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What Is The Conjugate Base Of H2Po4?

What Is The Conjugate Base Of H2Po4-? - Youtube

What is the base form of H2PO4?

For its conjugate BASE we propose dihydrogen phosphate, H2PO−4 H 2 P O 4 − , i.e. the original species LESS a proton. And the conjugate base of H2PO−4 H 2 P O 4 − is HPO2−4 H P O 4 2 − , i.e. biphosphate dianion, and that is about as far as we can go in aqueous solution.

What is the conjugate acid of H2PO4 negative?

The conjugate acid of H2PO−4 is H3PO4 which have one proton more than the base.

What is a conjugate base of H3PO4?

Answer and Explanation: The conjugate base of H3 PO4 is H2 PO4 -1. The removal of one hydrogen ion gives the conjugate base a -1 charge. This conjugate base is called dihydrogen phosphate.

What is the conjugate base of hpo42 −?

Answer and Explanation: The conjugate base of HPO4 2- is PO4 3-. This polyatomic ion is called phosphate. It had to donate the hydrogen ion to become the conjugate base.

What is the base of H2PO4?

Hence, H2PO4- is capable of behaving both as acid as well as the base. Hence, The conjugate base of H2PO4- is thus HPO42-. The acid is H2PO4- and the conjugate base is HPO42-.

How to find conjugate base?

The formula of the conjugate base is the formula of the acid less one hydrogen. The reacting base becomes its conjugate acid. The formula of the conjugate acid is the formula of the base plus one hydrogen ion.

What is the conjugate acid base of H2PO4 2?

Answer and Explanation: The conjugate acid of a base compound is obtained by adding a proton to it. Hence, the conjugate acid of H 2 P O 4 2 − is H 3 P O 4 .

What is the conjugate base of HSO4?

Answer and Explanation: To find the conjugate base of hydrogen sulfate or HSO4-, you need to remove a proton. So, the conjugate base of HSO4- is SO42-. Notice that when the proton is removed, the compound becomes more negative, going from a charge of -1 to -2.

What is the conjugate base of H2SO4?

Answer and Explanation: The conjugate base of H2 SO4 is HSO4 –. H2 SO4 loses a proton (H+) to form the conjugate base. When a proton is lost, the charge also changes because the proton has a positive charge.

What is the conjugate acid for each base H2PO4?

To identify the conjugate acid of each given base, we simply add a proton (H+) to the base in question. By accepting a proton, a base becomes its conjugate acid according to the Brønsted-Lowry definition of acids and bases. The conjugate acid of H2PO4 is H3PO4.

Is H2PO4 a strong base?

– H2PO4 can also act as a base and accept a proton (H+) to form HPO4^2- (hydrogen phosphate). The conjugate acid of hydrogen phosphate (HPO4^2-) is H3PO4 (phosphoric acid), which is a weaker acid compared to sulfuric acid. Therefore, HSO4 is a stronger base compared to H2PO4.

Is H3PO4 and H2PO4 a conjugate acid base pair?

Answer and Explanation: The conjugate base generates by losing one hydrogen is H 2 P O 4 − and the conjugate acid generated by gaining one hydrogen is H 3 O + . So, H 3 P O 4 and H 2 P O 4 − are considered as conjugate acid/base pair.

What is the conjugate base of HCO3 −?

Answer and Explanation: The conjugate base of HCO3 – is CO3 -2, which is the carbonate ion. To determine the conjugate base of a substance, you remove one hydrogen ion. It’s important to drop the oxidation state by one since a +1 charge is removed.

What is the conjugate base of HNO2?

Answer and Explanation: N O 2 − will be the Bronsted Lowry base in the reverse reaction as it receives a proton from H 3 O + ion to form nitrous acid. Hence the conjugate base of nitrous acid is N O 2 − .

What is H2PO4 called?

Dihydrogen phosphate is an inorganic ion with the formula [H2PO4]. Phosphates occur widely in natural systems. Dihydrogen phosphate.

What is the conjugate acid of HPO42 −?

Flexi Says: The conjugate acid of HPO42 is H2PO4. This is because a conjugate acid is formed when a base gains a proton (H+).

What is the base of H3PO4?

Is H3P04 an Acid or Base? H3PO4, phosphoric acid, is an acid as its name says. Acid is a substance that can donate hydrogen ions. As phosphoric acid can donate 3 hydrogen ions in water, it is considered an acid.

What is the conjugate base of HClO3?

The conjugate base of an acid is formed when the acid donates a proton. Conjugate acid base pair are: HClO3 and ClO−3.

What is the conjugate base of h2po4?

Answer and Explanation: The conjugate base of H2 PO4 – is HPO4 -2. The removal of a proton (H+1) from a conjugate acid gives us its conjugate base. Removing a +1 charge from the conjugate acid lowers the oxidation state by 1. HPO4 -2 is named hydrogen phosphate.

What will be the conjugate base?

A conjugate base is basically an acid that lost its hydrogen ion. Its formula is the acid formula, minus the hydrogen ion. The following are examples of acids and their corresponding conjugate bases: Hydrochloric acid HCl: Chloride Cl-.

What is the conjugate base of HClO4?

Answer and Explanation: The conjugate base of HClO4 is ClO4 –. The removal of a hydrogen ion, which is a proton, from an acid is its conjugate base. In this case, the removal of the hydrogen ion results in the polyatomic ion perchlorate.

Is H2PO4 2 an acid or base?

H2P04 is an acid and when it is in water it forms a hydronium ion and HPO4, which is the conjugate base.

What is the conjugate base of CH3COOH?

A weak acid (e.g. CH3COOH) is in equilibrium with its ions in water and its conjugate (CH3COO–, a weak base) is also in equilibrium in water.

What is the conjugate base of H2CO3?

Answer and Explanation: The conjugate base of H2 CO3 is HCO3 –. To determine the conjugate base, remove a proton (H+) from the acid. The formula will have one less hydrogen atom and the charge will be reduced by 1.

What is the conjugate base of HCl?

Thus for the ionization of HCl, HCl is the conjugate acid and Cl is the conjugate base.

Is H2PO4 basic or acidic?

Because H2PO4‾ is weakly acidic and of low toxicity, it is used as the acid in some baking powders.

What is the structure of H2PO4?

Structure. The dihydrogen phosphate anion consists of a central phosphorus atom surrounded by 2 equivalent oxygen atoms and 2 hydroxy groups in a tetrahedral arrangement. Dihydrogen phosphate can be identified as an anion, an ion with an overall negative charge, with dihydrogen phosphates being a negative 1 charge.

Is OH an acid or base?

OH is called a hydroxyl ion and it makes things basic.

What is the basicity of hpo4?

H3PO4 is a phosphoric acid and its Basicity is 3 which is the option a of the question. Now let’s understand what Basicity is. Basicity is a very important concept of the Chemistry subject and this Concept is associated with acids and bases.

What is a conjugate base if a phosphoric acid loses a proton?

The conjugate base of an acid, any acid, is defined as the acid LESS a proton, H +. The conjugate acid of a base, any base, is defined as the base PLUS a proton. Phosphoric acid, H 3P O4, is the parent acid. If it loses a proton, H +, we conserve both mass and charge, and H 2P O− 4 results. And what is the conjugate base of this beasty?

What is the conjugate base of H2SO4?

Acids are proton (H +) donors. Bases are proton (H +) acceptors. Hence, in order to get the conjugate base of a species, we should consider that substance as an acid and vice versa. Therefore, conjugate base of H 2SO4 is H SO− 4. Hence, conjugate base of H 2P O− 4 is H P O−2 4. Option A is correct. Was this answer helpful?

What is a conjugate acid & base pair?

In the Brønsted–Lowry definition of acids and bases, a conjugate acid–base pair consists of two substances that differ only by the presence of a proton (H⁺). A conjugate acid is formed when a proton is added to a base, and a conjugate base is formed when a proton is removed from an acid. Created by Yuki Jung. Want to join the conversation?

What is phosphoric acid conjugate base?

Phosphoric acid is the parent acid, i.e. H 3P O4. Remove a proton from this, we get, H 2P O− 4 as the conjugate base. Or rather phosphoric acid donates a proton to water to give H 3O+ and H 2P O− 4. And remove a proton from H 2P O− 4 to get H P O2− 4 as the conjugate base. In water that’s about as far as you go.
Alright, let’s dive into the world of conjugate bases and specifically the conjugate base of H2PO4. It’s a topic that might sound a bit intimidating, but trust me, it’s not as complicated as it seems. We’ll break it down step by step and make sure you understand it by the time we’re done.

What is a Conjugate Base?

Think of a conjugate base like the other half of a pair. It’s formed when an acid loses a proton, which is a hydrogen ion (H+). This process is called deprotonation. It’s like a hand-in-hand relationship, where the acid donates a proton and the conjugate base receives it.

For example, let’s say we have HCl (hydrochloric acid). When it loses a proton, it turns into Cl- (chloride ion), which is its conjugate base.

So, What is the Conjugate Base of H2PO4?

H2PO4 is the dihydrogen phosphate ion. It’s an acid because it can donate a proton. To find its conjugate base, we need to remove one proton (H+) from it.

Here’s how it works:

H2PO4 – (dihydrogen phosphate ion)
H2PO4 – H+ = HPO42- (hydrogen phosphate ion)

HPO42- is the conjugate base of H2PO4.

Important Points About Conjugate Bases

Strong Acids: Strong acids have weak conjugate bases. This means the conjugate base is less likely to accept a proton back.
Weak Acids: Weak acids have strong conjugate bases. The conjugate base is more likely to accept a proton back.

In our case, H2PO4 is a weak acid, so its conjugate base, HPO42-, is a strong conjugate base. It’s likely to accept a proton back and reform H2PO4.

The Importance of Conjugate Bases

Understanding conjugate bases is crucial in chemistry, especially when dealing with:

Acid-Base Reactions: Conjugate bases play a key role in acid-base reactions by accepting protons.
Buffer Solutions: They help maintain a stable pH in solutions by reacting with any added acid or base.
Biochemistry: Conjugate bases are involved in many important biological processes, like protein structure and enzyme activity.

FAQs about Conjugate Bases

Let’s answer some common questions about conjugate bases.

1. What is the conjugate base of HPO42-?

You got it! HPO42- can lose another proton to become PO43- (phosphate ion), which is its conjugate base.

2. Can a conjugate base be an acid?

You might think it’s strange, but yes! A conjugate base can act as an acid in some situations. This happens when it donates a proton to a stronger base. It’s like a seesaw—one side goes up, the other goes down.

3. How can I tell if something is a conjugate base?

Here are a few tips:

Look for a negative charge: Most conjugate bases have a negative charge.
Think about the acid: If you know the acid, removing a proton will give you the conjugate base.

4. Why are conjugate bases important?

Conjugate bases are like the yin to the yang of acids. They help control pH, participate in chemical reactions, and are crucial to many biological processes.

5. How can I learn more about conjugate bases?

There are many resources available online and in textbooks. You can search for “conjugate base” or “acid-base chemistry” to find explanations and examples. You can also consult with your chemistry teacher or tutor for more personalized guidance.

Wrap Up

Understanding conjugate bases is a stepping stone to a deeper understanding of acid-base chemistry. Keep practicing, and you’ll master this concept in no time.

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