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What Does Heat Inactivation Do To Serum?

Heat-Inactivation Of Serum Barely Affects Viability, But Has... | Download  Scientific Diagram

What is the heat inactivation of human serum protocol?

Keep in mind that heat inactivation requires the serum to be at 56°C for 30 minutes. Prior to reaching 56°C, the serum is in a water bath at elevated temperatures for approximately 1 hour, the time it takes for the serum in the bottle to reach 56°C.

What is the purpose of heat inactivating FBS?

Why Use Heat-inactivated Fetal Bovine Serum? The objective of heat inactivation is to destroy complement activity in the serum without affecting the growth-promoting characteristics of the product.

What temperature is serum inactivation?

Do not heat inactivate serum at a temperature greater than 56.3°C.

How does heat inactivate complements?

Heating serum at 56 degrees is used to inactivate complement in several immunological assays. During heating, both heat-labile and heat-stable anticomplementary activity (ACA) develop. While heat-labile ACA can be completely inactivated, heat-stable ACA increases progressively with continued heating.

Why do we heat inactivate the serum?

Serum used to be filtered through 0.45um or 0.22um filters. There was valid concern that adventitious agents such as mycoplasma could still be present after filtration. In such cases, heat inactivation could help to reduce the potential for obtaining contamination through this route.

How do you heat inactivate human serum?

A water-filled control bottles (T1) should be placed in a 56 °C water bath. Place the containers in the water bath up to the serum line. Do not completely submerge the containers. When the temperature of T1 reaches 56 °C, start the timer set for 30 minutes.

What happens if you don’t heat inactivate FBS?

According to Coriell institute, you don’t have to inactivate FBS for most of the cell lines. “Occasionally we do find a differentiated cell line that grows better in heat inactivated serum, but for most lymphoblast and fibroblast lines it does not seem to make a difference whether the serum is heat inactivated or not.”

What does heat inactivation do to bacteria?

As mentioned above, in this study, thermal inactivation was used as inactivation method to preserve the bacterial surface proteins unchangeable and to kill the bacteria cells completely.

What does heat inactivation do to restriction enzymes?

Heat inactivation is a convenient method for stopping a restriction endonuclease reaction. Incubation at 65°C for 20 minutes inactivates the majority of restriction endonucleases that have an optimal incubation temperature of 37°C.

What is the best temperature for heat inactivation?

Heat inactivation is the most reliable method and is time/temperature dependent, with the thickest part of the product reaching an internal minimum temperature of 63 °C for at least 15 s. Freezing at − 35 °C for 15 h or at − 20 °C for 7 days is also effective.

Does heat inactivate RNase?

Thermostable RNase H is stable at high temperatures (> 95°C) and cannot be inactivated by heat. Inactivation of the enzyme can be achieved by incubation with Proteinase K or addition of EDTA.

Why do we freeze serum?

To efficaciously preserve the integrity of animal serum, it should be stored frozen and protected from light. The recommended storage temperature is -10 to -40 °C. At temperatures below -40 °C, storage bottles may become brittle, increasing the risk of breakage.

How long is FBS stable at 37 degrees?

You should be able to store the medium at physiological relevant temperature (37 °C) for 9 days.

How to thaw heat inactivated FBS?

Thaw FBS in the fridge. Allow serum to acclimate at room temperature for a minimum of 10 minutes or refrigerate overnight at 2° C to 8° C. The serum may then be completely thawed at room temperature. Or, you may choose to proceed by thawing the serum in a water bath at 37° C.

Why is it necessary to heat inactivate the enzymatic reactions?

The Rationale for Heat Inactivation Enzymes, naturally present within serum and plasma, can introduce unintended enzymatic activity during experimentation. This activity may lead to the degradation of essential components within the sample or trigger unwanted reactions, compromising the validity of results.

Why do enzymes get deactivated at high temperatures?

Because enzymes are proteins, they are denatured by heat. Therefore, at higher temperatures (over about 55°C in the graph below) there is a rapid loss of activity as the protein suffers irreversible denaturation.

How do you heat inactivate plasma?

Temperatures above 58°C will turn serum and plasma into the solid phase – a process that cannot be reversed and essentially destroys the sample permanently.

Can you filter sterilize FBS?

Effective filtration helps researchers maintain the purity of fetal bovine serum (FBS) in their cell culture experiments – in these experiments, the FBS must sterile, reliable, and free of contaminants. One way to ensure this is to filter the FBS, but this can be difficult as it can clog sterile filters.

How do you inactivate complement in serum?

The objective of heat inactivation is to destroy complement activity in the serum without affecting the growth-promoting characteristics of the product. Removal of complement activity from the serum is not required for most cell cultures, but may be necessary for cultures that are sensitive to the complement activity.

What is the purpose of heat inactivated FBS?

Heat inactivation of fetal bovine serum can be used to inactivate complement proteins in the serum. Complement proteins are components of the innate immune system that contribute to inflammation and can opsonize pathogens.

How long is serum stable at room temperature?

Conclusions. Serum and plasma samples can be stored at room temperature for up to 36 h before measuring osmolality. Cooling samples to 4–8℃ may be useful when delays in measurement beyond 12 h are anticipated. Urine osmolality is extremely stable for up to 36 h at room temperature.

What is the meaning of heat inactivation?

Heat inactivation is a convenient method for stopping a restriction endonuclease reaction. Incubation at 65°C for 20 minutes inactivates the majority of restriction endonucleases that have an optimal incubation temperature of 37°C.

Can I grow cells without FBS?

Yes, you don’t need FBS. In fact, probably better without FBS (which has differentiation factors). “MCF-7 were grown as tumourspheres by adapting the growth medium and methods used to culture neural stem cells in the neurosphere assay (NSA) [4]. All cells were grown at 37°C in 5% CO2.

Can cells survive without FBS?

FBS depletion leads to cell detachement and death, unless you supplement medium with gorwth factor likewise FGF, EGF and other one.

Why does heat get rid of bacteria?

Boiling water kills or inactivates viruses, bacteria, protozoa and other pathogens by using heat to damage structural components and disrupt essential life processes (e.g. denature proteins).

How does heat inhibit bacterial growth?

Heat can kill microbes by altering their membranes and denaturing proteins. The thermal death point (TDP) of a microorganism is the lowest temperature at which all microbes are killed in a 10-minute exposure.

What temperature kills bacteria at Celsius?

Bacteria stops growing at 8°c and below, and at 63°C or above. You should store food at these temperatures. Bacteria is killed at 100°C and above (boiling point). Bacteria definately won’t grow at -18°C (freezer temperature), but might still stay live.

How to heat inactivate plasma?

Temperatures above 58°C will turn serum and plasma into the solid phase – a process that cannot be reversed and essentially destroys the sample permanently.

At what temperature can serum complement be inactivated at temperatures of?

Heat inactivate human serum and CSF at 56°C for 45 minutes (animal serum/CSF for 30 min).

How do you heat inactivate bacteria?

Fecal matter was added to test the effect of biological material on the time and temperatures required for inactivation. Results: Inactivation was complete for viruses and bacteria tested when heated to 75°C for 15 minutes.

How to heat inactivate FBS gibco?

How do I heat-inactivate serum? Heat it at 56°C in a water bath for 30 minutes and swirl the bottle every 10 minutes or so. For accuracy, use a second bottle of similar size as a control and add an equivalent volume of water to the control bottle.

What happens if serum is heat inactivated?

Since serum is a blood product, it contains complement which can lead to complement-mediated cell lysis. To reduce this risk, serum can be heat inactivated. Heat inactivation destroys the complement, but the process can also, in some instances, destroy heat labile growth factors, vitamins, amino acids, and hormones present in serum.

Why is heat inactivation important?

Heat inactivation is a crucial process in the field of biology and biochemistry. It involves subjecting a substance, such as serum, to high temperatures for a specific period of time to inactivate any unwanted enzymes or proteins. This process is necessary for serum because it helps to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the final product.

How long does it take to heat inactivate serum?

Temperature and time considerations: Refer to the specific guidelines or protocols for the recommended temperature and duration of heat inactivation. Typically, serum is heated at 56°C for 30 minutes, but these parameters may vary depending on the application. Follow these detailed instructions to heat inactivate the serum effectively:

What is a heat inactivation protocol?

This protocol outlines a method for the heat inactivation of all serum products as well as tips to improve the outcomes of heat inactivation of serum. This protocol outlines methods for heat inactivation of serum products and tips to improve the heat inactivation process for your cell culture needs.
What Does Heat Inactivation Do to Serum?

Alright, so you’ve probably heard about heat inactivation in relation to serum, but what exactly does it do? Let’s break it down.

Serum, which is the liquid part of blood after it’s clotted, is often used in research, diagnostics, and other applications. But sometimes, it contains complement, a group of proteins that can mess with your experiments or procedures. These proteins are super active and can cause a lot of trouble, like:

Lysis of cells: Complement proteins can basically tear apart cells, which isn’t what you want in most cases.
Activation of immune cells: These proteins can trigger immune cells to go into overdrive, potentially skewing your results.
Interference with assays: Complement can interfere with various tests and assays, leading to inaccurate readings.

Heat inactivation comes in to save the day! It’s a simple technique where you heat the serum to a specific temperature (usually 56°C) for a set time (usually 30 minutes). The heat basically denatures the complement proteins, making them inactive and unable to wreak havoc on your experiments.

Think of it like cooking an egg. When you heat an egg, the protein molecules change their structure, resulting in a solid, cooked egg. Similar to that, the complement proteins in serum change their shape when heated, becoming ineffective.

Here’s a breakdown of what happens during heat inactivation:

1. Heating the serum: The serum is carefully heated to the desired temperature, typically 56°C.
2. Protein denaturation: The heat disrupts the structure of the complement proteins, causing them to lose their activity.
3. Inactivation of complement: The complement proteins are now unable to bind to cells, activate immune cells, or interfere with assays.

Benefits of heat inactivation:

Reduces false positive results: By eliminating complement activity, you minimize the risk of getting inaccurate or misleading data.
Protects cells and tissues: Heat inactivation prevents complement-mediated cell lysis, ensuring the integrity of your samples.
Improves assay performance: By removing complement interference, you obtain more reliable and accurate results from your assays.

But there’s a catch! Heat inactivation isn’t perfect. It can have some drawbacks:

Potential protein degradation: While heat inactivation targets complement, it can also affect other proteins in the serum, potentially altering their function.
Loss of antibody activity: Some antibodies can also be affected by heat inactivation, reducing their ability to bind to their target antigens.

Therefore, you should consider a few factors before using heat inactivation:

The specific antibodies you’re using: If your research involves antibodies that are sensitive to heat, heat inactivation may not be the best option.
The nature of your experiment: If your experiment requires intact complement activity, heat inactivation is definitely not the way to go.
Alternative methods: There are other methods to remove complement, like using EDTA, which is a chelating agent that binds to calcium, an important cofactor for complement activation.

Overall, heat inactivation is a valuable tool for removing complement activity from serum. It’s relatively simple to perform and can significantly improve the quality and reliability of your research. However, always consider the potential drawbacks and choose the best approach based on your specific experimental needs.


Q: Can I reuse heat-inactivated serum?

A: It’s generally not recommended to reuse heat-inactivated serum. While it’s unlikely to cause significant problems, you might introduce contaminants or alter its properties over time.

Q: How long does heat inactivation need to last?

A: The standard time is 30 minutes at 56°C, but you might need to adjust this based on your specific needs and the serum source.

Q: What happens if I overheat the serum?

A: Overheating can lead to significant protein degradation, including the antibodies you might be using. It’s better to stick to the recommended temperature and time.

Q: Can I heat inactivate serum in the refrigerator?

A: No. You need a water bath or heat block to maintain a consistent temperature of 56°C. Refrigerators don’t provide the necessary heat for inactivation.

Q: What are the alternatives to heat inactivation?

A: Aside from EDTA, you can also use other methods, such as:

Chemical inactivation: Using reagents like ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or EGTA to inhibit complement activation.
Immunodepletion: Using antibodies to remove specific complement components from serum.

Q: Can I heat inactivate serum in a microwave?

A: Absolutely not! Microwaving serum can cause uneven heating and even boil it, leading to irreparable damage.

Q: Is heat inactivation necessary for all serum applications?

A: Not necessarily. If your experiment doesn’t involve complement-dependent reactions, you might not need to heat inactivate the serum. But it’s always a good idea to consult the specific protocol or guidelines for your application.

Hopefully, this information helps you better understand heat inactivation and its impact on serum. If you have more questions, feel free to ask in the comments!

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FAQ – Is Heat Inactivation of Fetal Bovine Serum

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