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Why Did Walt Poison Brock? The Shocking Truth

Breaking Bad: How Walt Actually Poisoned Brock

Why did Walter poison Brock in Breaking Bad?

Later on, Walt admitted to Jesse that he poisoned Brock with a Lily of the Valley plant just to keep Jesse on his side for them to orchestrate the death of Gus Fring, but by that point, their relationship was already in shambles.

Does Walter regret poisoning Brock?

He may have felt remorse for some of his decision-making, but Walt admitted in the Breaking Bad series finale that he did it all for himself. Building his empire had dangerous consequences, but he felt alive during the entire journey, even when it meant poisoning a child.

How did Walt give Lily of the Valley to Brock?

Vince Gilligan, the creator of the BB universe, stated himself that Walt planted it into his juice in his lunchbox offscreen, when Andrea wasn’t looking, which wouldn’t be hard to do seeing as Walt knew her location from Jesse.

Does Brock know that Walt poisoned him?

1. Brock obviously recognized and was scared of him when he went to Andrea’s house in the last season, but based on his actual reaction to Walt, I don’t think Brock knew for certain that Walt had been the one who poisoned him. Otherwise he would have reacted much more violently to Walt’s presence in his home.

How did Brock get sick?

Serious explanation, chronologically: In season 4 Walt convinced Jesse that Gus somehow stole the ricin cigarette to poison Brock. Walt did this to manipulate Jesse into choosing Walt’s side (over Gus’s). The hospital discovered that Brock was actually poisoned by a plant called Lily of the Valley.

Did Brock survive Breaking Bad?

Season 5. Walt sitting on the couch with Brock (“Hazard Pay”). Brock leaves the hospital and is completely recovered. Jesse, Andrea and Brock later have dinner at Jesse’s house with Walter.

Why did Walt become so evil?

A brilliant but underachieving chemist working as a high school science teacher, Walt is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, which spurs him on to use his chemistry knowledge to cook and sell crystal meth to provide for his family after his imminent death.

Is Walter White a villain?

Walter White is one of the most legendary villains in cutting-edge media, and Breaking Bad is a masterclass in crime drama television.

Does Jesse find out Walt killed Jane?

Walt reveals his role in Jane’s death to Jesse shortly before he was taken prisoner by Jack Welker’s Gang, as a final blow after he ordered Jack to kill him, deeming him responsible for the deaths of Hank Schrader and Steven Gomez and the loss of his fortune.

What did Jesse realize with the cigarettes?

Jesse realizes that it was Huel because Jesse kept his joints in his cigarette pack. He opened the pack and saw the joints weren’t there and realized that the ricin was lifted the same way.

How did Gus survive the poison?

Acquired Poison Immunity: Beforehand, Gus took an antidote and later activated his gag reflex to avoid the effects of the poisoned drink.

Why did Gus not get in the car?

Gus was on high alert, suspecting Walt as his primary suspect, but he also considered the cartel as a possibility. Gus’s decision not to get into the car was a calculated move to ensure his safety, as he sensed that something was off and that he was being set up.

Why did Walt want Brock dead?

He diverts Jesse’s ire, deepening the divide between the two characters. Walter poisoned Brock in an attempt to increase his chances of survival. Furthermore, the only way he could bring Jesse to his side was to poison Brock.

Who took the ricin from Jesse?

Walt tells Saul to somehow extract the cigarette from Jesse. Thus Saul has Huell lift the ricin cigarette from Jesse’s pocket (most likely by simply trading out the packs, dummy pack for the real one with the ricin).

Why did Huell steal the cigarette?

He screams about the ricin cig because that’s Saul’s part in the plan. Saul and Huell lifted his ricin cigarette (so that Walt could convince Jesse that Gus via Tyrus had stolen it at the lab). He realizes then that he must’ve been played by Walt, that Walt must’ve been the one to poison Brock with Lily of the Valley.

Why did they get rid of Brock?

During this time, Brock was replaced by Tracey due to fears of the localization team that Brock might be perceived as a racist caricature by American audiences. To write him out of the show, they had him decide to stay with Professor Ivy on Valencia Island as he had absolutely fallen in love with her.

Did Brock become a doctor?

In Journeys, Brock is shown as a full-fledged Pokémon Doctor, working at the Oreburgh Pokémon Center in Sinnoh alongside his Blissey and Croagunk. He helps Ash once more to stop Team Galactic before returning to his work at the Pokémon Center, and is shown watching Ash’s final victory in the World Coronation series.

Where did the ricin go in Breaking Bad?

The second time Walt created ricin, it was intended to kill Gustavo Fring. He created a small vial of it in Gus’ own superlab, supposedly out of sight, and secretly passed it to Jesse, who concealed it in one of his cigarettes.

Who takes care of Brock in Breaking Bad?

SPOILERS ahead for El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie! Brock was a little boy Jesse came to care for while he was dating Brock’s mom Andrea. But Jesse, for all his affection for Brock, is also responsible for much of the pain this child would eventually endure.

Is Brock okay Breaking Bad?

Thankfully, Brock survived and recovered, but the guilt and turmoil it caused had lasting effects on Jesse, Walt, and their relationship.

Is Walt bad in Breaking Bad?

By the end of the series, however, it becomes apparent that Walt is completely irredeemable. The money he was earning was secondary compared to the power he was gaining. Looking back at Walt’s actions throughout the entire series shows that he was really the true villain all along.

Who is the real villain of Breaking Bad?

In terms of power, Don Eladio is the big bad of the Breaking Bad universe. From Gus to the Salamancas, almost all the other Breaking Bad villains answer to Don Eladio. Don Eladio commanded so much respect from the criminal underworld that Hector Salamanca bought him a big, lavish mansion.

Who was worse, Gus or Walter?

Better Call Saul, with its Walter White cameos, showed that Walt was far worse than all the villains on the show. In Breaking Bad, His crimes, legal and moral, were more treacherous and insidious than anything figures like the Salamancas and Gus Fring did.

Why did Jesse betray Walt?

After realizing that it was Walt who poisoned Brock, Jesse went ballistic. He wanted to bring Walt to justice, even if it meant he has to confess to everything he had done up until that point as well. As a response to this betrayal, Walt put a hit out on Jesse’s head.

Is Saul Goodman a bad guy?

Saul is a self-centered and unscrupulous Albuquerque-based lawyer who embraces his tactics as a former con artist and becomes involved in the city’s criminal underworld.

Is Jesse Pinkman evil?

Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) is primarily an ally to Walter White in Breaking Bad, but there are a few times he double-crosses, cheats, or attempts to get trip up Walter. Jesse isn’t evil as much as he is like the prodigal son, who has been led astray and seduced by greed and quick money.

Who is the good guy in Breaking Bad?

Whereas Walt is evil, Hank is good. For all intents and purposes, he is the hero of the show. He truly believes he is changing the world for the better by working for the DEA and he truly cares about his family, even though his relationship with Marie had its ups and downs.

How did Jesse understand that Walt poisoned Brock?

Obviously Jesse realised that since Brock survived and was actually poisoned by the plant, and that the chance of him actually losing the ricin pack was so small because he was taking great care of it, (let alone the chance of it being stuck in his Roomba) he suspected foul play, and Walt would be the only person to do …

Is Walter White a villain?

Walter White is one of the most legendary villains in cutting-edge media, and Breaking Bad is a masterclass in crime drama television.

Why did Walter poison Brock on Reddit?

In reality however, Walt never used the ricin to poison Brock, he used its “disappearance” to manipulate Jesse into thinking that Gus poisoned Brock, so that Jesse would help him go after Gus instead – which is exactly what ended up happening – since Jesse is the one who gave Saul the intel on the Gus / Salamanca feud, …

Does Jesse find out Walt killed Jane?

Walt reveals his role in Jane’s death to Jesse shortly before he was taken prisoner by Jack Welker’s Gang, as a final blow after he ordered Jack to kill him, deeming him responsible for the deaths of Hank Schrader and Steven Gomez and the loss of his fortune.

Why did white poison Brock on ‘Breaking Bad’?

Not only is Brock a child, and not only does he nearly die, but White poisons him to manipulate Jesse. Brock’s poisoning is a subtle plotline throughout the fourth and fifth seasons of “Breaking Bad,” and viewers are expected to pick up on the details through subtext. So, if viewers missed it, here’s exactly how everything went down.

Did Walt poison Brock on ‘confessions’?

This is exactly what Walt was betting on to prevent his betrayal from being exposed. In the Season 5 episode “Confessions,” Jesse concludes that Walt poisoned Brock after all and turns against him for good. However, the way it plays out is a bit confusing, and the details still bother fans.

Why did Walt poison Brock?

The poisoning of Brock may have opened up the floodgates of Walt’s villainous actions, but from nearly taking a young boy’s life to using it to manipulate Jesse into committing another murder to using Gus’s death to solidify his empire, Walt poisoning Brock remains his most heinous act on Breaking Bad .

Did Walt poison Brock in Breaking Bad?

Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan provided more details about Walt poisoning Brock at San Diego Comic-Con in 2013. The writers of Breaking Bad referred to the incident as Walt becoming the “Evil Juice Box Man,” imagining him injecting the poison into Brock’s juice box.
We all know that Walter White, the main character in Breaking Bad, is a complex and morally ambiguous figure. He’s a brilliant chemist who turns to cooking meth to secure his family’s future after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. But as the show progresses, his actions become increasingly ruthless and dangerous, culminating in the poisoning of Brock Cantillo, the young son of his former partner, Jesse Pinkman.

So, why did Walt poison Brock? It’s a question that has plagued fans since the episode aired. The answer isn’t simple and lies in a complex web of motives.

The Key to Understanding Walt’s Actions

Let’s break it down. Walt’s primary motivation for poisoning Brock was to manipulate Jesse into joining him in the meth business. By making Jesse believe that Gus Fring, their dangerous rival, had poisoned Brock, Walt hoped to ignite Jesse’s rage and drive him to seek revenge.

This manipulation was not just about business, though. Walt felt betrayed by Jesse’s burgeoning relationship with Jane Margolis, a woman who he believed was a bad influence on Jesse. He saw Jesse’s loyalty to Jane as a threat to his own influence over Jesse. By poisoning Brock and blaming Gus, Walt hoped to regain control of Jesse.

How the Poisoning Went Down

The poisoning was a calculated and cruel act. Walt used Lily of the Valley to poison Brock. This poisonous plant is a subtle and deadly weapon. Its effects mimic those of ricin, a poison commonly used in the show. This allowed Walt to make Gus look like the culprit while simultaneously putting Jesse in a state of grief and anger.

The Aftermath of the Poisoning

The poisoning had a profound effect on Jesse. He was devastated by Brock’s illness, and his anger towards Gus was intense. This anger fueled his desire for revenge, driving him to collaborate with Walt.

The Role of Guilt and Manipulation

Walt’s actions were driven by a combination of guilt and manipulation. He was consumed by guilt over his involvement in the drug trade and his own actions, including Jane’s death. He saw Jesse as a reflection of his own failings, and he used Brock’s poisoning as a way to control Jesse and alleviate his guilt.

The Importance of Understanding Walt’s Motivation

Understanding Walt’s motivation for poisoning Brock is crucial to understanding his character arc. It reveals the depths of his desperation, his willingness to manipulate those around him, and his ultimate descent into darkness. It also highlights the tragic consequences of his actions, which ultimately lead to his own demise.


1. Was Walt’s plan to poison Brock successful?

Yes, it was successful in the short term. Walt managed to convince Jesse that Gus was responsible for Brock’s illness and to manipulate him into working with him. However, the plan backfired in the long run, as it led to Jesse eventually realizing the truth and turning against Walt.

2. Why did Walt choose Lily of the Valley?

Walt chose Lily of the Valley because it’s a poisonous plant that mimics the effects of ricin. This allowed him to create a believable scenario where Gus appeared to be the culprit while ensuring Brock would survive. This ensured that Jesse would be driven to seek revenge against Gus, rather than killing Walt, who he still considered a friend.

3. Did Walt actually care about Brock?

This is a complex question. Walt clearly cares for Jesse to some extent, and he would have known that poisoning Brock would inflict immense pain on Jesse. However, he was willing to sacrifice Brock’s health for his own self-interest. It’s debatable whether he truly cared for Brock or just used him as a pawn in his game of manipulation.

4. What were the long-term consequences of Walt poisoning Brock?

The poisoning of Brock had significant long-term consequences. It ultimately led to Jesse breaking free from Walt’s control and becoming a key player in Walt’s downfall. The event also shattered Jesse’s trust in Walt, further fueling his desire for revenge.

5. How did Walt’s actions affect Jesse?

Walt’s poisoning of Brock had a devastating impact on Jesse. He was devastated by Brock’s illness and haunted by the guilt of believing that he had failed to protect him. The poisoning also cemented his hatred for Gus and further fueled his desire for revenge. This ultimately led to his collaboration with Walt, which put him in further danger.

In Conclusion

The poisoning of Brock is one of the most shocking and pivotal moments in Breaking Bad. It reveals the true extent of Walt’s depravity and sets in motion a chain of events that leads to the show’s tragic conclusion. It’s a reminder that even in the pursuit of seemingly noble goals, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

See more here: Does Walter Regret Poisoning Brock? | Why Did Walt Poison Brock

‘Breaking Bad’: Here’s How (and Why) Walter White Poisoned

The truth is that Walt did poison Brock — just not with ricin. Instead, he used a Lily of the Valley plant which was growing in his backyard. The effects of Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Very confused about Brock’s poisoning :

Brock was pretty distant and fearful of Walt in scenes after the poisoning from what I recall, so I felt like he knew Walt was behind it. Disclaimer is I can’t really remember how he was with him Reddit

Why Did Walt Poison Brock? (Explained) – The Cold Wire

Walter White poisoned Brock with a Lily of the Valley plant to make Jesse Pinkman think Gus Fring was behind it and kill him. Learn more about the poison, the The Cold Wire

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Walt poisoned Brock, the son of his partner Jesse’s girlfriend, to manipulate Jesse against Gus Fring. This act showed his complete transformation into Heisenberg, Screen Rant

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Walt poisoned Brock, the son of Jesse’s girlfriend, to frame Gus and get Jesse back. He used a lily of the valley plant from his backyard, which he had mistakenly Sportskeeda

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Walt poisoned Brock, the son of a DEA agent, to send a message to his enemies. He used ricin, a deadly toxin derived from castor beans, to contaminate a batch of meth that Brock’s father ate. Learn Looper

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Brock Cantillo was poisoned by Walt in an unknown way with the Lily of the Valley berry. The doctors initially thought he was poisoned by ricin as Jesse Pinkman Movies & TV Stack Exchange

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