machinery, revaluation is carried out only if there is a strong case for it.

Should I get my house valued before remortgaging?

If you are thinking about remortgaging, it is always a good idea to get your house valued first. A remortgage valuation gives you an indication of your home’s current market value, and this up-to-date valuation will mean that your new mortgage will reflect what your home is worth and secure you the right deal for your situation.

Do I need a remortgage valuation?

Getting a remortgage valuation on your property is not mandatory before you apply for your remortgage. However, having an rough idea of your property’s market value is important before beginning the remortgage process.

What happens after a remortgage valuation?

After a valuation, the surveyor will contact the lender directly and give them their opinion. If they agree with the remortgage price, then the lender is likely to process the new mortgage. However, if the surveyor decides that the property is less than the agreed proposed remortgage, you might get a ‘down valuation’.

What happens if a house is revalued?

If we had the house revalued, it might be that we’re getting below 80-90% LTV and therefore can get a much better deal. If we apply for a mortgage with our old valuation, we will be offered much higher rates. Hope that made things a bit clearer! Don’t worry, the new mortgage wil be based on a new valuation, not on the old one.
Should I Get My House Revalued Before Remortgaging?

So, you’re thinking about remortgaging your home, huh? That’s a big decision, and it’s definitely worth doing your research. One of the first things you’ll likely want to know is whether you need to get a revaluation before you apply.

Let’s dive into this, shall we?

Why a Revaluation Might Be a Good Idea

Think of it this way: a revaluation gives you a snapshot of your home’s current market value. It’s like taking a temperature reading, you know? You get a better understanding of what your house is worth *right now*.

Here’s why getting a revaluation before remortgaging might be a good idea:

You might get a better mortgage deal: If the revaluation shows your home’s value has increased, you could qualify for a bigger mortgage. This can be a game-changer if you’re planning to use the extra cash for home improvements, debt consolidation, or even just a nice vacation!

You might be able to refinance at a lower interest rate: A higher valuation could also mean you’re eligible for a lower interest rate on your mortgage. This can save you serious dough over the long run, trust me.

You might be able to switch to a different type of mortgage: Depending on your situation and the revaluation, you might be able to switch to a different type of mortgage, like a fixed-rate mortgage. This can help you lock in your monthly payments and avoid surprises in the future.

When You Don’t *Really* Need a Revaluation

Alright, let’s be real. Not everyone needs to get a revaluation before remortgaging. Here are a few scenarios where you might skip it:

You haven’t made any major improvements to your home: If you haven’t added a new bathroom or renovated your kitchen, the value of your home might not have changed much since you last got a valuation (like when you bought the house).

You’re not planning on using the equity in your home: If you’re just looking to lower your interest rate or switch to a different type of mortgage and don’t plan on borrowing extra money, a revaluation might not be necessary.

Your current mortgage lender is willing to use your existing valuation: Some lenders will accept a previous valuation if it’s relatively recent (usually within the last 12 months) and there haven’t been any significant changes in the housing market.

How Much Does a Revaluation Cost?

Getting a revaluation might sound scary, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. The cost can vary depending on the size of your home, your location, and the company you choose.

Generally, expect to pay somewhere between $200 and $500. This might seem like a hefty sum, but consider it an investment in getting the best possible mortgage deal. You can always compare prices and choose a company that fits your budget.

Where to Get a Revaluation

Alright, ready to get that revaluation done? Here’s how you can find a qualified professional:

Check with your mortgage lender: Many mortgage lenders offer revaluation services, which can be super convenient. They might even give you a special rate if you use their service.

Search online: There are tons of websites that connect you with revaluators in your area.

Ask friends and family for recommendations: Who knows, maybe someone you know has recently had their home revalued and can give you a great referral.

Things to Keep in Mind

Before you jump into the revaluation process, here are a few things to keep in mind:

The results are not guaranteed: A revaluation is just an estimate, and it’s not always accurate. The final valuation can fluctuate depending on market conditions and the revaluator’s opinion.

You’ll need to provide documentation: To get a revaluation, you’ll need to provide the revaluator with information about your home, such as the property details, any recent improvements, and any recent sales of comparable homes in your area.

The revaluation might not be free: Some revaluators charge a fee for their services, so be sure to check before you commit.

Bottom Line

Getting a revaluation before you remortgage your home can be a smart move, but it’s not always necessary. If you’re not sure whether you need a revaluation, it’s always a good idea to chat with your mortgage lender or a revaluation professional.


Here are some frequently asked questions about revaluations and remortgaging.

Q: How often should I get my house revalued?

A: There’s no hard and fast rule, but it’s generally recommended to get a revaluation every few years, especially if you’re planning to remortgage, sell your home, or make significant improvements.

Q: Can I get a free revaluation?

A: Some mortgage lenders offer free revaluations to their existing customers, but it’s not common. You can also check online for free revaluation services, but be sure to read the fine print before you commit.

Q: What if the revaluation is lower than I expected?

A: If the revaluation comes in lower than you anticipated, you might not qualify for as much money or a lower interest rate. You might also have to consider your options, like postponing your remortgage or renegotiating with your lender.

Q: What if the revaluation is higher than I expected?

A: If the revaluation comes in higher than expected, you’ll be in a great position to negotiate a better mortgage deal. You could qualify for a larger loan, a lower interest rate, or both!

Q: How long does a revaluation take?

A: The time it takes to get a revaluation can vary depending on the company and your location. You can expect it to take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Q: Should I get a revaluation even if I’m not planning on remortgaging?

A: If you’re thinking of selling your home in the future, it can be helpful to get a revaluation so you have an idea of what your home is worth. This can also help you set a realistic asking price when you’re ready to sell.

Q: What if I’m not happy with the revaluation?

A: If you’re not happy with the revaluation, you can always get a second opinion from another revaluator. It’s always a good idea to compare prices and qualifications before you choose a company.

Q: What are some tips for getting the best possible revaluation?

A: Here are a few tips to help you get the best possible revaluation:

Clean and declutter your home: A clean and tidy home will make a better impression on the revaluator.

Highlight your home’s best features: Make sure the revaluator notices all the amazing features of your home, like a beautiful kitchen, a spacious backyard, or a great view.

Provide accurate information: Make sure you provide the revaluator with accurate information about your home, such as the property details, any recent improvements, and any recent sales of comparable homes in your area.

Q: Is a revaluation necessary for remortgaging?

A: While not always required, a revaluation can provide you with a current market valuation of your home, which can help you negotiate better terms when remortgaging.

Q: Can I use a previous valuation for my remortgaging application?

A: It depends on the lender’s policy and the age of the previous valuation. Lenders often prefer a more recent valuation (usually within the last 12 months).

Q: How does a revaluation work?

A: A revaluator will inspect your home and compare it to similar properties in your area that have recently sold. They’ll take into account factors such as location, size, age, condition, and market trends.

Q: Who pays for the revaluation?

A: Usually, the borrower pays for the revaluation, but it’s best to check with your mortgage lender to confirm their policy.

Q: What is a valuation report?

A: A valuation report is a document that details the revaluator’s findings, including the valuation of your home, the methodology used, and any supporting documentation.

Q: How can I prepare for a revaluation?

A: Prepare by cleaning and decluttering your home, making any necessary repairs, and gathering any documentation related to your home, including purchase history, improvement receipts, and property tax information.

Q: Is a revaluation the same as an appraisal?

A: While similar, revaluations and appraisals differ in their scope and purpose. An appraisal is a more thorough evaluation used for specific transactions, such as a sale, while a revaluation provides a general estimate of market value.

Q: Can I negotiate the revaluation price?

A: It’s generally not possible to negotiate the revaluation price. The revaluator will base their findings on their professional judgment and market data.

Q: What happens if the revaluation reveals a lower value than my current mortgage?

A: A lower revaluation can create challenges, but you can discuss your options with your lender, such as renegotiating the terms of your mortgage or exploring other financial options.

Q: What is the difference between a home valuation and a property survey?

A: A valuation assesses the market value of your property, while a property survey identifies the boundaries and characteristics of your land.

Q: Can a revaluation be used to determine the cost of repairs?

A: While a revaluation might highlight potential repairs, it doesn’t determine the specific cost of repairs. You’ll need to contact a contractor or repair specialist for an accurate estimate.

Q: Is a revaluation worth it if I’m planning to stay in my home for a long time?

A: If you plan to stay in your home for a long time and don’t intend to remortgage or sell, a revaluation might not be essential. However, knowing your home’s current market value can still be valuable.

Q: How do I choose a reliable revaluator?

A: Look for revaluators with relevant qualifications, experience, and positive reviews. Check their professional affiliations and ensure they are licensed and insured.

Q: What should I do if a revaluation seems too high or too low?

A: If you have concerns about the revaluation, discuss them with the revaluator and request a breakdown of their methodology. You can also seek a second opinion from another revaluator.

Q: Can a revaluation impact my credit score?

A: A revaluation itself doesn’t directly impact your credit score. However, if you remortgage based on the revaluation and make any changes to your mortgage terms, it could have an indirect impact on your credit score.

Q: Can I use a revaluation for other purposes besides remortgaging?

A: Yes, a revaluation can be useful for various purposes, including estate planning, property tax appeals, insurance purposes, and refinancing.

Q: What if the revaluation is inaccurate?

A: If you believe the revaluation is inaccurate, you can appeal the results by providing additional evidence and documentation to support your claim.

Q: How long is a revaluation valid for?

A: The validity of a revaluation depends on market conditions and lender policies. Generally, revaluations are considered valid for up to 12 months, but it’s best to check with your lender for their specific guidelines.

Remember, when it comes to remortgaging, getting expert advice is key. Talk to your mortgage lender or a revaluation professional to make sure you’re making the best decision for your unique situation.

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