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Can Rabbits Eat Tomato Plants: Safe Or Toxic?

Do Rabbits Eat Tomato Plants? - How To Keep Rabbits Out Of Your Garden?

Are tomato plants poisonous to rabbits?

Risks of tomatoes for rabbits While the flesh of a tomato is not toxic, tomato leaves and seeds can be toxic when eaten in large doses. As a result, it’s important to carefully remove any leaves, stems and seeds before feeding to your rabbit.

Can bunnies eat a whole tomato?

Rabbits can safely eat tomatoes in moderation, benefiting from their vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibre. Only allow them to consume the fruit, excluding leaves, stems, and seeds (to avoid toxicity).

Will rabbits eat cucumber plants?

Barriers for vegetable protection And in my experience, rabbits will only eat young plants of onion, strawberry, peas, corn, cucumber, sweet potato, and brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.). But rabbits will always eat lettuce, kale, and carrot tops.

Which plant is poisonous to rabbits?

Amongst the most poisonous are species such as: anemone, azalea, bittersweet, bryony, caladium, cyclamen, columbine, dog mercury, figwort, daffodils, bluebells, hemlock, spurges, kingcup, marsh marigold, monkshood, meadow saffron, mistletoe, St. John’s wort, Leyland cypress, fool’s parsley and hellebore.

Are tomato plants toxic to pets?

Tomato Plants The tomato plant’s leaves and stems contain solanine. This substance is toxic to both dogs and cats. If pets eat a tomato plant’s greenery then they might suffer from nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and lethargy.

What vegetables should rabbits not eat?

Iceberg lettuce and other light coloured lettuce adds no nutritional value to a bunny’s diet and it can even contain lactucarium, which can be harmful in large quantities to rabbits. Silver beet (chard) causes colic and bloating, as well as cabbage, cauliflower, onion, and broccoli stems and tops.

Do rabbits eat pepper plants?

Like deer, rabbits tend to shy away from pepper plants, but they may sample young, newly planted pepper seedlings. They are more apt to dine on bean plants, carrot tops and lettuce leaves in the garden. Rabbits can also eat bell peppers (the fruit) and may be drawn to the sweetness as these veggies reach maturity.

Can bunnies eat lettuce?

The best leafy greens and vegetables for rabbits include lettuce, spinach, kale, watercress, broccoli, celery, bell peppers, cabbage, and squash. While many greens and vegetables are rabbit-safe, rabbits should not eat iceberg lettuce, rhubarb, and raw onions, leeks, or garlic.

What do rabbits hate the most?

Although rabbit-proof plants don’t exist, there are some that rabbits don’t like because of their strong scents such as basil, garlic, rhubarb, hot peppers, spicy basil, and mint.

What stops rabbits from eating your garden?

Marigolds: Marigolds have a strong, pungent odor that is unpleasant to many pests, including rabbits. Mint: Mint is also a deterrent. Mint plants, such as peppermint and spearmint, can be planted near your plants and garden to help get rid of rabbits.

What is the cheapest way to keep rabbits out of your garden?

Rabbits detest onions, so either planting onion bulbs or sprinkling cut onions around your beds is an easy way to repel them. Repeat the method with Irish Spring soap, hot peppers, garlic, or talcum powder for a similar effect.

Does vinegar keep rabbits away?

What smells will keep rabbits away? There are a few smells that can keep rabbits away. They dislike garlic, vinegar, chili powder, predator urine, sulfur, blood meal, chives, onions and geraniums, explicitly.

Is it OK for rabbits to eat plants?

Safe plants for rabbits include Chickweed, Clover, Daisies, Dandelion, Nasturtiums, Nettles, Roses, Pansies, Pot Marigolds, and Sunflowers. Safe garden vegetables for rabbits include Kale, Romaine Lettuce, Bok Choy, Carrot Tops (carrots themselves are high in sugar so give these sparingly), Basil, and Broccoli Greens.

What plants do rabbits hate the most?

But there are also a host of plants and flowers rabbits don’t eat. These rabbit-proof plants include rabbit-resistant perennials such as salvia, the groundcover vinca and colorful flowers such as snapdragon. Sun-loving lantana (pictured) bears flower clusters that look like brightly-colored confetti.

What do rabbits like to eat the most?

What do rabbits eat? Rabbits should have a daily diet of mostly hay, a small amount of fresh vegetables, and a specified amount of pellets, according to their body weight. Hay is the most important part of a rabbit’s daily intake.

Are bananas good for rabbits?

Only give small amounts of fruit 2 or 3 days a week because the natural sugar in fruits can make bunnies fat and cause their teeth to rot. Bananas and grapes are very high in sugar and should only be given in small amounts (like 3 grapes or 3 thin slices of banana) 2 or 3 times a month as a treat.

Are all tomato plants poisonous?

The ripened fruit of this plant (the commonly eaten tomato) is considered non-toxic but the green parts of the plant contain solanine, a glycoalkoloid. Solanine is also found in many other plants from the Solanaceae family, including the potato plant (green parts only).

Are green tomatoes poisonous?

Green, thus unripe tomatoes contain a substance called tomatine in addition to solanine. Both tomatine and solanine are toxic so it is not wise to eat green tomatoes in large quantities. Solanine poisoning can cause unpleasant symptoms like fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, drowsiness and lethargy.

Are tomatoes pet friendly?

How to Safely Let Your Pet Enjoy Tomatoes. Ripe tomatoes are classified as nontoxic to pets but should be considered a treat, not a meal. So, sharing a freshly picked cherry tomato from the garden or offering a slice of tomato when making dinner is fine for your dog. Just be sure to remove any stems or leaves.

What is 80% of the rabbit’s diet?

The most important component of your rabbit’s diet is grass hay, rich in Vitamin A and D as well as calcium, protein and other nutrients. A diet of 80% hay can also act as preventative health care for your rabbit, promoting healthy teeth and a healthy digestive tract.

What is rabbits favorite food?

A rabbit’s favorite food should be hay, though you may have to take steps to ensure that your rabbit is eating enough before adding in other foods that your rabbit loves. Hay should make up at least 80% of your rabbit’s diet, then it’s off to the races with fresh veggies and other treats!

Can bunny eat cucumber?

Yes, it is safe for rabbits to eat cucumber! Most rabbits will love the fresh taste. Rabbits can also eat cucumber leaves. Before feeding cucumber to your rabbit, wash it in cold water to remove pesticides.

Will rabbits eat tomato plants?

So, you have to be ready to face the problem that your tomato plants will be destroyed soon. Rabbits can eat any variety of tomato plants, it doesn’t matter for Tom. Rabbits are most likely to draw towards new plants and young plants that are not fully matured in their size and growth.

Will rabbits eat potato plants?

Plant selection Plants rabbits tend to avoid include: Vegetables: asparagus, leeks, onions, potatoes, rhubarb, squash, tomatoes. Flowers: cleomes, geraniums, vincas, wax begonias.

Is red pepper OK for rabbits?

When it comes to colour, all bell peppers are safe for rabbits to consume, including the green and red variants. These peppers don’t just offer safety in consumption for rabbits in small amounts, but they also provide them with additional nutrients that can positively impact their health.

Will rabbits eat basil plants?

According to Wildlife Tips, rabbits may indeed eat basil if it is easily accessible in your garden. They are opportunistic feeders and may nibble on basil leaves if other food sources are scarce.

Can rabbits eat strawberry leaves?

Strawberry leaf is a herb that makes up the diet of wild rabbits. So if you want your rabbit’s food to be as close as possible to the original diet, strawberry leaves are a quality dish for him. They can be sprinkled on your pet’s hay or given by hand as a completely natural treat.

Can rabbits eat red peppers?

Feeding practices for rabbits include: Offering bell peppers only as an occasional treat in small amounts to avoid digestive upset. Ensuring the peppers are fresh and raw. Introducing any new vegetables into their diet gradually over 7 to 14 days to avoid digestive problems.

Is rabbit poop good for tomato plants?

Although rabbit manure can be very useful, it may not supply your plants with all the nutrients that they need. It can also be expensive if you do not have your own rabbits to supply your needs. If you want to grow amazing tomatoes, we recommend a complete and balanced natural fertilizer like Tomato Secret from Dr.

Do Rabbits eat tomatoes?

Do Rabbits Eat Tomato Plants? A wild rabbit’s diet is not a picky one and they will absolutely pilfer your tomato plants — along with many other wild and domestic critters (like your chickens and ducks, my chickens love to eat tomatoes SO much) and your pet rabbit can be fed tomatoes as a treat too in small quantities.

Can rabbits eat cherry tomatoes?

Yes! The good news is that cherry tomatoes, yellow tomatoes and other tomato varieties are safe for rabbits to eat! Just remember to feed them to your rabbit in moderation and none of the green parts of the plant. I will discuss how to feed these types of tomatoes to your rabbit in the next section below.

How many tomatoes should a rabbit eat a day?

Depending on your rabbit’s size, the average tomato portion should be about the size of one cherry tomato and should only be fed about 1-2 times per week, definitely not on a daily schedule. Remember that tomatoes should be limited to a special treat only because of potential digestive and other assorted health problems.

Can rabbits eat tomato netting?

Normally used for insect protection, netting can also prevent rabbits from accessing your tomatoes. Early in the spring, cover your tomatoes with insect netting over a basic low tunnel. Insect netting over plants in a raised bed.
Can Rabbits Eat Tomato Plants?

You know how much rabbits love to munch on plants, right? But tomato plants? That’s a question that pops up a lot, especially if you have a furry friend hopping around your garden. Let’s dive into this and figure out if those tomato plants are safe for your bunny.

The simple answer is no, rabbits shouldn’t eat tomato plants.

Now, before you picture your bunny having a delicious tomato salad, let’s talk about why they shouldn’t be nibbling on those tomato plants.

The Problem with Tomato Plants

Tomato plants are part of the nightshade family, and that family is known for having some toxic components for bunnies. These toxic components are called solanine alkaloids, and they can cause a whole lot of problems for your furry friend.

What Happens When Rabbits Eat Tomato Plants?

Imagine a rabbit eating a tomato plant. Now, imagine that same rabbit feeling super sick. That’s because solanine alkaloids can mess up their digestive system, leading to things like:

Loss of appetite

In severe cases, eating tomato plants can even be fatal for bunnies.

It’s Not Just the Leaves

Now, you might think that just the leaves are bad. But it’s actually the entire tomato plant that’s off-limits to bunnies. That means the stems, the fruits, and even the roots are a no-go.

You might be thinking, “But what about ripe tomatoes?” Well, even those are considered unsafe for rabbits. They still contain some solanine alkaloids, though in smaller amounts.

What To Do If Your Rabbit Eats Tomato Plants

So, you caught your bunny munching on your tomato plants. What do you do?

First, don’t panic. A little nibble might not cause any major problems. But, it’s still good to be careful.

Here’s what you can do:

1. Remove your rabbit from the area. Get them away from the tomato plants so they can’t eat any more.
2. Monitor your bunny closely. Keep an eye out for any signs of illness, like the ones I mentioned earlier.
3. Contact your vet. Even if your bunny seems fine, it’s always a good idea to call your vet to let them know what happened. They can give you advice based on your specific situation.

Safe Alternatives

Don’t worry, your rabbit doesn’t have to miss out on all the fun! There are lots of safe and delicious plants you can offer them instead of tomato plants.

Some favorites include:

Dandelion greens

Just make sure to research each plant thoroughly to ensure it’s safe for bunnies.

Tomato Plants: A Bunny-Free Zone

Remember, tomato plants are a bunny-free zone. Keep those tomato plants out of reach and your furry friend safe! You don’t want them getting sick, so stick to those safe alternatives.


Here are some common questions about rabbits and tomato plants:

Q: Can rabbits eat tomato leaves?

A: Absolutely not! Tomato leaves are a big no-no for rabbits. They contain the same toxic solanine alkaloids as the rest of the tomato plant.

Q: Can rabbits eat tomato stems?

A: Tomato stems are also unsafe for rabbits. They contain solanine alkaloids which can make your bunny sick.

Q: Can rabbits eat tomato vines?

A: Tomato vines, just like the rest of the tomato plant, are considered unsafe for rabbits. They contain those pesky solanine alkaloids.

Q: Can rabbits eat tomato fruits?

A: Tomato fruits are not recommended for rabbits. While they contain less solanine alkaloids than other parts of the plant, it’s still best to avoid them.

Q: Are green tomatoes safe for rabbits?

A: No, green tomatoes are also unsafe for rabbits. They contain higher levels of solanine alkaloids than ripe tomatoes.

Q: What if my rabbit eats a small amount of tomato plant?

A: A small amount might not cause any problems, but it’s always best to monitor your rabbit closely for any signs of illness. Call your vet if you have any concerns.

Q: Can I give my rabbit tomato juice?

A: No, tomato juice is not safe for rabbits. It contains solanine alkaloids and can be harmful to your bunny.

Q: Is it okay to let my rabbit eat tomatoes from a grocery store?

A: No, tomatoes from the grocery store are still not recommended for rabbits. They contain solanine alkaloids, even if they are ripe.

Q: Can I grow tomato plants and have a rabbit?

A: You can absolutely have both! Just make sure your tomato plants are out of reach of your rabbit. A fence or a raised bed can be helpful.

Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry! When it comes to your bunny’s health, it’s best to stick to safe and approved bunny treats.

See more here: Can Bunnies Eat A Whole Tomato? | Can Rabbits Eat Tomato Plants

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The good news is that cherry tomatoes, yellow tomatoes and other tomato varieties are safe for rabbits to eat! Just remember to feed them to your rabbit in moderation and none of the green parts of Vet Explains Pets

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